A very important question to Anet...

A very important question to Anet...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daxxter.8920


All the hate aside, forget the fact that 50$ doesn’t get you much, this is not what this thread is about.

I as a player and millions are demanding to know what we pay for, GW2 is not a roulette game, we don’t put 50$ on probabilities. This is a bit strong but, you have no right to make me pay 50, 75 or 100$ without even releasing a presentation of what I am paying for. Yes it is an expansion I get that but what does it contain, how big is it, what am I getting for my money. Will you as a company be reimbursing me if I do not consider what I pay for to be what is described as an “expansion”? (we call that bad advertisement)

Why is it so hard to advise people about what they are paying for, is it a single map which could take up to 60h to complete and have a good replay value? Am I paying only for 1 waypoint and a single vista? We have no friggin clue and not even one bit of information on that portion has been released but hey let me pay 50$ for random content.

Would you as devs go to the store and buy mystery box #1 without even knowing what it contains? Would you buy a game from another company which never released screenshots, names or what it is about? Even kickstarter games which are just a speculation advertise what you will get…

I am not asking for a 2hours video on every bit of detail, just asking for " this expansion contains x, y and z a new class 3 big kitten maps" and be done with it, there you go I know now what my 50$ gets me. Is this expansion so secretive that the Illuminati would come knocking at my door and make me disappear or what?

Thanks for reading,

(edited by Daxxter.8920)

A very important question to Anet...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


+1’d u make my heart a flitter. /15 chars

A very important question to Anet...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Daxxter.8920


I am also afraid that “challenging content” means zerging tequatle like gameplay, we do not have information on that portion also. The only thing we know as of now is what we are not getting which is kind of lame for a reputable company like Anet.

Do you think Blizzard became what it is based on probabilities? The players knew each and every time what their money would get them before even being able to drop a single penny on the game and expansions and that even a year before the launch date which also was not a secret.

A very important question to Anet...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alexxander.8306


I am also afraid that “challenging content” means zerging tequatle like gameplay, we do not have information on that portion also. The only thing we know as of now is what we are not getting which is kind of lame for a reputable company like Anet.

Do you think Blizzard became what it is based on probabilities? The players knew each and every time what their money would get them before even being able to drop a single penny on the game and expansions and that even a year before the launch date which also was not a secret.

If beta taught me anything, its basically SW part 2 in terms of “challenging content”.

A very important question to Anet...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Omocha.4931


You actually have the answer – sort of. HoT is no longer an expansion, it’s the new, revamped game (yes, with all the bugs and bruises from the last 3 years of payed-for beta testing). Kinda like FFXIV, if you want.

So what HoT brings to the table is allowing you to play through all the (possible) free content they’ll be adding in the LW. Basically, people aren’t paying strictly for the HoT bit, but also for all that’ll follow after. Lots of mini rocks and halfarsed outfits too!

People mentioning skills and mechanics balance are slightly delussional, since things like this were/should be done by default if they proved to be faulty (you don’t pay for a car 2 times simply because the manufacturer realises – after 3 years – that the gear stick wasn’t functioning properly).

Someone said it best somewhere. HoT is not an expansion. Come HoT, we’ll just have GW 2.5. It would be wiser to imagine it as a completely new game (expect a fair amount of bugs and awkward mechanics too!) and let the good ol’ Guild Wars 2 rest.