Adventure gold & their difficulty.

Adventure gold & their difficulty.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mysticsicness.7598


Should getting gold on fallen masks really be harder than World 2 Zone 3 tribulation mode, or most bosses on Dark Souls 3? There is no way to memorize these points and hit them fast enough. From the one video I saw the guy literally had to master the art of falling and gliding at the last second to avoid fall damage to get gold. Ridiculous.

Shooting gallery is another one, but mainly because of the lack of time you have to practice. I wouldn’t mind these two still being so hard if it was not for the mastery points locked behind them.

Adventure gold & their difficulty.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eNeRgOo.5463


I agree. They should first nerf Fallen Masks. I had really big trouble to finish it, I’ve done it just by being lucky and spamming F while running towards mask (the highest one) at 0:01, just lol. After event finished I was angry because it was so close but took another look and finally it counted for me and got my last Auric Basin achievement. Let’s make it clear what’s wrong with this one:
a) Random – Masks seem to appear in random spots. When playing this adventure I had some runs when I had to go from one end of the chamber to another end, while in other runs they appeared almost around themselves. It doesn’t even require skill then, because if you’re unlucky and get ‘long’ ones, there’s just lack of time to do it.
b) Jumping Mushrooms – these are also causing trouble here. It takes 3 seconds to launch my character into air, so they really eat these seconds you need at the end. Plus not talking about my madness I got everytime they didn’t work, because they kinda bug if you’re in a hurry.
c) Time – You have three minutes and 25 masks to touch. It seems possible and actually is possible but mostly it fails. I told to myself that I’ll try to get ten of them per minute, which sometimes worked but sometimes not really because as I already said I had ‘long’ runs.

The fix they should do with it could change Fallen Masks to not appear in random places and if so then increase the time you need to get them. It doesn’t have to be one minute or something big, just ten, fifteen, twenty seconds I guess would be okay.
If it comes to Jumping Mushrooms well there’s not much to do, but as I told – whole reaction and animation eats the time you need to get them.

I’ve done my gold though, just by luck. Went mad couple times so I understand other players and this feedback. I just wrote my experience.