A Concern about Mentoring

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JazzAnarchy.2783


I have a concern about the “Mentoring” mastery coming with Heart of Thorns. It’s an issue I have when I’m helping guild mates or random people calling out in map chat. When I help them with a story instance or a dungeon or something, my level 80 with ascended gear and legendaries is much too powerful; I pull all the agro and easily kill the mobs.

Is there a way the mentoring tag can make down leveling more effective? I know it seems weird, but it would discourage trolls hanging out in starter areas, and I won’t have to keep swapping out and rolling low-level characters.


A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Yes: don’t oneshot them.
If you want to feed kills to others, do so instead of spamming #1 all the time. Your character won’t attack unless you do. So lean back and interfere only if they “need” help.

Why would you need a feature for something you can control very easily yourself?

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moony.5780


i agree to JazzAnarchy…its too easy for a lvl 80 character to deal with 10-15 lower monster..and it does not help the new player if all get 1shot..its better to have real battles..where also the new player learn how to make comboes and get used to some support ..like reflect and others. but since there is an experienced player in the party..it will not be difficult..the mentor just need explain things and things gona be fine ! and thats how it should be (not just silently slaughter all monster and the new player stil have no clue)

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I help newbies all the time. I control my inpulse. I hit something a couple of times and stop. Not sure why that’s difficult.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Anon.6283


I thought the concern would be about not having new players to mentor.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JazzAnarchy.2783


If someone asks for help for “Battle for Claw Island” (ever get this request?) then, while I can show restraint, it’s a delicate balance. Also, it’s boring for me, and I’m not sure but it’s probably not as much fun for the person I’m helping since they know there’s no risk.

Also, it’s not easy to “control” agro. I’m not really sure how to do that at all. And it’s not just my level 80 characters in starter zones, it only takes 5 levels or so and you’re just too powerful to have meaningful encounters. I would gladly down level to the new players in my party to make things a little less lopsided.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Well ANet could make downscaling harsher, not sure how that would go over though.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mordachai.1896


If someone asks for help for “Battle for Claw Island” (ever get this request?) then, while I can show restraint, it’s a delicate balance. Also, it’s boring for me, and I’m not sure but it’s probably not as much fun for the person I’m helping since they know there’s no risk.

There isnt much of a risk without a lvl 80 character to help you either. There is no real fail option in the game, not like there was in guildwars 1. Besides, if they get to the point where they are asking for help with the instance, im sure they wouldnt mind a bit of overkill to get through it.