A little more transparency.
This isn’t a demand for more information simply a request for more information.
I’ll tell you what I tell everybody. Get over it. Do you seriously not have anything better to do in your day than wonder what’s going on at ArenaNet right now? And do you really think they care if you’re not satisfied with the information they release? Nobody who’s already set on buying the expansion is going to suddenly change their mind because they’re unhappy about not knowing everything about it right now. Furthermore, having more information about the expansion is worth absolutely nothing. The only reason you and others are continually asking for this is that you’re impatient and, for whatever reason, believe you deserve to have more info. And what if you get it? Will that make you happy? Or will you just ask for more?
This is a L2W issue, i.e. “Learn 2 Wait”
I agree with OP. Some new information would be kewl.
@ mr andred – chill
This isn’t a demand for more information simply a request for more information.
I’ll tell you what I tell everybody. Get over it. Do you seriously not have anything better to do in your day than wonder what’s going on at ArenaNet right now? And do you really think they care if you’re not satisfied with the information they release? Nobody who’s already set on buying the expansion is going to suddenly change their mind because they’re unhappy about not knowing everything about it right now. Furthermore, having more information about the expansion is worth absolutely nothing. The only reason you and others are continually asking for this is that you’re impatient and, for whatever reason, believe you deserve to have more info. And what if you get it? Will that make you happy? Or will you just ask for more?
This is a L2W issue, i.e. “Learn 2 Wait”
First of all, yes they care that people are not satisfied with the information they’ve released. It’s this thing called “Marketing”, and right now ANet isn’t doing a very good job of it. Right now, hype for the new product isn’t growing, if anything it’s falling. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone’s job is on the line over this by now.
As for the “Nobody who’s already set on buying the expansion is going to suddenly change their mind because they’re unhappy about not knowing everything about it right now.” part, that’s true. But look at it this way: Releasing GOOD information will make people that are on the fence more likely to buy it. Releasing BAD information will make people that are on the fence less likely to buy it. When ANet’s answer is to say nothing, it creates the understandable worry that the information is going to be bad. In fact, ANet has a history of saying nothing about bad decisions until it’s too late for our feedback to change them.
I think the desire for more information is quite understandable. And is more productive than worrying that people on the forums are wondering about what’s going on at ANet.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I refuse to consider forking over more money, even in the gem store, until communications as a whole improve. The hype at PAX South was generated way too early, and the minuscule details shared with us so far have been far from enough to warrant any interest in the upcoming expansion. Meanwhile, game-breaking issues such as traits, the NPE, PS problems, and really no major content tweaks or releases since the announcement have left many people concerned, disgusted, and frankly, un-supportive.
I understand that too much transparency kills hype/reactions to release content, but at the same time, speaking great promises of things to come and doing nothing to fix existing problems in the meanwhile is a rather insulting gesture.
For me it’s more a question of… what aren’t they tell us!?
This isn’t a demand for more information simply a request for more information.
I’ll tell you what I tell everybody. Get over it. Do you seriously not have anything better to do in your day than wonder what’s going on at ArenaNet right now? And do you really think they care if you’re not satisfied with the information they release? Nobody who’s already set on buying the expansion is going to suddenly change their mind because they’re unhappy about not knowing everything about it right now. Furthermore, having more information about the expansion is worth absolutely nothing. The only reason you and others are continually asking for this is that you’re impatient and, for whatever reason, believe you deserve to have more info. And what if you get it? Will that make you happy? Or will you just ask for more?
This is a L2W issue, i.e. “Learn 2 Wait”
It seems like one a week there is a post like “More Transparency” and while it is a valid concern to wonder what the heck is going on, but give it a break man, im sure they’re working themselves to death on it. Though they could give us a few pieces of info, like how much will this Xpack cost. Anet has improved its PR depot by introducing POI, Ready UP and a few other things. I’m not going to throw them under the bus, but at the same time it’s a valid concern to be left in the dark.
The problem is that no matter what ArenaNet does, they’re screwed.
Let’s say that tomorrow, they spring the first Specialization deep-dive on us as a surprise, and we find out that the Thief is, in fact, getting the rifle as its spec weapon. They announce the new spec’s replacement for the Steal mechanic, what its new skills and traits are, and generally just tell us everything they reasonably could about it.
A’ight, coo’. Now, we will watch as this forum, the Thief forum, the GD forum, and every other forum collectively loses its everlovin’ mind as all the people who wanted, say, Mace Thief, or wanted them to replace initiative instead of steal, or just don’t like the game’s direction, start flipping entire truckfuls of schittz over ArenaNet’s “making of bad decisions.” The number of “Y U DO DIS ANET” threads would multiply by twenty overnight.
And that’s for something relatively tame that nobody cares about on the scheme of things. Imagine what would happen if they announced a ‘challenging new group content’ blog and it turns out to not be “we stole raids directly from World of Warcraft and just dropped them wholesale into GW2, didn’t even change boss names” the way all the slobbering RAIDZ legions have been screeching for them to do since the game released.
They can’t release any major information to you bunch of yayhoos because the minute they do it’ll touch off a nuclear baby catstorm of vicious, venomous protests and demands-for-refunds and all the other junk this idiotic forum is so good at producing. yeah, right now they’ve got all that going at a slow churn at the bottom of the jug from people being discontent over not knowing actually everything there is to know about Heart of Thorns RIGHT MYEOW, but when they announce a spec that’s not, say, specifically built for sPvP?
Or a formal acknowledgment that dungeons are a dead letter, replaced by weird fake raids like the Toxic Tower thingus?
Or an announcement that Guild Halls are not, in fact, MineSimsCraft in the GW2 graphics engine?
Well, you guys are going to go absolutely postal, and frankly nobody wants to see that.
TL;DR: no, they haven’t announced anything of major importance in a while, I doubt they’re going to until close to release, and the blame lies squarely with you for being awful at dealing with news you may not particularly like.
I’m just concerned that I’ll be hyping my self up to pay for an expansion that’s only twice the size of Dry Top/Silver Wastes; look I don’t need screen shots, or map details but it would be nice if we had a map with specific labeled zones just so we at least have a rough idea of scale.
What we do know is that each zone is like a 3 level layerd cake, so realistically if you were trying to make something the size of a region then ideally you would want something the size of Orr with 3 distinct levels in each of the 3 zones to make it feel like a 9 zone region; if you made it hopping 24/7 with events like Dry Top/Silver Wastes then yes in my opinion that would be worth me spending even as much as $50.
They can’t release any major information to you bunch of yayhoos because the minute they do it’ll touch off a nuclear baby catstorm of vicious, venomous protests and demands-for-refunds and all the other junk this idiotic forum is so good at producing. yeah, right now they’ve got all that going at a slow churn at the bottom of the jug from people being discontent over not knowing actually everything there is to know about Heart of Thorns RIGHT MYEOW, but when they announce a spec that’s not, say, specifically built for sPvP?
However they have to release the information eventually, at the very least it’s going to come out when HoT finally get’s released.
I’m just concerned that I’ll be hyping my self up to pay for an expansion that’s only twice the size of Dry Top/Silver Wastes; look I don’t need screen shots, or map details but it would be nice if we had a map with specific labeled zones just so we at least have a rough idea of scale.
In which case manager your hype and wait a few days, maybe a week so that all the review and feedback can come out
What the hell are you guys talking about? They gave you literally every bit of information on this expansion. It will contain jumping mushrooms, frogs, a new wvw map, some more frogs, a new pvp map, a few more frogs, a new class, masteries for jumping on mushrooms, probably 1 map filled with mushrooms and frogs….content worth 2 years of development.
…………..oooh don’t tell me you expected more … that’s adorable.
“What you see is what you get”
You see this screenshot from the HoT trailer of the mursaat? https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/179478/Sem_t_tulo.png
You think those are mursaat? No my friend those are FROGS.
By the way..did you guys check the new frogs news?
(edited by Rebound.3409)
What the hell are you guys talking about? They gave you literally every bit of information on this expansion. It will contain jumping mushrooms, frogs, a new wvw map, some more frogs, a new pvp map, a few more frogs, a new class, masteries for jumping on mushrooms, probably 1 map filled with mushrooms and frogs….content worth 2 years of development.
…………..oooh don’t tell me you expected more … that’s adorable.
“What you see is what you get”
You see this screenshot from the HoT trailer of the mursaat? https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/179478/Sem_t_tulo.png
You think those are mursaat? No my friend those are FROGS.
By the way..did you guys check the new frogs news?
If i didn’t know any better I’d say you’re being a bit frogist here…
Don’t frogging talk to me like that
TL;DR: no, they haven’t announced anything of major importance in a while, I doubt they’re going to until close to release, and the blame lies squarely with you for being awful at dealing with news you may not particularly like.
Can I also point in a random direction and blame someone?
I don’t think ArenaNet’s stance has changed all that much because people are being critical, ArenaNet has always been fairly slow with coming out with stuff they can actually present in it’s full force since before release. So your whole rant about people complaining is fairly pointless, in my opinion. There will always be people who don’t like something and will say so, so IF that is a reason to not show us anything new, then I would say that’s a pretty weak reason.
I mean, if players are unsatisfied, they will voice that. I don’t see much wrong with that at all. Of course, the point is that most people don’t even know why they are, and the actual reasons are rarely voiced in a way that developers know what is going on. This is generally the task of the community managers and customer researchers and the like. Finding out what the problem is what people really want from the game, and why they might be unsatisfied with the game. But also what makes them happy, and what people liked seeing.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I’m just concerned that I’ll be hyping my self up to pay for an expansion that’s only twice the size of Dry Top/Silver Wastes; look I don’t need screen shots, or map details but it would be nice if we had a map with specific labeled zones just so we at least have a rough idea of scale.
What we do know is that each zone is like a 3 level layerd cake, so realistically if you were trying to make something the size of a region then ideally you would want something the size of Orr with 3 distinct levels in each of the 3 zones to make it feel like a 9 zone region; if you made it hopping 24/7 with events like Dry Top/Silver Wastes then yes in my opinion that would be worth me spending even as much as $50.
Anyone that knows how to read a map can pretty much figure out how large the region is we’re getting, from two sources. One, early on in season 2 when we’re told that Mordremoth is somewhere out West in Magus Falls. Two, just open up your World Map, look at Dry Top/Silverwastes, then look at where Magus Falls is…if you can’t picture the size of the new region from doing that, then you can’t read a map.
As for the slow trickle of information, this is ArenaNets SOP, has been since day 1(before it was even ArenaNet), get used to it, I highly doubt it’s going to change now.
(edited by Zaklex.6308)
Anyone that knows how to read a map can pretty much figure out how large the region is we’re getting, from two sources. One, early on in season 2 when we’re told that Mordremoth is somewhere out West in Magus Falls. Two, just open up your World Map, look at Dry Top/Silverwastes, then look at where Magus Falls is…if you can’t picture the size of the new region from doing that, then you can’t read a map.
So, anyone with some sort of imagination can read a map. :P as long as they pictured some sort of new region, whether that is a really small zone, or a really big zone doesn’t matter.
Glad that’s sorted then.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
So many white knights.
The hype at PAX South was generated way too early.
This is what did it for me. They started the hype train way too early. I wish they had choosen to go the route they did before by releasing a time table of when they planned on talking about certain aspects of the expansion. I think it was the Fractured Pack or the Feature Pack they did that for? I don’t remember exactly which one but it was great because I knew.
And knowing is half the battle…………………………………………………………