Any pics of legendary armor yet?
That’s just a picture of a Sylvari with selfless potion, Tier 2 cultural, and wielding Sunrise.
Part of the reason people are so negative these days is because HoT is basically incomplete it’s missing some core components expansions typically come with right out of the box. End game modes basically there are no raids or dungeons in HoT and no Fractals specific to it. They say future content but that future content is just raids which should have already been in to keep people busy instead of grinding masteries.
To answer your question though neither the legendary armor or the new legendaries are even in the game as of yet. The weapons are coming eventually and legendary armor is tied to raid content and without actual raids we don’t have any information to even datamine what the armor could even look like in the end.
Also not to burst your bubble but I don’t think legendary armor will be all that great to look at in the end. Ascended gear looks the way it does so people will transmog it or buy transmutation items or skins on the market. If legendary armor was the be all to end all design wise then Anet would lose money off of skins. More for the changeable stats I’d say when it comes down to whether or not a person would want it but then again without info or raids I simply cannot say and this is mere speculation.
I hope the armor looks like Quip then we can all rejoice.
Said no one ever.
Crystal Desert
is that the new legendary armor?
that_shaman datamined months ago some armor sets that had an interesting feature – they had a “common” version and a slightly modified “enhanced” version. It’s very likely the precursor armor set and the legendary armor sets.
Most are very ugly, tbh.
The “common” medium armor looks good – at least it’s not a trench coat. Everything else is ugly. But those are just the skins, without the particle effects the armors will of course have.