Another weekend, another locked DS map...

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


Well, another weekend has gone by and still no closer to seeing a DS map succeed, so still unable to get that map finished.

After much reading of guides and with a lot of help, managed to get TD 100%- thanks all who were on the map and running around to all the various HP’s! Was tedious, lots of waiting around or running back and looking up even how to find POI’s, vistas, etc. Luckily I had a good long spell at it during primetime.

Three down, one to go…

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Warcry.1596


30 minutes after every Odd hour server time (5:30, 7:30, 9:30, etc) the map resets, go then and look for a map that is finding people. I have NEVER not found a map and complete it often 2 times per day. Just keep looking in the LFG and you’ll find it

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I watch the timer. If a DS is starting when I have 2 hours to sit at the computer and no one needs me for other things, in I go the moment it’s half-past. Then I watch both Map and LFG. If I happen to be in a map with people tagging up and organizing, yay! I can taxi folks in. If not, I look for a taxi. They fill up faster than I can move my cursor to the Join button, though, so I have to get lucky on where they show up in the list (LFG really needs some subdivisions of Open World now).

Anyway, doing that has taken me to a successful DS every time. Afterwards it can be a pain to get to stuff, so I’m grateful when someone announces a pod run, though I have to choose between pods for ore and map exploration, darn it. (Actually, you can explore most of the map without DS being successful, it’s just harder to get through the mobs in places and you do need to get to the Mouth fight to get to that HP and poi on its west side).

Speaking of the HP and poi, it’s a real bear to get over there. I used up my 10 minutes post Mouth on it last time. Unfortunately people are too busy chasing around in the 10 minutes to have time to type explanations or show you the way there Which, as it turns out, is to get out on the vine extending behind the merchant, point at the green area to the right of the bend and the thick vine, judiciously use lean techniques to go faster, and be aware there is an invisible wall along the green ledge that will knock you down off it if you don’t get to the very narrow band of walkable space.

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


30 minutes after every Odd hour server time (5:30, 7:30, 9:30, etc) the map resets, go then and look for a map that is finding people. I have NEVER not found a map and complete it often 2 times per day. Just keep looking in the LFG and you’ll find it

If you complete it two times a day, you’re spending at least 5 hours ingame every day. That’s not your average person with a RL job, who might typically be able to log in a few times a week from 8.30 to 10pm. So weekdays basically they can’t do the map at all. They might get enough time to try one event on the weekend, only to see it fail after 2.5 hrs of effort. And that’s after using lfg and ferrying and taxis and all the other work arounds players have been forced to come up with to try and populate a map enough to have a chance at succeeding.

The whole two hour long meta event is a big block to people who can’t commit to 2-3 hours in one stretch and THEN spend even longer madly scrambling around the map before it closes trying to unlock POI’s and Vistas that you don’t even have time to check on how to get there.

Having the map locked behind the meta event is terrible design and just cheeses people off.

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xarallei.4279


DS is one of the easiest, if not the easiest of the meta events. I rarely get a failed map. And I’m not talking about guild organized maps either, I’m talking about pug maps. Just use the LFG and find “Org DS” and you will be fine. Do this as the event is starting because if you try later on you won’t get a good map. Now Tangled Depths, that’s another story…I’ve managed to do that but only rarely. It’s annoying because I’m trying to get that hivemaster title and mini.

(edited by xarallei.4279)

Another weekend, another locked DS map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


Update: got very lucky and found a full map last night, and managed not to d/c, and RL let me stay on until the meta completed. Managed to get the map completed apart from one HP, so used points from wvw to get that triggered for map completion.

Now I have ‘adventures’ to endure if I ever want to complete the masteries…