About Profession Specializations

About Profession Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Danicco.3568


I’ve read that all professions are getting a new weapon and that’ll be as a profession specialization, according to the wiki example, Rangers will be able to equip a Staff and will be named “Druid” and will have more Nature-like skills.

I’ve read in the blog as well that we’ll be able to change specializations really quick, just like traits and skills.

So, will these specializations change the profession completely, for example the Ranger, if he swaps to Druid, will all his weapons and skills be changed to be more like Druid-style, or only the staff?

About Profession Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Caeledh.5437


I’m not sure they’ve been entirely clear about that.

One thing they’ve said is that specialisations keep the skills of the base profession – presumably weapon ones – and we’ve seen a druid with an animal pet (just like ranger) in the promo video, so it doesn’t seem like that’s changing much if at all.

It seems like specs will get new weapon, utilities and traits, and maybe new / changed profession mechanics.

I’d expect to see the Druid lose a bunch of rangery utilities – eg. survival and shouts, and get engineer-turret-like plant summons and something else plant-based.

Personally I’d also like to see new weapon skills for the specs. But that doesn’t seem to be what they’re doing – except of course for the single new weapon.

About Profession Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nephziel.6053


I think no old skills will be affected. It is too much work changing all the stuff. It would take same amount of resources as making a new class. As far as I understood we gain new weapon and a set of utilities, maybe new traits but not sure. You keep everything from a base class. Its more like furthering your class than changing it.
Thing I am interested about is:

They said in the future there will be more specializations. So I was wondering if we will be able to swap ’em. If I chose specialization now and better one comes will there be a reroll.

I hope they don’t pile up like Ranger + Druid + something else
I wish we would have choice druid or something else.

About Profession Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Caeledh.5437


You keep everything from a base class. Its more like furthering your class than changing it.

I’m fairly certain that’s wrong. Otherwise why would anyone ever play the base profession? What’s the point of being able to swap spec at any time outside of combat?

My understanding is the spec gets some new utilities and traits and lose some into the bargain.

They said in the future there will be more specializations. So I was wondering if we will be able to swap ’em. If I chose specialization now and better one comes will there be a reroll.

It’s not a specialisation like in other MMOs where you choose one and that’s it.

They’ve said for the first spec that we can change between that and the base profession at any time outside of combat. We’ve no reason to believe the same wouldn’t be true of future specs – they’ll all be available to us to play as we please. One at a time.

About Profession Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: A OK.8276

A OK.8276

I have a feeling we will get a new set of 4 utilities like how each profession has signets or glamor or meditations, 1 elite 1 heal and a weapon that when swapped to you have an altered profession skills f1 to f4 sort of thing. I’m holding my breath that the new weapon will be either a 2 handed or a 1 hand mixed with an already available weapon witch give the profession 5 new skills ( Ex. Mesmer switches to offhand sheild and main hand sword only, uses 5 new chronomancer weapon skills and profession mechanic). Maybe a rework to Old traits, maybe a new trait line. Who knows.