It is infact a Straw man, I can’t purchase GW2:HoT with gold. I never said anything about any one’s time being more valuable.
Yeah, I still don’t think you know what a straw man argument is or don’t understand the context of your own arguments. The argument is about a perceived owned character slot and how one can obtain one with no cash investment, not about obtaining HoT with gold. As for the value of time, you mentioned time grinding having more value than $10 and I’d say it just depends. Don’t get hung up on me saying “your time isn’t any more valuable” and understand that the underlying point is, you can obtain game perks for free if you want to. A character slot hasn’t suddenly become more valuable or more scare so why can you not obtain one now? The answer is, you can. It’s just your decision to get hung up on not being given something you want just because you’ve jumped to the conclusion that you are owned one.
Regarding your statement about not holding characters for PvP, you couldn’t be farther from the truth, after over 10k matches I’ve learned, it’s VERY important to be able to switch to a different class in the time before the match starts to better suit your comp. I’d argue it’s even more important to have multiple builds held on multiples of the same class because there is no template in this game to save and quickly switch builds, but all of that is besides the point. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m voicing why I have an issue with pricing of the of expansion and the content those prices provide. Just because you don’t have this same issue doesn’t mean that I should just take the loss.
So you have multiple copies of the same profession? Do you have multiples of various professions? Why not protest for Quality of Life improvements so you don’t need multiples of a given profession just to have quick access to different builds? That sounds like an endeavor anybody can get behind and would free up many character slots for you!
No, and I shouldn’t have to. The way you are describing the game experience, you’re turning it into a job.
Getting HoT should first and foremost be fun. I should not have to prepare in order to enjoy one of the main focus points of the game. Adding a character slot was a minor thing to do, which would have spared a lot of anger. It’s also something which doesn’t hurt anyone.
A good natured notion but ultimately falls on weak context.
So yay! Getting HoT should be fun and not work! I should be able to just pop it into any system and enjoy it to it’s fullest! No, just because it is a game for fun doesn’t simply mean there shouldn’t be any thought on the user’s end. You need to make sure your system can handle the game, there’s enough hard drive space for it, your internet connection is stable enough, that your control scheme and hardware is comfortable for you, etc. etc. None of that is “work” per-se but it will make the act of playing the game a much better experience whereas if you don’t take these things into consideration, you can ultimately end up with a huge frustrating mess ending with you requesting for a refund, or worse, a visit to the doctor to get your bad wrist or back kink looked at.
But none of those mentioned things are even close to the simplicity of prep you could/should do to simply upgrade your account. If you saw the new profession and liked it, preparing for it IS fun just like preparing any other character you play for whatever content you’re playing as. If it’s not fun for you, then of course don’t do it. But then are you going to then put blame on someone else just because you made that choice?
(edited by Leo G.4501)