Add Chilli Pepper nodes to HoT maps.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582
Title says it all, 27s is too much for basic ingredients like these and you cannot reliably farm them to make enough food to cover the time spent gathering them. Either add more nodes or make them purchasable with karma again.
If your premise is that they are basic ingredients and shouldn’t cost 27s because of it, I would argue there is nothing basic about those ingredients. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be any accommodation for players unwilling to do what is necessary to farm them because of cost … there ARE people that enjoy doing that farming and your suggestion is not taking into consideration how they enjoy the game. I don’t recall a time they were purchasable with karma.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Chili peppers are an Ascalon-only node drop. So, I wouldn’t expect them to make them into a Maguuma Jungle node, as well.
Just start doing a run through parts of Ascalon maps every day, stopping to gather any herb node you see. You’ll get a decent number of them if you keep at it.
More chili pepper nodes AND sources of poultry. Make the pocket raptors drop tons of poultry!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
If your premise is that they are basic ingredients and shouldn’t cost 27s because of it, I would argue there is nothing basic about those ingredients. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be any accommodation for players unwilling to do what is necessary to farm them because of cost … there ARE people that enjoy doing that farming and your suggestion is not taking into consideration how they enjoy the game. I don’t recall a time they were purchasable with karma.
They were purchasable with karma back at the very start of the game, along with several other cooking mats. Shortly afterwards there was an exploit where people bought karma cooking mats, crafted food then sold the food to NPC vendors for gold, making serious amounts for that period of time. In response, ANet removed these mats from the karma venders.
Thread on gw2guru
chili pepper popper exploit
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582
The point is not really the monetary cost, it is the time involved and rarity, which is tied to the monetary cost on the TP. Foods that include Chilli Peppers (there are a lot, so high demand) last for mostly 30mins and yet it will take far longer than that to even get one by faming them specifically. Or maybe not, depending on RNG.
The last time I tried, I hit every herb node in Ascalon and only got a single Chilli Pepper. Took me 90mins. In that time, I could run AC123 and CoF12 with plenty of time spent standing around, then just buy 18 of them off the TP and have coin left over.
It is just not feasible time wise to actually go and gather them, which is what I really want to actually do, rather than farm gold to buy them.
I’ll be honest, I don’t care about the price of the materials at all, I just think all the herb nodes in HoT maps should be chilli, cayenne, and ghost peppers for no other reason than the pun value.
More chili pepper nodes AND sources of poultry. Make the pocket raptors drop tons of poultry!
There are tons of sources of poultry. Just kill Moa which are all over Tyria.
When I saw the thread title I swear I thought it was going to be a joke about “Red HoT chili peppers”
Chili peppers are an Ascalon-only node drop. So, I wouldn’t expect them to make them into a Maguuma Jungle node, as well.
Just start doing a run through parts of Ascalon maps every day, stopping to gather any herb node you see. You’ll get a decent number of them if you keep at it.
Good to note, yes.
I wish chili pepper dropped in more than quantities of 1 or 2, though. It’s used at many levels of cooking, and it’s kind of cruel to do to newer players (unless they sell them on the trading post.). Vanilla is Maguuma-only, but it drops in batches of roughly 3-5, used in baked goods, so I’d like to see them parallel more.
It is not a basic ingredient, its a special ingredient.
The point is not really the monetary cost, it is the time involved and rarity, which is tied to the monetary cost on the TP. Foods that include Chilli Peppers (there are a lot, so high demand) last for mostly 30mins and yet it will take far longer than that to even get one by faming them specifically. Or maybe not, depending on RNG.
The last time I tried, I hit every herb node in Ascalon and only got a single Chilli Pepper. Took me 90mins. In that time, I could run AC123 and CoF12 with plenty of time spent standing around, then just buy 18 of them off the TP and have coin left over.
It is just not feasible time wise to actually go and gather them, which is what I really want to actually do, rather than farm gold to buy them.
That’s because you don’t know what your doing … you don’t hit EVERY herb node in Ascalon to get chili peppers.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
The point is not really the monetary cost, it is the time involved and rarity, which is tied to the monetary cost on the TP. Foods that include Chilli Peppers (there are a lot, so high demand) last for mostly 30mins and yet it will take far longer than that to even get one by faming them specifically. Or maybe not, depending on RNG.
The last time I tried, I hit every herb node in Ascalon and only got a single Chilli Pepper. Took me 90mins. In that time, I could run AC123 and CoF12 with plenty of time spent standing around, then just buy 18 of them off the TP and have coin left over.
It is just not feasible time wise to actually go and gather them, which is what I really want to actually do, rather than farm gold to buy them.
That’s because you don’t know what your doing … you don’t hit EVERY herb node in Ascalon to get chili peppers.
You don’t?
Herb Seedlings
Herb Sprouts
Young Herbs
Mature Herbs
Verdant Herbs
I don’t know what that proves. Do you think running around Ascalon hitting all the herb nodes is the most effective way to get these peppers? I can tell you it isn’t.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
I don’t know what that proves. Do you think running around Ascalon hitting all the herb nodes is the most effective way to get these peppers? I can tell you it isn’t.
Ok. What is the most effective way then?
Why would I tell you? I’m making bank on chilis and you think your going to try to make me look stupid with a Wiki link? If you really wanted to know, you would have simply asked … nicely. Do you actually think running around Ascalon for hours and farming every herb node the most effective approach? Think about that a bit.
It’s THAT kind of thinking that makes chilis 27s.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Why would I tell you? I’m making bank on chilis and you think your going to try to make me look stupid with a Wiki link? If you really wanted to know, you would have simply asked … nicely. Do you actually think running around Ascalon for hours and farming every herb node the most effective approach? Think about that a bit.
It’s THAT kind of thinking that makes chilis 27s.
What was impolite about my post, “Ok. What is the most effective way then?”
My previous post was only pointing out that they do drop from every herb in Ascalon. That also was not impolite.
Why would I tell you? I’m making bank on chilis and you think your going to try to make me look stupid with a Wiki link? If you really wanted to know, you would have simply asked … nicely. Do you actually think running around Ascalon for hours and farming every herb node the most effective approach? Think about that a bit.
It’s THAT kind of thinking that makes chilis 27s.
He did ask nicely, so I’m not sure what your tantrum here is about. He wasn’t trying to make you look stupid.
But anyway. Yeah, farming herb nodes (especially in areas that tend to have several nodes close together, such the Northeast corner of Blazeridge Steppes) is the only way to actually farm them. I also seem to have good luck getting chili peppers from the daily reward for doing Daily Region Forager; so, I’d recommend doing those dailies anytime they pop up.
You could also try farming the nightmare court in Caledon Forest for the Tiny Thorn Bags (or buying from the TP), but I honestly have never had much luck from those. And you can try your luck with map completion rewards (I’ve gotten them as a reward once or twice).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Why would I tell you? I’m making bank on chilis and you think your going to try to make me look stupid with a Wiki link? If you really wanted to know, you would have simply asked … nicely. Do you actually think running around Ascalon for hours and farming every herb node the most effective approach? Think about that a bit.
It’s THAT kind of thinking that makes chilis 27s.
He did ask nicely, so I’m not sure what your tantrum here is about. He wasn’t trying to make you look stupid.
But anyway. Yeah, farming herb nodes (especially in areas that tend to have several nodes close together, such the Northeast corner of Blazeridge Steppes) is the only way to actually farm them. I also seem to have good luck getting chili peppers from the daily reward for doing Daily Region Forager; so, I’d recommend doing those dailies anytime they pop up.
You could also try farming the nightmare court in Caledon Forest for the Tiny Thorn Bags (or buying from the TP), but I honestly have never had much luck from those. And you can try your luck with map completion rewards (I’ve gotten them as a reward once or twice).
Thank you for that information on the nodes, Rose. I guess soneone else is either in a snit today or wanted to protect his income so he “decided” to be angry. Lol.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582
Thank you for that information on the nodes, Rose. I guess soneone else is either in a snit today or wanted to protect his income so he “decided” to be angry. Lol.
Seems to think that a couple of gold is some amazing amount of riches. Unless they are somehow getting 20 a day in less than 1hr, its not a very good way of making money comparatively.
If you can hit every node they exist on in the game and only get 1, something needs to change. Just take a look at the other items that were removed from karma vendors, they are all around 1s per on the TP, the exception being chocolate at like 3.5s, so the jump to 27s for chilli peppers would tell me they are too rare for their demand.
In GW1, if I wanted to make cons and needed feathers, I would just goto Shing Jea and farm Tengu for 20 mins in HM and have them, same with the other mats. You cannot reliably do the same thing in this game, it is all based on RNG which makes actually gathering the things you need a waste of time, its vastly better to farm gold and buy them…
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Thank you for that information on the nodes, Rose. I guess soneone else is either in a snit today or wanted to protect his income so he “decided” to be angry. Lol.
Seems to think that a couple of gold is some amazing amount of riches. Unless they are somehow getting 20 a day in less than 1hr, its not a very good way of making money comparatively.
If you can hit every node they exist on in the game and only get 1, something needs to change. Just take a look at the other items that were removed from karma vendors, they are all around 1s per on the TP, the exception being chocolate at like 3.5s, so the jump to 27s for chilli peppers would tell me they are too rare for their demand.
In GW1, if I wanted to make cons and needed feathers, I would just goto Shing Jea and farm Tengu for 20 mins in HM and have them, same with the other mats. You cannot reliably do the same thing in this game, it is all based on RNG which makes actually gathering the things you need a waste of time, its vastly better to farm gold and buy them…
This scarcity is something that has been brought up several times since the karma nerf. People have made threads asking for the drop rate to be increased or a herb node to be dedicated to this item. As you can see, these threads were not responded to and the situation continues.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582
Thank you for that information on the nodes, Rose. I guess soneone else is either in a snit today or wanted to protect his income so he “decided” to be angry. Lol.
Seems to think that a couple of gold is some amazing amount of riches. Unless they are somehow getting 20 a day in less than 1hr, its not a very good way of making money comparatively.
If you can hit every node they exist on in the game and only get 1, something needs to change. Just take a look at the other items that were removed from karma vendors, they are all around 1s per on the TP, the exception being chocolate at like 3.5s, so the jump to 27s for chilli peppers would tell me they are too rare for their demand.
In GW1, if I wanted to make cons and needed feathers, I would just goto Shing Jea and farm Tengu for 20 mins in HM and have them, same with the other mats. You cannot reliably do the same thing in this game, it is all based on RNG which makes actually gathering the things you need a waste of time, its vastly better to farm gold and buy them…
This scarcity is something that has been brought up several times since the karma nerf. People have made threads asking for the drop rate to be increased or a herb node to be dedicated to this item. As you can see, these threads were not responded to and the situation continues.
Yeah, I know. I really cannot understand why they they either; think it is OK or do not care.
If they added food ingredients like these back to a WvW badge and karma vendor, in your BL, that would be so fantastically great.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
More chili pepper nodes AND sources of poultry. Make the pocket raptors drop tons of poultry!
There are tons of sources of poultry. Just kill Moa which are all over Tyria.
They are even in places not known to Tyria, namely WvW ! Bizaarre !
So, just to (hopefully) annoy Obtena . . .
Advice 1:
Three Words: Map Closure Volunteer. You can hit lucrative spots such as the area around places like Terra Carorunda Waypoint (from the Brand to the Wall) multiple times in a short amount of time if you arrive a few minutes before a world boss event and harvest the area and then stick around after a world boss event ends. Maps will begin to close afterwards and typically you can get at least two jumps into the same map/area. Tonight for the heck of it I hit the area around Terra Carorunda three times – the haul was about 70 seasoned wood logs, 200 iron ore (shocking amount of iron ore actually), and a fair amount of kale (for Garlic Kale Sautee – goes for about 1 gold each on the TP), zucchini and herbs (mostly mint but at least 2 chili peppers). I would say at least 5 gold worth of materials collected in a fairly short time at a relatively relaxed and unhurried pace. Unfortunately, Ascalon lacks world bosses on a regular schedule so the Shatterer map is really the only one you can do this on to get chili peppers. I farm the area around that Waypoint but it may be that there are other herb patches that consistently show in certain locations on the map and you might be able to hit all of those in a short period of time to increase your chances of gathering chili peppers.
Advice 2:
This may or may not apply to chili peppers, but it is a general trend I’ve noticed. What herbs you get tend to be consistent on a map/in an area at a given point in time – that is what you harvest from herb nodes tends to be “streaky.” For example hitting the area around Terra Carorunda tonight I got mint pretty consistently. Sometimes hitting the herb patch south of the dungeon in Mt. Maelstrom will yield one herb pretty consistently such as cloves one day, vanilla beans the next. Same with the harvesting run on the east side of the Straits of Devastation – you know you may be your day if within the first three herb nodes you hit you get lemongrass.
Good luck – hope you crash the market on chili peppers and ruin Obtena’s day.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
Tyvm for that information Arrow.
I do that boss map change thing sometimes on the Harathi map, but I had complexly forgotten about the Shatterer being on an Ascalon map.
And since the boss is going to start soon and I still need Ascalon forager, I think I’ll give it a try.
So, just to (hopefully) annoy Obtena . . .
Advice 1:
Three Words: Map Closure Volunteer. You can hit lucrative spots such as the area around places like Terra Carorunda Waypoint (from the Brand to the Wall) multiple times in a short amount of time if you arrive a few minutes before a world boss event and harvest the area and then stick around after a world boss event ends. Maps will begin to close afterwards and typically you can get at least two jumps into the same map/area. Tonight for the heck of it I hit the area around Terra Carorunda three times – the haul was about 70 seasoned wood logs, 200 iron ore (shocking amount of iron ore actually), and a fair amount of kale (for Garlic Kale Sautee – goes for about 1 gold each on the TP), zucchini and herbs (mostly mint but at least 2 chili peppers). I would say at least 5 gold worth of materials collected in a fairly short time at a relatively relaxed and unhurried pace. Unfortunately, Ascalon lacks world bosses on a regular schedule so the Shatterer map is really the only one you can do this on to get chili peppers. I farm the area around that Waypoint but it may be that there are other herb patches that consistently show in certain locations on the map and you might be able to hit all of those in a short period of time to increase your chances of gathering chili peppers.Advice 2:
This may or may not apply to chili peppers, but it is a general trend I’ve noticed. What herbs you get tend to be consistent on a map/in an area at a given point in time – that is what you harvest from herb nodes tends to be “streaky.” For example hitting the area around Terra Carorunda tonight I got mint pretty consistently. Sometimes hitting the herb patch south of the dungeon in Mt. Maelstrom will yield one herb pretty consistently such as cloves one day, vanilla beans the next. Same with the harvesting run on the east side of the Straits of Devastation – you know you may be your day if within the first three herb nodes you hit you get lemongrass.Good luck – hope you crash the market on chili peppers and ruin Obtena’s day.
I can sort of confirm, if only for vanilla in Metrica Province. There’s an herb patch off the side of a building, adjacent to a small cliff. Go around the cliff, tuck next to the building, and it always gave me 3-5 vanilla. One might could assume some spots for chilis are the same way.
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