Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: perro.2781


Okay.. I saw on forums that you only need 2 Glob of dark matter… they say you can salvage items from earlier collection to get your glob back. But actually you need the Capacitor to craft the next collection capacitor… So what are they talking about? Was there new updates so this isn’t true anymore?

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Okay.. I saw on forums that you only need 2 Glob of dark matter… they say you can salvage items from earlier collection to get your glob back. But actually you need the Capacitor to craft the next collection capacitor… So what are they talking about? Was there new updates so this isn’t true anymore?

You don’t need globs to make the capacitors.

As you progress, you’ll end up with intermediate back items that can be salvaged before the next step, giving you plenty of globs. As far as I know, this hasn’t changed due to any update.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Okay.. I saw on forums that you only need 2 Glob of dark matter… they say you can salvage items from earlier collection to get your glob back. But actually you need the Capacitor to craft the next collection capacitor… So what are they talking about? Was there new updates so this isn’t true anymore?

You don’t need globs to make the capacitors.

As you progress, you’ll end up with intermediate back items that can be salvaged before the next step, giving you plenty of globs. As far as I know, this hasn’t changed due to any update.

I’m pretty sure you still need globs for the first tier of the collection to buy stuff from Mai Trin.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You need one to start but then it generate extras as you go through the full set.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: perro.2781


You need one to start but then it generate extras as you go through the full set.

I’m at the second collection and I still need to buy something with globs. What can I salvage from the first collection to get the glob back? I’m lost sorry xD

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorin Noroku.5342

Sorin Noroku.5342

You need one to start but then it generate extras as you go through the full set.

I’m at the second collection and I still need to buy something with globs. What can I salvage from the first collection to get the glob back? I’m lost sorry xD

Salvage the backpack you crafted. Each time you build a backpack, the last item you need from the collection you buy with globs. You salvage the backpack you make each time, until the last collection where you salvage your backpack to make one of the last gifts.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: perro.2781


You need one to start but then it generate extras as you go through the full set.

I’m at the second collection and I still need to buy something with globs. What can I salvage from the first collection to get the glob back? I’m lost sorry xD

Salvage the backpack you crafted. Each time you build a backpack, the last item you need from the collection you buy with globs. You salvage the backpack you make each time, until the last collection where you salvage your backpack to make one of the last gifts.

The thing is that I actually need the backpack to craft the next one. So I can’t salvage it because I will lost it :o.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You need one to start but then it generate extras as you go through the full set.

I’m at the second collection and I still need to buy something with globs. What can I salvage from the first collection to get the glob back? I’m lost sorry xD

Salvage the backpack you crafted. Each time you build a backpack, the last item you need from the collection you buy with globs. You salvage the backpack you make each time, until the last collection where you salvage your backpack to make one of the last gifts.

The thing is that I actually need the backpack to craft the next one. So I can’t salvage it because I will lost it :o.

Except that is wrong. Look at the actual recipes. Bound Wings requires Spirit of Finite Result. That is obtained from salvaging Finite Result.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Hold up. I got it wrong, you need Ball of Dark Energy in the first tier of the collection to buy the Aethereblade recruitment form, not glob of dark matter. This means you have to have an ascended weapon/armor piece to salvage to finish the first tier.

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


@OP, whichever forum you read is wrong/incomplete… you need 3 Balls (as OriOri said: Balls of Dark Energy, not Globs of Dark Matter) in total. 2 in the beginning and 1 at the end.

This was written after Unbound but before Ad Infinitum was released, so the final step is incomplete, so I’ll fill it in:

At this point you should have 2 Balls of Dark Energy left over:
+2 salvage 2 ascended items
-2 create Finite Result (1 collection, 1 crafting)
+5 salvaging Finite Result
-4 creating Upper Bound (2 collection, 2 crafting)
+9 salvaging Upper Bound
-8 creating Unbound (3 collection, 5 crafting)

To finally create Ad Infinitum, you need to complete a final collection to get the Gift of Infinity. This requires 3 Balls for one of the collection items, so you need to salvage a 3rd ascended item to get this. Note: in this step you do not salvage Unbound (it’s red-ed out if you try)… it has to go into the MF with the other gifts. And as such, it cannot be a source of Balls.

(edited by onevstheworld.2419)

Ad infinitum / Glob of dark matter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

The thing is that I actually need the backpack to craft the next one. So I can’t salvage it because I will lost it :o.

You’re confused about what backpack they’re telling you to salvage.

The Fractal Capacitor backpack should not be salvaged. You need to keep upgrading it to progress through the collection. However, at the completion of your first collection to unlock the second one, you crafted the backpack “Finite Result”, the first step towards the precursor. You need to salvage that to get an item needed to craft “Upper Bound”, the second step towards the precursor. And you’ll also get several Balls of Dark Energy from salvaging it.

So salvage Finite Result. Leave the Fractal Capacitor alone!