Adventure Leaderboards

Adventure Leaderboards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lokimut.6475


Do someone know if the leaderboards for adventures are worldwide or for one Server only?

And did someone get bronze or even silver in Santum scramble? My best time was 2:10 and I dont know how gold should be possible.

Adventure Leaderboards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aeghis.1925


I’d like them to work first (or know how they are supposed to work exactly)
I see 0 name in adventure leaderboards, even though my friend and guild mate have done some of them.
Must we have a rank inferior to 1000 (or anything) to appear ?

These leaderboard have no meaning if I can’t see my high score and if I can’t see the high score of all my friends. I don’t care what score other people have except the people I know…

(edited by Aeghis.1925)