7-10-15 Beta Wipe

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

Are characters that are made on 7-10 to play in the beta test subject to being wiped?
Even if we dont use the beta slot?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Pretty sure you can play revenant only if you use the beta slot, so there’s not going to be a way around it. It’s also only revenant beta, not some hot content.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


Not if they’re made in a regular slot.

Only characters created in char slots labeled ‘Beta’ are subject to post-beta wipes. Elsewise there would be A.) no point to a ‘beta’ slot in the first place, and B.) a gorram lot of angry people demanding ArenaNet give them their stuff back. It’s not the sort of PR nightmare they need so close on the heels of the last PR nightmare.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

Oh so its going to be like the last beta? I thought after paying for the expansion we would be able to keep our characters this time?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Oh so its going to be like the last beta? I thought after paying for the expansion we would be able to keep our characters this time?

Why would you think that?

Aside from that, the character MIGHT not be wiped between betas, but they’ll be wiped before the game goes live regardless.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

What Anet should have done is added keep your character progression to the Ultimate Edition to give it added value.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


What Anet should have done is added keep your character progression to the Ultimate Edition to give it added value.

Because that wouldn’t have caused a fan base uproar. Nothing that gives someone an advantage in game should be included in packages like that. I know you want an advantage, but that doesn’t mean Anet should provide one.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Anzriel.1398


What Anet should have done is added keep your character progression to the Ultimate Edition to give it added value.

Because that wouldn’t have caused a fan base uproar. Nothing that gives someone an advantage in game should be included in packages like that. I know you want an advantage, but that doesn’t mean Anet should provide one.

Exactly, that is the essence of p2w, and poor form that very few, even among those who pre-ordered the ultimate addition would want. You got your gems, goodies and ability to try out the game before those who didn’t pre-order, that was your prize for buying it.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

Well, im missing my last beta character..but you know what would be nice?? If you could Keep The Character And The Name..and just wipe the character back to level zero after the beta. Wouldnt that please everyone?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


^^ Not going to happen

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639

yakuza snowdragon.4639

What Anet should have done is added keep your character progression to the Ultimate Edition to give it added value.

Because that wouldn’t have caused a fan base uproar. Nothing that gives someone an advantage in game should be included in packages like that. I know you want an advantage, but that doesn’t mean Anet should provide one.

Exactly, that is the essence of p2w, and poor form that very few, even among those who pre-ordered the ultimate addition would want. You got your gems, goodies and ability to try out the game before those who didn’t pre-order, that was your prize for buying it.

Quick Question? How is there any advantage in keeping your character? Its all cosmetic? no real end game gear? all same starts on gear for anyone who wants it? instant level 80 for any players with xp scrolls? every level prepurchase gets beta access so its not like ultimate buyers got any more game time with the Rev? anyone can make an alt to save a name right now the delete and make a rev of release? what advantage are you guys saying will kitten everyone off?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pastry.4915


Let’s use common sense here people. For all intents and purposes the beta character slot doesn’t exist. It is a temporary character used for testing content. When there’s no testing, expect that slot to be wiped/purged regularly.

End of story.

Level 80 – One of Everything

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


They made it clear in vanilla beta that characters would be wiped, even between the beta weekends. At the end of the beta process they did allow some saving of characters between sessions but there was no question it would all go away (except for the pre-purchased gems, which they had us spend like crazy on gem store stuff during beta with the promise we’d have our full 4K at launch).

Getting a sneak peek and helping with the iteration process is its own benefit. Use it to test out ideas and give feedback, not to make something to hold onto forever.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Oh so its going to be like the last beta? I thought after paying for the expansion we would be able to keep our characters this time?

Nope. You’re paying for the right to QA their product so that they don’t have to, and at the end of each iteration, your work is wiped.

downed state is bad for PVP

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Haralin.1473


My Revenant will be instant 80 (if we can use tomes) so they can wipe it if they want

Haralin Engineer

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


My Revenant will be instant 80 (if we can use tomes) so they can wipe it if they want

I think it’ll be instantly 80 after you create it.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


My Revenant will be instant 80 (if we can use tomes) so they can wipe it if they want

I think it’ll be instantly 80 after you create it.

Correct and with multiple gear options in your inventory. A dev reply is in one of the threads about it

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

There is no way they can guarantee that something could go wrong and cause a problem with the data, this is a beta test that’s how they work, the character get wiped after each one. No amount of hoping wishing or dreaming is going to change that fact and making suggestion that Anet not do it or added into the deal when you buy the game would not happen for the same fact the can’t guarantee the data.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Given that the data for the original betas prior to launch was wiped, wouldn’t it just be logical to guess that Anet would follow the same model? They cited several reasons then for not keeping beta progression data, I would assume those reasons have not changed.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Maladon.5760


My Revenant will be instant 80 (if we can use tomes) so they can wipe it if they want

I think it’ll be instantly 80 after you create it.

Correct and with multiple gear options in your inventory. A dev reply is in one of the threads about it

He’s talking about his Revenant at the release of HoT

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

I dont think its going to be possible to make a lvl 80 Revenant with scrolls and slap a full set of ascended Sinister gear on it..even if it is going to get wiped?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


You won’t need tomes to be 80 this weekend, the beta Rev starts at 80. As to gear, it will come with sets (I don’t know if they’ll be Ascended). You might be able to get copied Ascended Sinister from your bank for your Rev. Nothing on the Rev should affect your main inventory (but I suggest screenshots of anything vital that you give it, just in case of a bug that wipes out nice stuff from your live account).

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

Last time we were gifted exotic equipment..

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


they (devs) actually said that beta characters are gonna be wipe, as soon as the beta is finished.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


My Revenant will be instant 80 (if we can use tomes) so they can wipe it if they want

I think it’ll be instantly 80 after you create it.

Correct and with multiple gear options in your inventory. A dev reply is in one of the threads about it

He’s talking about his Revenant at the release of HoT

Oh, my bad. Sorry.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

And all the materials we salvage and deposit into bank storage? This getting wiped as well or is materials farmed ours to keep?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


And all the materials we salvage and deposit into bank storage? This getting wiped as well or is materials farmed ours to keep?

I think this is definitely going to be deleted, which is understandable.

I just wish people could keep their tokens and gold, so it’s not actually contraproductive to play the new class.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


My understanding is that the beta slot uses a copy of our bank, not our actual bank. So I suggest you just don’t gather mats while on the Rev, and if you feel the need to earn stuff while playing, get on a regular alt for that.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


And all the materials we salvage and deposit into bank storage? This getting wiped as well or is materials farmed ours to keep?

Any thing you do with a beta toon gets deleted and never ever players are allowed to keep any items or progress. It’s and industry wide standard practice!

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Monk Tank.5897

Monk Tank.5897

Thnx..ill go back to mat farming then..

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Does anyone know if it’s safe to use ascended gear on revenant or will it be deleted, too?

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arlee.7038


Does anyone know if it’s safe to use ascended gear on revenant or will it be deleted, too?

Colin just said on PoI you can put your Ascended gear in your bank and grab it on your Revenant to use because the Beta slot is just a mirror of your live account.

So basically the Ascended gear you would be using would just be a copy of your actual gear.

7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Does anyone know if it’s safe to use ascended gear on revenant or will it be deleted, too?

Colin just said on PoI you can put your Ascended gear in your bank and grab it on your Revenant to use because the Beta slot is just a mirror of your live account.

So basically the Ascended gear you would be using would just be a copy of your actual gear.


7-10-15 Beta Wipe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It seems like the beta slot basically creates a copy of your account at the moment a character is created in the slot and from that point on they’re separate.

For example everything that was in my bank when I made my revenant is available to her, but anything I put in after that isn’t, and anything I take out on my rev is still there for all my other characters.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”