2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


I’ve been doing this whole feedback on MMOs thing for well over a decade, so, he’s a point form list of how I can help you take my money (by purchasing HoT):

- Add two normal Tyria zones similar to Gendarran Fields. This is the type of content that I enjoy.

- Allow my level 80 characters to earn Spirit Shards when they level up again, without having to do any of the current HoT content.

Now for the context:

I’m 38, I have a family, I used play a lot of games and now I don’t really play any (healed over 1500 of dungeons in WoW, crafted almost everything in Star Wars Galaxies, blew up a lot of things in Planetside/Planetside 2, blah blah since 1985 blah blah…). Now, I spend most of my “free time” developing games and game mods. However, I do sometimes enjoy farting around Tyria, content to while away some time playing Grand Theft Potato and generally running amuck with the locals. It’s relaxing, I like it. I truly wish GW2 had WoW’s fishing and SWG’s housing, it would be the perfect game…

Am I crazy? Yeah, probably, but I think many folks share my appreciation of what Guild Wars 2 was when it launched. Every time I play, I see lots of other people farting about doing the same stuff I am doing. Yet, the whole of your HoT expansion content left people like me out. So much so that there’s really nothing in it that I would actually use, which is why I still haven’t purchased it.


Happy Holidays

R. Bassett Jr.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


What do you mean by “normal Tyrian zones”? If you mean large, flat, pretty maps that aren’t a large meta event… we’ve got Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier in LS3.

If it’s the inadequate supply of spirit shards you’re complaining about, you can already earn 3 per day by doing dailies, with or without HoT. Unless you had the time to grind 3 levels per day beforehand, for most people, that’s more shards than they used to be able to earn.
Or if not getting any rewards for leveling past 80 bothers you… that’s done too. That ability is the reward for completing the masteries (either core Tyrian or HoT).

And technically, we never had the ability to earn shards by leveling… it’s skill points you are thinking of, and those were changed to the shards 6-12 months before HoT released. Probably to prevent players from instantly getting full elite specs without setting foot in HoT.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


What do you mean by “normal Tyrian zones”? If you mean large, flat, pretty maps that aren’t a large meta event… we’ve got Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier in LS3.

If it’s the inadequate supply of spirit shards you’re complaining about, you can already earn 3 per day by doing dailies, with or without HoT. Unless you had the time to grind 3 levels per day beforehand, for most people, that’s more shards than they used to be able to earn.
Or if not getting any rewards for leveling past 80 bothers you… that’s done too. That ability is the reward for completing the masteries (either core Tyrian or HoT).

And technically, we never had the ability to earn shards by leveling… it’s skill points you are thinking of, and those were changed to the shards 6-12 months before HoT released. Probably to prevent players from instantly getting full elite specs without setting foot in HoT.

Yes, I suppose…

1. Add two new large, open world zones with new content/stories/events/etc similar to Gendarran Fields or Sparkfly Fen (with or without the dragon), because that is the type of content I actually enjoy and that’s the kind of content that made me buy the game in the first place.


2. Provide something useful for leveling past 80 again, without me having to re-earn it, because that existed when I purchased the game and was, again, part of the reason why I bought the game in the first place.

By all means, if they want to add fishing and instanced housing similar to Everquest II, I won’t complain.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crinn.7864


2. Provide something useful for leveling past 80 again, without me having to re-earn it, because that existed when I purchased the game and was, again, part of the reason why I bought the game in the first place.

Masteries are literally post 80 leveling.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m wondering why the OP feels he can’t play HOT zones the way he plays normal tyria zones, because that’s how I play them. Well all of them except Dragon Stand.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Also, everyone has other needs. I for example think housing is utterly boring and would never use it. Also, there are still plenty of things to do in HoT. I rushed the content there and was like playing 6-8h/day levelling the masteries to the max. I am 36, luckily no family and single but I work 100%.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


What do you mean by “normal Tyrian zones”? If you mean large, flat, pretty maps that aren’t a large meta event… we’ve got Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier in LS3.

If it’s the inadequate supply of spirit shards you’re complaining about, you can already earn 3 per day by doing dailies, with or without HoT. Unless you had the time to grind 3 levels per day beforehand, for most people, that’s more shards than they used to be able to earn.
Or if not getting any rewards for leveling past 80 bothers you… that’s done too. That ability is the reward for completing the masteries (either core Tyrian or HoT).

And technically, we never had the ability to earn shards by leveling… it’s skill points you are thinking of, and those were changed to the shards 6-12 months before HoT released. Probably to prevent players from instantly getting full elite specs without setting foot in HoT.

Yes, I suppose…

1. Add two new large, open world zones with new content/stories/events/etc similar to Gendarran Fields or Sparkfly Fen (with or without the dragon), because that is the type of content I actually enjoy and that’s the kind of content that made me buy the game in the first place.


2. Provide something useful for leveling past 80 again, without me having to re-earn it, because that existed when I purchased the game and was, again, part of the reason why I bought the game in the first place.

By all means, if they want to add fishing and instanced housing similar to Everquest II, I won’t complain.

What useful (for your play stytle) thing did you get for leveling past 80 before?

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I’m wondering why the OP feels he can’t play HOT zones the way he plays normal tyria zones, because that’s how I play them. Well all of them except Dragon Stand.

I have found it to be physically impossible to play HOT zones, in their entirety, the same way as I played core Tyria zones pre expansion.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m wondering why the OP feels he can’t play HOT zones the way he plays normal tyria zones, because that’s how I play them. Well all of them except Dragon Stand.

I have found it to be physically impossible to play HOT zones, in their entirety, the same way as I played core Tyria zones pre expansion.

Not really sure I understand that. How is it physically impossible.

This is how I play maps in core. I go onto a map, I run around, I harvest, I do events as I come upon them, or skip the ones I don’t like.

In Gendarran Fields, they upped the difficulty of one of the main events, and I often skip it because I’m not interested, but there are plenty of other events around.

So how is it impossible to play the zone the same way?

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I’m wondering why the OP feels he can’t play HOT zones the way he plays normal tyria zones, because that’s how I play them. Well all of them except Dragon Stand.

I have found it to be physically impossible to play HOT zones, in their entirety, the same way as I played core Tyria zones pre expansion.

Not really sure I understand that. How is it physically impossible.

This is how I play maps in core. I go onto a map, I run around, I harvest, I do events as I come upon them, or skip the ones I don’t like.

In Gendarran Fields, they upped the difficulty of one of the main events, and I often skip it because I’m not interested, but there are plenty of other events around.

So how is it impossible to play the zone the same way?

Keep in mind that I said how I play, not how you play.

I played core zones without gliding, mushroom jumping, having to hunt for mastery points in order to progress through a map, multi-tiered maps that rendered the minimap nearly useless, and so on.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


37 worker, no children but plenty of responsabilities anyway. My wife and me play GW2 and love HoT.

Maps: I don’t need more maps like Gendarran Fields at all, but I don’t mind if they add some of those too, as long as they keep adding vertical/3d focused ones.

XP rewards: Post 80 there are the masteries. The problem is after masteries… then effectively all the xp you could earn doesn’t give you anything.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Westenev.5289


As a player myself, I relish the chance to explore more maps like Tangled Depths and Verdent Brink. To begin with, these maps are beyond INFURIATING (more so pre-nerf)! But that’s what friends are for – it’s forced me to communicate with others for advice and help, eventually building up my core level of play. As I did so, I found lots of cool stuff tucked away in little corners that you would never find in linear maps!

Because, at the end of the day, that’s what this game is. A place where people can come together to throw down a massive one-sided beatdown! In this regard, I find the old maps to be both anti-social and frankly kind of boring (since everything with the exception of world bosses can be easily solo’ed).

If these maps were missing from the expansion, and anet continued to deliver more core maps, what reason might I have to spend more time than necessary on them?

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


As a player myself, I relish the chance to explore more maps like Tangled Depths and Verdent Brink. To begin with, these maps are beyond INFURIATING (more so pre-nerf)! But that’s what friends are for – it’s forced me to communicate with others for advice and help, eventually building up my core level of play. As I did so, I found lots of cool stuff tucked away in little corners that you would never find in linear maps!

Because, at the end of the day, that’s what this game is. A place where people can come together to throw down a massive one-sided beatdown! In this regard, I find the old maps to be both anti-social and frankly kind of boring (since everything with the exception of world bosses can be easily solo’ed).

If these maps were missing from the expansion, and anet continued to deliver more core maps, what reason might I have to spend more time than necessary on them?

I’m the same way. The core maps seem boring to me. They all sort of blend together aside from the change in scenery from map to map. Most of them don’t have enough going on in them and what is available is solo content.

I much prefer HoT maps, where there are always tons of events and plenty of group challenges, many of which can also be done solo but at least present a challenge. The exploration in maps like TD and VB was a really great experience and I’d like to see more of it.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


To clarify, I like the mobs, encounters, and events on the HoT maps, but the actual map design is sufficiently off-putting to make playing there largely unenjoyable for me.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Spirit Shards drop as random loot for lv80 characters. They are also dropped in the HoT cargo/chests/caches. They are also drop from champ bags.

HoT already has maps like Gendarran Fields. Right down to having event(s) with poorly designed fight mechanics!

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I’m wondering why the OP feels he can’t play HOT zones the way he plays normal tyria zones, because that’s how I play them. Well all of them except Dragon Stand.

I have found it to be physically impossible to play HOT zones, in their entirety, the same way as I played core Tyria zones pre expansion.

Not really sure I understand that. How is it physically impossible.

This is how I play maps in core. I go onto a map, I run around, I harvest, I do events as I come upon them, or skip the ones I don’t like.

In Gendarran Fields, they upped the difficulty of one of the main events, and I often skip it because I’m not interested, but there are plenty of other events around.

So how is it impossible to play the zone the same way?

Keep in mind that I said how I play, not how you play.

I played core zones without gliding, mushroom jumping, having to hunt for mastery points in order to progress through a map, multi-tiered maps that rendered the minimap nearly useless, and so on.

You haven’t really said what you DO like- is it flat maps? I know the verticality bothers some people, but as mentioned earlier Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier are pretty flat. You don’t need the masteries to progress there.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You haven’t really said what you DO like- is it flat maps? I know the verticality bothers some people, but as mentioned earlier Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier are pretty flat. You don’t need the masteries to progress there.

Yeah, both of them are better, but they still suffer from the same flaw – not enough waypoints. Especially BfF – it’s really bad in that regard.

I don’t want devs to think out new creative ways to get around map, when i was perfectly fine with old ones.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


I don’t want devs to think out new creative ways to get around map, when i was perfectly fine with old ones.

Waypoints are great for casual play, but they’re actually really bad for an MMO because they take people out of the area. Seeing people running through a zone for example vs everyone waypointing to a world boss and immediately leaving. By moving through the world, you’re going to see a lot more going on and be far more likely to participate.

Now that GW2’s world is expanding into uncharted territory, they have an excuse to cut down on future waypoints. If ArenaNet wasn’t so against traditional MMO features, I’d expect to see mounts next expansion in the same way HoT add gliders. Waypoints should only exist in secured camps, and if needed, revival points like in GW1 should be added.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Waypoints are great for casual play, but they’re actually really bad for an MMO because they take people out of the area. Seeing people running through a zone for example vs everyone waypointing to a world boss and immediately leaving. By moving through the world, you’re going to see a lot more going on and be far more likely to participate.

Now that GW2’s world is expanding into uncharted territory, they have an excuse to cut down on future waypoints. If ArenaNet wasn’t so against traditional MMO features, I’d expect to see mounts next expansion in the same way HoT add gliders. Waypoints should only exist in secured camps, and if needed, revival points like in GW1 should be added.


I feel like one of the only ones who appreciated the fact there wasn’t many waypoints. Sure it’s convenient, but it doesn’t make any sense story wise to have a ton right off the bat

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You haven’t really said what you DO like- is it flat maps? I know the verticality bothers some people, but as mentioned earlier Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier are pretty flat. You don’t need the masteries to progress there.

Yeah, both of them are better, but they still suffer from the same flaw – not enough waypoints. Especially BfF – it’s really bad in that regard.

I don’t want devs to think out new creative ways to get around map, when i was perfectly fine with old ones.

They are fine in Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay. Bloodstone has the gliding skills and Ember Bay has the Thermal Tubes. Bitterfrost Frontier was apparently made by a clueless intern ….

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


By moving through the world, you’re going to see a lot more going on and be far more likely to participate.

Except they have crossed the threshold beyond which i simply do not participate.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I’ll never understand people who think making a map easier to get around on (ie, by putting enough waypoints in to actually be useful) is a bad thing.

The ones that aren’t making a stealth argument for mounts or some other archaic feature, anyway.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I’ll never understand people who think making a map easier to get around on (ie, by putting enough waypoints in to actually be useful) is a bad thing.

The ones that aren’t making a stealth argument for mounts or some other archaic feature, anyway.

Some people might be into taking long walks with strangers …

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Doam.8305


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Not sure why you think there are no reliable updrafts that take you to the canopy in Verdant Brink. I can think of 3 ways to get to the canopy at any time of the day or night cycle. I can complete the map, every POI and waypoint and with a couple of friends hero points, completely in the day, without ever taking a chopper.

If you’re on a US server, I can show you at least three ways to get to the canopy without a chopper, that are always available.

Edit: There are four ways if you count the one out of the Lost Precipe Guild Hall.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kastylx.3725


I’ve been doing this whole feedback on MMOs thing for well over a decade

did u have any success before?

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I checked the expansion of a rather big competitor game, which released it a bit before GW2. HoT and their features is about 5times the stuff we have in GW2. 18(!) dungeons, 2 raids, 3 new classes, 1 new race, 9 new zones… the list goes on. And they recently announced even a new expansion… and it was cheaper. Anet, get a grip!

It’s just not there. I liked HoT while it lasted and it lasted about 3-4 months. The scarce content patches they release keeps you playing for another 2-3 hours and while nice there’s no meat on it. And this after a mere 3.5 zones… I really hope the next expansion has like thrice the content HoT has…

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I checked the expansion of a rather big competitor game, which released it a bit before GW2. HoT and their features is about 5times the stuff we have in GW2. 18(!) dungeons, 2 raids, 3 new classes, 1 new race, 9 new zones… the list goes on. And they recently announced even a new expansion… and it was cheaper. Anet, get a grip!

It’s just not there. I liked HoT while it lasted and it lasted about 3-4 months. The scarce content patches they release keeps you playing for another 2-3 hours and while nice there’s no meat on it. And this after a mere 3.5 zones… I really hope the next expansion has like thrice the content HoT has…

Which one do you prefer to play, the competitor or GW2?

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


When the competitors all go free, then I have a decision to make. Until then this is a non-argument. And I’m not sure that I want to defend HoT, but now with BFF, EB & Blood whatever don’t we have 6.5 maps? To say nothing of the vertical aspects of the maps…

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I checked the expansion of a rather big competitor game, which released it a bit before GW2. HoT and their features is about 5times the stuff we have in GW2. 18(!) dungeons, 2 raids, 3 new classes, 1 new race, 9 new zones… the list goes on. And they recently announced even a new expansion… and it was cheaper. Anet, get a grip!

It’s just not there. I liked HoT while it lasted and it lasted about 3-4 months. The scarce content patches they release keeps you playing for another 2-3 hours and while nice there’s no meat on it. And this after a mere 3.5 zones… I really hope the next expansion has like thrice the content HoT has…

Is that game a monthly subscription or a one time payment?

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Are you sure? Perhaps more careful exploration of the area will reveal some things you failed to notice up until this point? Here are a few hints:

From Shrouded Ruins waypoint, head west up the stairs to the top of the plateau. There’s a bounce mushroom seemingly leading to a dead end. Or perhaps it isn’t a dead end after all?

There’s also a wrecked airship next to Mellagan’s Valor waypoint. Have you seen the view from the top of it? No? You might want to use that updraft tucked into the rocks at the top of the trailhead to get over to it and do some more thorough exploration.

Finally, if you were to go to the top of Faren’s Flyer waypoint, you might notice a large vine stretching northward. Why not see where it leads?

Trust me. You can reach every point on that map without using the choppers.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Are you sure? Perhaps more careful exploration of the area will reveal some things you failed to notice up until this point? Here are a few hints:

From Shrouded Ruins waypoint, head west up the stairs to the top of the plateau. There’s a bounce mushroom seemingly leading to a dead end. Or perhaps it isn’t a dead end after all?

There’s also a wrecked airship next to Mellagan’s Valor waypoint. Have you seen the view from the top of it? No? You might want to use that updraft tucked into the rocks at the top of the trailhead to get over to it and do some more thorough exploration.

Finally, if you were to go to the top of Faren’s Flyer waypoint, you might notice a large vine stretching northward. Why not see where it leads?

Trust me. You can reach every point on that map without using the choppers.

All subjective elements of like or dislike for the map design aside, this is correct.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Are you sure? Perhaps more careful exploration of the area will reveal some things you failed to notice up until this point? Here are a few hints:

From Shrouded Ruins waypoint, head west up the stairs to the top of the plateau. There’s a bounce mushroom seemingly leading to a dead end. Or perhaps it isn’t a dead end after all?

There’s also a wrecked airship next to Mellagan’s Valor waypoint. Have you seen the view from the top of it? No? You might want to use that updraft tucked into the rocks at the top of the trailhead to get over to it and do some more thorough exploration.

Finally, if you were to go to the top of Faren’s Flyer waypoint, you might notice a large vine stretching northward. Why not see where it leads?

Trust me. You can reach every point on that map without using the choppers.

And if you happen to have the Lost Precipice Guild Hall, you have a fourth way up to the canopy, which is the updrafts right outside it, when exiting into the zone through the portal.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Westenev.5289


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Are you sure? Perhaps more careful exploration of the area will reveal some things you failed to notice up until this point? Here are a few hints:

From Shrouded Ruins waypoint, head west up the stairs to the top of the plateau. There’s a bounce mushroom seemingly leading to a dead end. Or perhaps it isn’t a dead end after all?

There’s also a wrecked airship next to Mellagan’s Valor waypoint. Have you seen the view from the top of it? No? You might want to use that updraft tucked into the rocks at the top of the trailhead to get over to it and do some more thorough exploration.

Finally, if you were to go to the top of Faren’s Flyer waypoint, you might notice a large vine stretching northward. Why not see where it leads?

Trust me. You can reach every point on that map without using the choppers.

As far as I am aware, this is only almost correct information. The top of the patriarch den (or whatever its called) can’t be accessed by day – the up-drafts simply don’t go high enough until nightfall.

I’m not sure if this has been fixed in a later patch, however.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


HoT maps have many more chains due to the lack of hearts

There also gated off as it still irks me that Verdent Brink doesn’t have a single leylines or even updrafts that can reliably and routinely take you to the canopy level without event chains.

HoT gets easier with mastery but mastery is built around altoholics grinding for a single toon is mindnumbliy boring. It should’ve been locked per toon with a reduce exp grind to compensate. HoT is need of a qol patch that it obviously won’t be getting I know people who quit, took a break like myself, or took their one toon through HoT story and never came back.

Are you sure? Perhaps more careful exploration of the area will reveal some things you failed to notice up until this point? Here are a few hints:

From Shrouded Ruins waypoint, head west up the stairs to the top of the plateau. There’s a bounce mushroom seemingly leading to a dead end. Or perhaps it isn’t a dead end after all?

There’s also a wrecked airship next to Mellagan’s Valor waypoint. Have you seen the view from the top of it? No? You might want to use that updraft tucked into the rocks at the top of the trailhead to get over to it and do some more thorough exploration.

Finally, if you were to go to the top of Faren’s Flyer waypoint, you might notice a large vine stretching northward. Why not see where it leads?

Trust me. You can reach every point on that map without using the choppers.

As far as I am aware, this is only almost correct information. The top of the patriarch den (or whatever its called) can’t be accessed by day – the up-drafts simply don’t go high enough until nightfall.

I’m not sure if this has been fixed in a later patch, however.

You don’t need to reach the top to get the point of interest. You can absolutely get that point of interest during the day and have been able to for a very long time.

You go into the corridor beneath the platform, which you can get to with updrafts. It will give you the POI.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


I’ve been doing this whole feedback on MMOs thing for well over a decade

did u have any success before?

Quite a lot with Star Wars Galaxies and PlanetSide 2. SOE was very good at communication with players after 2007, but even before if you formulated your suggestions concisely their devs would PM you or participate in the thread. PS2 devs were crazy active in the community in alpha and beta testing – I got to blow stuff up and voice chat with Smed himself! Anyhow, it’s all about providing bite sized feedback that sticks to only a couple of points. If they want more details, they’ll ask you (the Elite Dangerous QA team are great example of this, almost pests they are – hey, I’m not on the payroll, folks lol…).

The stuff you folks are talking about, with the vertical movement, is not something I enjoy in GW2 at all. The movement is laggy and weird compared to any other game I have ever played and it makes detailed movement simply not fun at all. Not so with PS2 or WoW Counter-Strike on the same machine… GW2 is just an odd duck in this way. So that and my lack of desire to do event chains means most of the HoT maps were simply designed for a different kind of player than me. Oh well.

The fact that Anet wanted $70 CND for HoT didn’t help any. Our wages are similar to those in the USA, so even though our dollar is 30% less than the USD doesn’t mean we pay 30% more for everything – prices on most stuff are about the same. The HoT price in Canada was just plain greedy.

That said, BestBuy has HoT on sale For $40 until the 29th and that is a fair price. I decided to buy it as a show of support for Anet, because I used to have no problem spending $15/m to play other games and I felt kinda bad that I haven’t bought more than the base game and $20 of gems in the 4 years I have owned GW2. I don’t play often, never have, and I likely won’t even go to new zones, but at least the game won’t tell me I can’t do stuff anymore lol…

Important note for those who come to these threads to tell people how wrong the OP is for having an opinion that differs from theirs: No one cares. You like what you like, they like what they like, no one is wrong…

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astraea.6075


Congratulations on your purchase OP.

I don’t know if it was mentioned in this thread, but access to gliding is one of the benefits of owning HoT, especially as it can be used throughout core Tyria. You will need to play some of the HoT storyline and first zone to unlock it on your account, but it’s well worth it.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Yannir.4132


@OP. Sounds like you will thoroughly enjoy Guild Halls. Just make sure you get Decoration rights, and you’ll be set for the remaining lifespan of the game. The possibilities are endless with new GH decorations coming almost every month. It’s the best feature of the expansion for a quite a lot of people. Sort of player housing in it’s own way.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

2012Player:Things that would make me buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Looks like the ‘thing(s)’ that would make OP buy the expansion was price.

Welcome to HoT, and good luck.