Adventure: Flying Circus

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


There are several snipers along the flying circus route. Sometimes they are close enough together that two of them one shot you out of the air. There is nothing you can do except stop doing the adventure, kill them, hope they don’t spawn the same way again, and go all kitten way around to get back into the adventure again. Really silly design.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Not true. Stealth gliding actually helps bypassing them. I got gold fairly easilly, once i had the route down pat, quite confusing layout tho.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mez Koo.9510

Mez Koo.9510

They do a terrible job explaining the required masteries.

Need stealth gliding (or high hp), and leaning helps a lot. (Gold seems to require advanced gliding)

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tapioca.9062


The snipers shoot me even when I’m stealth gliding. The mini-game is irritating enough without the snipers going all Nuhoch Stealth Detection on me.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The snipers shoot me even when I’m stealth gliding. The mini-game is irritating enough without the snipers going all Nuhoch Stealth Detection on me.

I’ve noticed that if you stealth after they’ve already seen you (even if they haven’t aimed yet) then the stealth will not be effective. You have to know the placement of the Snipers and stealth in advance in order for stealth to work.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leohart.4610


I didn’t have stealth gliding, just all the tiers before it and I got gold. You aim at the top part of the ring so that only one of them shoots you as you ride the updraft up.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coyote Trickster.7319

Coyote Trickster.7319

best solution for this adventure if you want to just concentrate on the flying.

Get a friend or guildie to snipe the snipers. I actually spent a day cycle standing on that ledge killing them so that other players could get past without drama.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I’d only passed by one set of snipers on the way around, somewhere around the first third of the race. If you swing wide enough around them, they don’t seem to notice you.

Also, F this thing. These stupid minigames need to tell us what masteries are required before I go wasting my time on them. Without unlimited gliding, there’s no way in hell I’m getting Silver, much less Gold.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
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Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rchu.8945


I actually didnt have that hard of a time with this compared to Sanctum Scramble. But agree that stealth gliding and leaning helps a lot.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


I’d only passed by one set of snipers on the way around, somewhere around the first third of the race. If you swing wide enough around them, they don’t seem to notice you.

Also, F this thing. These stupid minigames need to tell us what masteries are required before I go wasting my time on them. Without unlimited gliding, there’s no way in hell I’m getting Silver, much less Gold.

I’ve gotten 2:05 with only lean, it’s just a pita. Assuming the snipers don’t kill you, gold should be possible with lean.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Gold is definitely possible with just Lean. I got it myself. You need to do your flight trajectory in such a way that you only aggro one of the snipers, and then you’re sailing up on the updraft before he can get a second shot off at you.

If it’s any consolation though, once you have Advanced Gliding, this adventure is quite easy to do. It’s an example, I feel, of an adventure done right. It’s hard to do at first, but you can compensate for it with either experience/skill or by getting Masteries that help, to the point where higher level Masteries almost trivialize the adventure.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: volpenvieh.3201


I just finished this adventure after several attempts. Had some trouble getting gold because the final checkpoint was a bit buggy, it won’t react until several seconds later (or sometimes not at all) unless I cross it right at the bottom.

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

I’ve never ranked on this thing, but I have finished, and I did it without killing the snipers. The updrafts help in getting out of their range.