Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Amount and Quality of Content in HoT
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
At this point, people are essentially paying for 1) the promise of development that hasn’t happened yet and 2) beta weekend access for an indeterminate period because there’s no release date.
To begin with, are we are paying the same price we paid for the original game for a small 3 area/zone expansion?
Regardless of what people may say, no-one truly knows yet.
For example, aside from a few scraps of information we don’t truly know what ‘challenging group content’ entails.
I mean, look at Guild Halls. Were you expecting the customisable arena for example?
Secondly, a lot of the features being brought with HoT are things that were consistently promised but never released since the beginning of the game. First example: Guild Halls. This was a fundamental part of the first game and for some reason, disappeared in this game. Was this purposely done?
Where were these features ‘promised’?
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
It true Anet could have a ton of surprise content not yet discussed.
No one knows anything yet. A lot of features discussed after announcement will be released for free next week. Anet could calm kittenstorm down a bit with news bomb but looks like they decided to go full lore next week.
where does it say there are only 3 maps? i think you’re getting confused with 3 distinct biomes, the canopy, forest floor and the roots beneath the jungle, wiki says there wil be multiple maps, these will apparently be a lot bigger (certainly taller) than maps in vanilla, guild halls themselves (of whih 2 are available) will be a whole map in and of itself, fairly sure fixes and such are going to affect the main game too with specialisations replacing traits coming next tuesday (elite specialisations are what will arrive with HoT)
Kiel Replacement Movement
Amount and Quality of Content in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512
It true Anet could have a ton of surprise content not yet discussed.
Ooooh, skycastles! Take my money Anet!
It true Anet could have a ton of surprise content not yet discussed.
Ooooh, skycastles! Take my money Anet!
the canyon hall may as well be, just look at the recent posts about guildhalls/ the youtube video on their channel
Kiel Replacement Movement
The stuff I am seeing says ‘look! we get new fractals and such, you should not just be focusing on the new PVE content’. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I thought the whole point was we decide how to play. I play mostly PVE so to me there is not much content.
Amount and Quality of Content in HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512
I’m also seeing some content that was promised for the original game, but turned out to be missing upon buying it. So I’m paying full price for some DLC, and stuff that was missing in the core game? Heck, I also only play PVE, and this seems like a very small expansion, if you can even call it that.
Say, does Heart of Thorns also contain the other missing content?
What dev team thinks its wise to hold back content info but release a price/purchasing bundles before people actually knowing the full extent of the content they will be getting. When EotN released back in the day we were fully aware of what was included and felt the price was more than justified for what people were getting.
From what i’ve seen of HoT it looks more to be a $30 feature pack than an actual expansion.