4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nekres.1038


I have a charr necromancer. Inspired by the Aatxe.

Will the dark knight be buggy with the scythe? At the moment the deathshroud is sometimes bugging out when running on 4 legs. (The animation will be staying in 4 legged running animation, but the 2 fron legs will be weird)

It seems that disabling to stow the weapon while in deathshroud or dark knight would fix the issue.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

No exceptions!

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

Hes reffering to knight shroud. The actual name of what alot of people are calling reaper shroud.

as for the OP’s issue. I honestly have no idea. If theres issue with one you would think it would cross over. but the two are different enough I can’t say for certain.

It could also be fixed by then. (I have never run into this issue myself)

Ghost Yak

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

Hes reffering to knight shroud. The actual name of what alot of people are calling reaper shroud.

as for the OP’s issue. I honestly have no idea. If theres issue with one you would think it would cross over. but the two are different enough I can’t say for certain.

It could also be fixed by then. (I have never run into this issue myself)

Perhaps me means the issue when you gain the different aspects like in Drytop to move around? When you pick one up and move around (i.e. when not clicking the movement skills), your Charr runs like they are running on 4 limbs but the arms (front legs) stay stationary as if they are holding something.

I never played Necro so no idea if this occurs when you use their profession mechanic.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: araskell.9018


Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

Hes reffering to knight shroud. The actual name of what alot of people are calling reaper shroud.

The actual name is Reaper’s Shroud.




Lunas Deathwish | FA WvW – [BOMB]

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ImTasty.2163


I have a charr necromancer. Inspired by the Aatxe.

Will the dark knight be buggy with the scythe? At the moment the deathshroud is sometimes bugging out when running on 4 legs. (The animation will be staying in 4 legged running animation, but the 2 fron legs will be weird)

It seems that disabling to stow the weapon while in deathshroud or dark knight would fix the issue.

It’s hard to tell really. They never showed the Reaper’s Shroud with the weapon stowed away. I believe though while you have RS active you can not stow your weapon so charrs will stay on their hind legs. During the POI video they showed a necro going into RS and the weapon stayed out the whole time. This is just speculation though.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Since the Shroud decayed pretty fast when out of combat as seen on the video, is this even a consideration? Either you’re fighting and the weapons are out or you’re not and the Shroud decays to the point you are dropped out of it. If toggling it off conserves the life force bar, then most people aren’t going to be in the Shroud unless they are planning to fight, making OP’s question moot.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nekres.1038


Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

Hes reffering to knight shroud. The actual name of what alot of people are calling reaper shroud.

as for the OP’s issue. I honestly have no idea. If theres issue with one you would think it would cross over. but the two are different enough I can’t say for certain.

It could also be fixed by then. (I have never run into this issue myself)

Perhaps me means the issue when you gain the different aspects like in Drytop to move around? When you pick one up and move around (i.e. when not clicking the movement skills), your Charr runs like they are running on 4 limbs but the arms (front legs) stay stationary as if they are holding something.

Yes, this is exactly what I meant and I hope the Reaper is more adjusted for the Charr race on this particular bug.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lily.1935


Dark Knight? What do you mean with that?

Hes reffering to knight shroud. The actual name of what alot of people are calling reaper shroud.

as for the OP’s issue. I honestly have no idea. If theres issue with one you would think it would cross over. but the two are different enough I can’t say for certain.

It could also be fixed by then. (I have never run into this issue myself)

Reaper’s shroud is what the skill is called. Shroud Knight is what the trait is called that gives you reaper’s shroud.


4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nekres.1038


Does it matter Lily? Stop being a “know all better”. Everbody knows what’s the thread about. This thread is all about the front legs being stationary bug on charr race and hopefully it’s improved in the reaper specialisation.

4-legged Charr and Dark Knight transformation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Well, proper wording is always important.

For example, calling GW2’s equivalent to classes ‘professions’ instead class and other terms that change from the usual helps keeping a different mindset while playing the game.

And on the Internet anything you say stays for a very long time.

You could say know “people get what they mean”.

But what if they eventually add a Dark Knight specialization, and for some reason context is not enough to know they are not talking about that?
Well, it may not be much of a problem in this particular case. But if you get in a dynamic of not minding the words, little by little you’ll end up with a chaos of misused words, and eventually you’ll end up in a case in which you mean something, and something else is understood, and grandpa ends up dead because he got the wrong medication.

Many bad things start as very, very little ones that seem irrelevant and those warning about them are dismissed as making a mountain out of a molehill.

No exceptions!