Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Urosh Uchiha.9732
I do agree that they should be enabled all the time, but sadly that’s not an option like this.
Cause some adventures are in the middle of events.
For an example the first time I tried Shooting Gallery I went in, 3 seconds later the adventure itself locked. But I remained inside of it until my timer ran out. During my shooting an event appeared right on top of the place, so I had to try to shoot the targets while mobs were attacking me. They don’t really care that I’m doing an adventure.
The other issue that I’ve encountered is that scavenger pit adventure or whatever the name was (too lazy to check now) in Verdant Brink. Where you collect some scrap parts while tendrils are shooting at you. The issue there was that I was doing it while 2 others were too. One of them died, right on top of a scrap part that I needed to collect.
The result was that I couldn’t get that one until he respawned. Which he didn’t do for a while…
So my solution for both of these, always unlocked, and other player being a bother, is that adventures should be instanced.
I think saying all of them are too hard is ridiculous. Some are too easy, some are too hard, some are perfect. The only 2 i have found too ridiculous to play anymore are the Haywire-Punch-O-Matic and the Scrap Rifle adventure, and quite a few peopole have gold on them so its obviously my error. Don’t be upset because you can’t figure something out, learn how to be better at it.
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938
The adventures that were once a lot of fun have already become unapproachable to newcomers.
Would like to add to this thread that this morning I tried three mini-games/adventures. I ended up doing each of them about five times, in all cases the game ended almost instantly and after my five attempts I was only slightly more equipped with a bearing on what was going on, map objectives, etc..
Sort of like unbalanced pvp, you have players who have become experts at these adventures using them to farm XP and they don’t do much else and they are going up against players who have never tried the adventure…. If you put a pro up against a complete amateur, do you really think the amateur is going to play 100 games against the pro and slowly learn as he gets beaten each time? Probably not. For someone to improve at anything they need a trainer and they need to be pitted against people of similar classification for experience with whatever the objective is. As with anything the key is balance, but I don’t think these were thought through very well.
I do like that the adventures exist as an alternative way to gain xp, bu they are a closed door unless I want to grind though a couple hundred games to get my head around what’s going on (again, the race type ones end almost instantly) I’ll let the Adventurer elites have their mini-games.
(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)
Please don’t nerf any of the adventures, Anet.
The adventures that were once a lot of fun have already become unapproachable to newcomers.
Would like to add to this thread that this morning I tried three mini-games/adventures. I ended up doing each of them about five times, in all cases the game ended almost instantly and after my five attempts I was only slightly more equipped with a bearing on what was going on, map objectives, etc..
Sort of like unbalanced pvp, you have players who have become experts at these adventures using them to farm XP and they don’t do much else and they are going up against players who have never tried the adventure…. If you put a pro up against a complete amateur, do you really think the amateur is going to play 100 games against the pro and slowly learn as he gets beaten each time? Probably not. For someone to improve at anything they need a trainer and they need to be pitted against people of similar classification for experience with whatever the objective is. As with anything the key is balance, but I don’t think these were thought through very well.
I do like that the adventures exist as an alternative way to gain xp, bu they are a closed door unless I want to grind though a couple hundred games to get my head around what’s going on (again, the race type ones end almost instantly) I’ll let the Adventurer elites have their mini-games.
Making these so simple that you get them 100% on the first or second try would be VERY lame since there are so few of them. There are a couple that I got gold ont he first try and i just sat there disappointed.
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938
The adventures that were once a lot of fun have already become unapproachable to newcomers.
Would like to add to this thread that this morning I tried three mini-games/adventures. I ended up doing each of them about five times, in all cases the game ended almost instantly and after my five attempts I was only slightly more equipped with a bearing on what was going on, map objectives, etc..
Sort of like unbalanced pvp, you have players who have become experts at these adventures using them to farm XP and they don’t do much else and they are going up against players who have never tried the adventure…. If you put a pro up against a complete amateur, do you really think the amateur is going to play 100 games against the pro and slowly learn as he gets beaten each time? Probably not. For someone to improve at anything they need a trainer and they need to be pitted against people of similar classification for experience with whatever the objective is. As with anything the key is balance, but I don’t think these were thought through very well.
I do like that the adventures exist as an alternative way to gain xp, bu they are a closed door unless I want to grind though a couple hundred games to get my head around what’s going on (again, the race type ones end almost instantly) I’ll let the Adventurer elites have their mini-games.
Making these so simple that you get them 100% on the first or second try would be VERY lame since there are so few of them. There are a couple that I got gold ont he first try and i just sat there disappointed.
I don’t think they should nerf the adventures. NO! Just consider balancing when enough players are going for the adventure. As it stands now you have a few players who are exceptionally good who are just competing with each other for each adventure and everyone else need not apply because for some of them it’s over almost immediately… At this point the maps are so empty (except for early evening) that balancing them would be difficult so they are for the elites who’ve already gotten pretty good at them to compete with one another and pretty much closed off to anyone else.
I played several Adventures during the first few days after launch and it was a fun experinece where everyone on team had some chance as we learned together. Now the elites have taken them over so you’re either that good or you’re not. You don’t become a pro F1 driver by going from getting your license to going out on a track every day with an F1 pro race care driver. When you pit amateurs against elites, the amatures just get crushed and eventually move on. To improve at something most people need to be pitted against experienced competitors. Then they grow instead of getting instantly crushed. This is all common sense. Given x amount of experience some players will rise to be more skilled than others, but when you have the best skilled players with the most experience going up against played with little or no experience there is no fun in that and there is very little chance of the player no no experience at the adventure progression. Exceptionally skilled players could rise in those circumstances, but the point is the bar to enter and just have fun learning has been raised exponentially higher than it should be. If this is what ANet intended then no change is needed. If what is occuring is not what they desire then I’m just doing my part to let them know how drastically my positive experience with adventures has become a negative one. Not because I expect to win every time, but because as it stands I can’t even get a handle on what’s going on any more without some other player ending it.
(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)
Elite players doing them have no impact on your ability to do adventures. Some of them could be instanced to avoid crowding (shooting one in VB) but other that, I don’t see any pressing issues.
I think gold should be difficult and require some degree of perfection. That’s why the rewards for the collections only require silver.
I gold’d the fungus one and didn’t use some of the skips that guy did. A couple of them don’t actually save any time. Like after 1ing the bit with the red circles, it’s it’s easier to just run down the mushrooms until the last one then use 2 from there to the checkpoint.
The start is the hardest part. If you manage to 1 skill from the startpoint into the right side of the mushroom, then 1 again up the hill without getting stuck, then leap the gap with 2, the rest isn’t hard.
Some of them seem almost impossible to get gold on still though. Scrap rifles in tangled depths, exalted masks in tarir..
edit: Nevermind, worked them out now, but RNG on masks is wrong.
I played several Adventures during the first few days after launch and it was a fun experinece where everyone on team had some chance as we learned together. Now the elites have taken them over so you’re either that good or you’re not. You don’t become a pro F1 driver by going from getting your license to going out on a track every day with an F1 pro race care driver. When you pit amateurs against elites, the amatures just get crushed and eventually move on. To improve at something most people need to be pitted against experienced competitors. Then they grow instead of getting instantly crushed. This is all common sense. Given x amount of experience some players will rise to be more skilled than others, but when you have the best skilled players with the most experience going up against played with little or no experience there is no fun in that and there is very little chance of the player no no experience at the adventure progression. Exceptionally skilled players could rise in those circumstances, but the point is the bar to enter and just have fun learning has been raised exponentially higher than it should be. If this is what ANet intended then no change is needed. If what is occuring is not what they desire then I’m just doing my part to let them know how drastically my positive experience with adventures has become a negative one. Not because I expect to win every time, but because as it stands I can’t even get a handle on what’s going on any more without some other player ending it.
Heh, what does it have to with other players? The adventures are solo content and the thresholds for gold/silver/bronze are fixed. The only one where other players being there seemed a factor was that salvage pit one in Verdank Brink but that was simple enough anyway.
(edited by Eulolia.2467)
Yeah. I never figured out the scrap rifle one. There’s probably a certain sequence to do them and possibly agreeing a number of them similar to how the vaettir/raptor farms were in GW1. The only other one would be the golem one which is also not marked in the map for some reason.
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938
I think gold should be difficult and require some degree of perfection. That’s why the rewards for the collections only require silver.
I gold’d the fungus one and didn’t use some of the skips that guy did. A couple of them don’t actually save any time. Like after 1ing the bit with the red circles, it’s it’s easier to just run down the mushrooms until the last one then use 2 from there to the checkpoint.
The start is the hardest part. If you manage to 1 skill from the startpoint into the right side of the mushroom, then 1 again up the hill without getting stuck, then leap the gap with 2, the rest isn’t hard.
Some of them seem almost impossible to get gold on still though. Scrap rifles in tangled depths, exalted masks in tarir..
I played several Adventures during the first few days after launch and it was a fun experinece where everyone on team had some chance as we learned together. Now the elites have taken them over so you’re either that good or you’re not. You don’t become a pro F1 driver by going from getting your license to going out on a track every day with an F1 pro race care driver. When you pit amateurs against elites, the amatures just get crushed and eventually move on. To improve at something most people need to be pitted against experienced competitors. Then they grow instead of getting instantly crushed. This is all common sense. Given x amount of experience some players will rise to be more skilled than others, but when you have the best skilled players with the most experience going up against played with little or no experience there is no fun in that and there is very little chance of the player no no experience at the adventure progression. Exceptionally skilled players could rise in those circumstances, but the point is the bar to enter and just have fun learning has been raised exponentially higher than it should be. If this is what ANet intended then no change is needed. If what is occuring is not what they desire then I’m just doing my part to let them know how drastically my positive experience with adventures has become a negative one. Not because I expect to win every time, but because as it stands I can’t even get a handle on what’s going on any more without some other player ending it.
Heh, what does it have to with other players? The adventures are solo content and the thresholds for gold/silver/bronze are fixed. The only one where other players being there seemed a factor was that salvage pit one in Verdank Brink but that was simple enough anyway.
The ones I tried were not solo
I think gold should be difficult and require some degree of perfection. That’s why the rewards for the collections only require silver.
I gold’d the fungus one and didn’t use some of the skips that guy did. A couple of them don’t actually save any time. Like after 1ing the bit with the red circles, it’s it’s easier to just run down the mushrooms until the last one then use 2 from there to the checkpoint.
The start is the hardest part. If you manage to 1 skill from the startpoint into the right side of the mushroom, then 1 again up the hill without getting stuck, then leap the gap with 2, the rest isn’t hard.
Some of them seem almost impossible to get gold on still though. Scrap rifles in tangled depths, exalted masks in tarir..
I played several Adventures during the first few days after launch and it was a fun experinece where everyone on team had some chance as we learned together. Now the elites have taken them over so you’re either that good or you’re not. You don’t become a pro F1 driver by going from getting your license to going out on a track every day with an F1 pro race care driver. When you pit amateurs against elites, the amatures just get crushed and eventually move on. To improve at something most people need to be pitted against experienced competitors. Then they grow instead of getting instantly crushed. This is all common sense. Given x amount of experience some players will rise to be more skilled than others, but when you have the best skilled players with the most experience going up against played with little or no experience there is no fun in that and there is very little chance of the player no no experience at the adventure progression. Exceptionally skilled players could rise in those circumstances, but the point is the bar to enter and just have fun learning has been raised exponentially higher than it should be. If this is what ANet intended then no change is needed. If what is occuring is not what they desire then I’m just doing my part to let them know how drastically my positive experience with adventures has become a negative one. Not because I expect to win every time, but because as it stands I can’t even get a handle on what’s going on any more without some other player ending it.
Heh, what does it have to with other players? The adventures are solo content and the thresholds for gold/silver/bronze are fixed. The only one where other players being there seemed a factor was that salvage pit one in Verdank Brink but that was simple enough anyway.
The ones I tried were not solo
Can we define solo? When I see solo, it’s something that you do by yourself without the assistance of others. This is how all of the adventures are.
Now there are adventures that are not instanced and can be done at the same time as other players for better or worse.
The one’s I’m stuck on (have been for last 2 days, so it’s not really that I just jumped in and expect to PRO the adventure) require memorizing the spawning patterns. I can see why players who managed to get gold on these don’t want these nerfed, but then again, these give mastery points and if I counted correctly there are only 8 spare points (HoT) and if mini games are hard (I’ve got 5 that seem impossible to get gold on) then that doesn’t leave all that much room to miss other achievements (that by the way can be hard).
Idk, maybe we just need more spare mastery points in total list.
Or maybe I just need the kitten minigames unlocked so I can practice without waiting for an hour.
The Mastery points should get moved from Silver/Gold over to Bronze/Silver.
This would solve the ridiculous game design issue with players getting locked out from Mastery Points, while Adventures stay difficult enough to be challenging for Gold and there needs Gold just some balance because some of the Aventures require too much luck to even have a chance at gold, others force you to grind out masteries first to have even a chancwe at all for Gold, thats also somethign that needs to be addressed by enabling Player Equipment to have an effect of player movement speed. its just smart to brign to a adventures that requires of you to be fast equipment that lets you move faster than normal… also the general movement speeds in adventures needs to be looked as as we move whever I think significantly slower, than normal the run speed feels like moving only with like 85% movement speed than normal and with miushruum it feels liek running with 25%+ movement speed…
A reason, why many of the speed requiring timed adventures feel so extremely unforgiving and like a pain in the kitten , because we move in adventures like snow snails, if we don#t have the help of the mushrooms >.>
The other problem with the inaccessibility of the unthought out game design around adventures would be easily solved by adding a special inventory item that works like a Home Instance Portal Stone, lets call it the Adventurer’s Map and when you double click it in the inventore, a window with a Map shows up, that presentates you all of your unlocked Adventures (need to play them the first time to unlock for the map for your account) from which you have then access to whenver you want to play them, as by clicking onto the adventures you desire to play right now from the Adventurer’s Map will automatically teleportyour character then into a special instanced version of the map where the part of the map that is required for the asventures is permanenty unattacked so that you can play there the adventure as long as you want as often as you want and once you have enough, you click just onto the skill icon that the Adventurer’s Map generated into your Skill bar to exit the instance, letting you automaticalyl return to the map where you activated the adventure, just like the Home instance Portal Stone teleports you back to the map, where you used it …
The one’s I’m stuck on (have been for last 2 days, so it’s not really that I just jumped in and expect to PRO the adventure) require memorizing the spawning patterns. I can see why players who managed to get gold on these don’t want these nerfed, but then again, these give mastery points and if I counted correctly there are only 8 spare points (HoT) and if mini games are hard (I’ve got 5 that seem impossible to get gold on) then that doesn’t leave all that much room to miss other achievements (that by the way can be hard).
Idk, maybe we just need more spare mastery points in total list.Or maybe I just need the kitten minigames unlocked so I can practice without waiting for an hour.
I counted 19 left.
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
Maybe they could award 1 MP for bronze, 2 for silver, and 3 for gold. That way everyone gets rewarded and people that get gold get more MP. Also, they could add a really nice chest or something for gold.
That would be way too many mastery points and allows player to bypass the majority of the content. With 15 adventures, that would equate to 90 mastery points. You need 112 to max HoT masteries.
My personal ranking on the likelihood of someone new in getting gold.
Easy are the ones that require minimal memorizing and can be completed by having the recommended masteries. Medium are those that will require a little effort and memorization. Hard are for those that will require a lot of time to memorize the correct route and when to use the abilities. Sanctum Scramble is technically between medium and hard. Unknown are the ones that I haven’t figured out a strategy for so I’m not going to rank them. At first glance, they seem to lean toward the hard category.
Players should be able to do all of the ones in the easy category and most of the medium without much difficulty and invested time. Again, this is my personal opinion on what I feel that a new players would be able to do.
Flying Circus
Salvage Pit
On Wings of Gold
Drone Race
Beetle Feast
Tendril Torchers
Bugs in Branches
Sanctum Scramble
Ley-Line Run
Shooting Gallery
Floor Is Lava
Fallen Masks
A Fungus Among Us
SCRAP Rifle Test
Haywire Punch-o-Matic Battle
That would be way too many mastery points and allows player to bypass the majority of the content. With 15 adventures, that would equate to 90 mastery points. You need 112 to max HoT masteries.
Ever thought about it, that Anet could add more masteries or expand the Maguuma Masteries ?? the current one seem pretty lacklaster and easily could be expanded to 10 perks per mastery line..
However im against it that Gold should give Mastery Points.. Goöld is the Adventure tier, that should be for the people which like challenges and wich want to do the adventures in a competion over other players for the question of who can do it the best to land place one in the leaderboards….thats they reward for doing this mainly.. the glory of beign officially one of the best if not the best player at the adventure.
Theres no need to boost their kittens with some extra mastery points while locking off those points for everyone else behind that skill wall from character progression, other achievements ect. pp for that you need to max out masteries to to become not a burden for others in huge chak battles due to their tons of acid they spew around in masses that kills you very quickly if you get too much of it in a brief time, especially when you get cced while gettign spewed full of it its literally your death sentences if you cant get out of it before your health falls to 0 too quickly what happens quite often if you have nothing in your bar that can remove the cc effect from you instantly
Someone here in the forums rightfulyl has written, that all Adventures shoudl be easy to learn and hard to master and this motto includes for me also, that adventures shouldnt lock out players from earning all the mastery points by lockign them behind a high skill wall that the most casual players will never exceed, this being permanently rendred impossible to max eventually all their masteries, as 15 adventures means, if you 15 times get no gold nver, thats already 15 lost MP for you then.
Thats why it is in my opinion important, that anet changes the Mps from Silver/Gold over to Bronze/Silver as one time rewards, so that people don’t get so easily locked out of these 15 Mp, making these points more casual player friendly to receive and less of a chore to grind for if you want to max out everything ….or collect in general points as preparation for maybe new or advanced masteries in the future in maguuma territories as we still aren#t able at all to explore absolutely all maguuma map regions, theres still more than enough free space for new maguuma maps where we could find new masteries beign added to have to learn to get through these new maps successfully which then require more Maguuma Mastery Points.
I don’t see them expanding them anytime soon. Any new masteries would likely come with new content. Also expect raids to provide for mastery points including new living story episodes.
Sure, adventures could be easy to learn and hard to master. That doesn’t mean that the rewards should be easy to earn.
Advetures (minigames) - Rant / Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729
If they continue adding jungle-specific mastery points to the game, then I wouldn’t really need silver and gold in all or most of these in order to someday max out more of the Maguuma masteries.
There’s always the potential that they could add them with the next living story or perhaps one specific to raids. With these, they’ll likely add achievements that award mastery points which will reduce the need to do many adventures or none at all.
Who cares if everyone can’t get capped mastery easily? Do you really need that extra 20 points to remove chak acid with your healing skill and challenge the chak champion? It’s only an issue if some core content is gated by it. Making all the optional stuff stupidly easy too is just watering down the game. Some people have such a sense of entitlement, it’s unbelievable.
There is a whole new mastery line coming with raids guys, this has already been confirmed. Unless I am misunderstanding, but I’m pretty positive