Ascended Gear
It wouldn’t be the golden carrot then would it? Full ascended armor increases your stats like 1-2%. Ascended weapons are worth the coin, I argue if armor is.
Crystal Desert
Legendary armor ! (dreaming)
It wouldn’t be the golden carrot then would it? Full ascended armor increases your stats like 1-2%. Ascended weapons are worth the coin, I argue if armor is.
next patch asc armor will increase stats by 10%
It wouldn’t be the golden carrot then would it? Full ascended armor increases your stats like 1-2%. Ascended weapons are worth the coin, I argue if armor is.
next patch asc armor will increase stats by 10%
Not quite, all equipment stats will increase by ~30%
The gap between exotic and ascended will increase from 5% to 10%
It wouldn’t be the golden carrot then would it? Full ascended armor increases your stats like 1-2%. Ascended weapons are worth the coin, I argue if armor is.
next patch asc armor will increase stats by 10%
Not quite, all equipment stats will increase by ~30%
The gap between exotic and ascended will increase from 5% to 10%
Ascended stats – exotic stats : next week stats are going up by 10% from 5%. Thats a huge noticable difference.
So, the question is, will the forum defenders of Ascended gear continue to tell us the gap between Exotic and Ascended is too minor to matter?
Apparently ArenaNet didn’t like the idea that a huge portion of their player base could shrug off the grind to get Ascended by dismissing the minor stat boost.
Come on. Come on. You know you want this tasty carrot…..
It’s entirely possible that the third party site claiming to have the full notes is hoaxing people. Such things happen with almost every MMO major game-changing patch. I find it hard to believe that ANet with its extreme loose-lips-sink-ships policy would send out the notes to anyone before publishing them itself.
So please don’t go foaming at the mouth about the Ascended/Exotic gap increase until ANet itself says it’s a thing.
entirelypossible that the increasing number of third party sites claiming to have the full notesisare hoaxing people.
So, the question is, will the forum defenders of Ascended gear continue to tell us the gap between Exotic and Ascended is too minor to matter?
Apparently ArenaNet didn’t like the idea that a huge portion of their player base could shrug off the grind to get Ascended by dismissing the minor stat boost.
Come on. Come on. You know you want this tasty carrot…..
It still shouldnt matter for the casual player. There are no gear requirements to complete content (apart from agony resist in fractals) and there are no DPS checks that require any significant investment.
The stat difference is larger. But its still pretty small.
Legendary armor ! (dreaming)
Beat me to it XD
I’m going to start making Ascended armor, but only because I feel like it. It’ll be a nice progression to eventually upgrade my armor to the next tier. The stat boost isn’t totally necessary, but it is nice.
It still shouldnt matter for the casual player. There are no gear requirements to complete content (apart from agony resist in fractals) and there are no DPS checks that require any significant investment.
The stat difference is larger. But its still pretty small.
Thank you. I was wondering how long that would take.
Just out of curiosity, what would the threshold stat difference be? 15%? 25%? 50%? At what point would it feel weird to you, personally, that BiS gear was so much better than the last readily accessible tier?
And how strong is your belief that ArenaNet will balance around Exotic level stats creating new content in the future?
I know it’s three years dead now, but I still love ArenaNet’s original idea for GW2 that all players, shortly after hitting 80, would be equipped in BiS gear.
It wouldnt be fair if it was 50% but it still wouldnt matter because there is no gear requirements. Crying for the sake of crying with no real arguement wont make your point heard.
It wouldnt be fair if it was 50% but it still wouldnt matter because there is no gear requirements. Crying for the sake of crying with no real arguement wont make your point heard.
Doesn’t matter? WvW says hello.
So, the question is, will the forum defenders of Ascended gear continue to tell us the gap between Exotic and Ascended is too minor to matter?
Apparently ArenaNet didn’t like the idea that a huge portion of their player base could shrug off the grind to get Ascended by dismissing the minor stat boost.
Come on. Come on. You know you want this tasty carrot…..
It still shouldnt matter for the casual player. There are no gear requirements to complete content (apart from agony resist in fractals) and there are no DPS checks that require any significant investment.
The stat difference is larger. But its still pretty small.
new more difficult content is supposed to be coming, and it looks like there will be more unavoidable damage in the game.
so yeah, while the best of the best may not need the best gear, most players will think its required when they get beaten.
and yes it will reduce your chance of getting beaten.
It wouldnt be fair if it was 50% but it still wouldnt matter because there is no gear requirements. Crying for the sake of crying with no real arguement wont make your point heard.
Doesn’t matter? WvW says hello.
Well thankfully its only a 10% difference!
It wouldnt be fair if it was 50% but it still wouldnt matter because there is no gear requirements. Crying for the sake of crying with no real arguement wont make your point heard.
you realize 5% is considered a huge buff?
you also realize its 5% more when 30% more stats are on armor.
so lets say before you got
1000 power on exotic 1050 power on ascended
translates into
1333 power on exotic and 1466 power on ascended
thats a difference of 1.6 might stacks and 4.4 might stacks.
would you say there will be virtually no difference for a team that has 4 more might stacks up at all times?
what about a team who gets 10% more damage from crits at all time?
yes it matters, a whole lot actually.
It wouldnt be fair if it was 50% but it still wouldnt matter because there is no gear requirements. Crying for the sake of crying with no real arguement wont make your point heard.
Doesn’t matter? WvW says hello.
Well thankfully its only a 10% difference!
10% difference when 30% more of your stats come from armor is extremely signifigant.
Its a 10% difference after the bonus 30% is added. Its still only a 10% difference.
I crafted ascended gear and you didn’ t.
Who should be in disadavantage…me or you?
Now go crafting your ascended gear and quit complaining Anet did well and to be honest..the should have increased even more the gap between ascended and exotic.
Soooo…does this mean that if those of us who do not have ascended armor and weapons should not buy the expansion because our Exotics are not good enough for HoT????
What happened to Colin saying that our present armor will be fine as frog’s hair?
Its a 10% difference after the bonus 30% is added. Its still only a 10% difference.
its a 10% difference when 30% more of your stats are based on gear.
take a look
lets say 2000 power comes from exotics now, 300 comes from traits and 1000 (simplified)
the difference in total power for an ascended user is
3300 versus 3400 power.
now, lets take away the standardized 300 and toss in the the 30% from gear
2666+1000 compared to 2932+1000 or 3666 compated to 3932.
basically trait points reduced the effect of gear, now more stats are based on your gear, so that 10% is more important than it used to be.
and it used to only be 5%
that will be extremely signifigant.
Soooo…does this mean that if those of us who do not have ascended armor and weapons should not buy the expansion because our Exotics are not good enough for HoT????
What happened to Colin saying that our present armor will be fine as frog’s hair?
it wont be useless, it just will be relatively weaker than it used to be.
I just read the post by Darkness…I did not craft any Ascended because the Stat difference made no difference to my playstyle.
And be kind. Just because you have the prized armor and weapons is no reason to belittle those of us who saw no reason to craft them.
Being a good winner is just as important as being a good loser…but that is a life lesson you will eventually learn.
Now, I have to decide whether or not to buy HoT, when before it was a no brainer.
1000 compared to 1100 versus 1300 compared to 1430. Its really not that big of a difference.
Of course it looks like a huge difference when you use unrealistic numbers. Currently ascended gear gives 1087 stat points to the main stat and 745 to the secondary stats. Exotic gives something like 977 to the mainstat. Seems like the stat difference is already 10% for some reason (might be messed up because of trinkets).
(edited by spoj.9672)
Hi Phys.
Weaker meaning I will not be able to survive the wilds of the jungle????
I guess nobody knows the answer to that yet.
Sorry my postings sound dour.
I was recently diagnosed with a L5 Bulging Disc and over half of my 33 level 80s did not have 65 skillpoints.
Despite the pain, I did manage to get them all out into the world, and I think everyone of them now has at least 65 skillpoints with one who has World completion
I was quite pleased with myself until I read about the stat gap between exotic and Ascended….
When I feel better I may look into what it takes to make a set, but right now….no. My heart is not into it now.
Hi Phys.
Weaker meaning I will not be able to survive the wilds of the jungle????
I guess nobody knows the answer to that yet.
You will be able to do just fine in the jungle. The stat difference is still honestly not that big. it used to only be a 1-2% damage difference, and now it will be a 2-4% damage difference. Woooo!!!!!!
Lisa reaches out through the screen and gives Dante a great big Texas size hug.
Thank you for taking the time to share that info.
It is appreciated more than you can know.
Lisa-Needs some lunch.
I’m not sure what to make of this. I’ve made one Ascended set (Zerker’s Light). It’s irrelevant in sPvP, and PvE is always a sliding scale, so the only thing to really be worried about IMO is WvW and economic balance.
With the new stat emphasis falling entirely on gear, I think Exotic and Ascended prices could possibly go up quite a bit in price. Think people will finally want stuff with defensive stats for PvE? :p
Hi Phys.
Weaker meaning I will not be able to survive the wilds of the jungle????
I guess nobody knows the answer to that yet.
You will be able to do just fine in the jungle. The stat difference is still honestly not that big. it used to only be a 1-2% damage difference, and now it will be a 2-4% damage difference. Woooo!!!!!!
Actually it was an over 10% damage difference between full exo and full ascended for damage builds. Now it will be more. Wonder if the flat 5% dps upgrade of weapons will be changed to 10% difference as well, or will it only cover stats.
In other news, cloth prices seem to be skyrocketing right now. I wonder why :P
Remember, remember, 15th of November
i dont hvae asended gear bc i tthougt there would b no tredmill in gw2
i read the manifeso and this change seems to voilate the manifeso
i dont want to alway grind grind grind for gear thats why ibought gw2, 2 play and have fun not run in circals for gear
pls just undo the ascend gear leavin oragne gear at the top
thanks for listening,
thomas petres
Hi Phys.
Weaker meaning I will not be able to survive the wilds of the jungle????
I guess nobody knows the answer to that yet.
You will be able to do just fine in the jungle. The stat difference is still honestly not that big. it used to only be a 1-2% damage difference, and now it will be a 2-4% damage difference. Woooo!!!!!!
Actually it was an over 10% damage difference between full exo and full ascended for damage builds. Now it will be more. Wonder if the flat 5% dps upgrade of weapons will be changed to 10% difference as well, or will it only cover stats.
In other news, cloth prices seem to be skyrocketing right now. I wonder why :P
The damage difference from weapons is purely because of the weapon strength upgrade. I doubt they are changing that as well.
It’s like 2 more stats on the gear. If you didn’t care before, you have no reason to care now.
It still shouldnt matter for the casual player. There are no gear requirements to complete content (apart from agony resist in fractals) and there are no DPS checks that require any significant investment.
The stat difference is larger. But its still pretty small.
Some players will always be convinced that having BiS is a MANDATORY part of the game itself and anyone that disagrees is not a REAL player….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Ascended gear has been out so long how could you possibly want to play in exotics? What do you guys do in this game??? I’ve gotten 5 ascended sets just from playing and crafted 4. Not to mention they throw the trinkets at you. Full exotic set takes a handful of tokens gold or badges to get. A set of ascended gear takes at most s month to make if you don’t play that often, less if you’re not buying mini pets from the gem store. Wow
A gear treadmill is when new gear comes out that makes old gear obsolete. This didn’t happen. It’s the same gear that’s been here for about 2 years.
This makes me think that I will wait awhile before buying HoT, if ever. If the content is balanced for ascended gear then I probably wont get it. I do have a full set of ascended armor and a few weapons, but I also have many alts who would be kitten needlessly in that scenario.
It still shouldnt matter for the casual player. There are no gear requirements to complete content (apart from agony resist in fractals) and there are no DPS checks that require any significant investment.
The stat difference is larger. But its still pretty small.
Some players will always be convinced that having BiS is a MANDATORY part of the game itself and anyone that disagrees is not a REAL player….
Isn’t that sort of their fault for thinking that though? This game does not require you to have ascended gear to do anything aside from higher-level Fractals, no matter how someone feels about it.
Putting it in perspective, the new armor changes will be around 40 primary stat and 25 minor stat greater for ascended over exotics. This is not a lot at all; it’s like 1.5 stacks of might.
I’m having a hard time understanding the uproar about the gap between exotic and ascended armor. I’m unable to find official information here on the forums. The guys from are merely claiming: “ArenaNet sent us the entire Patch Notes for next week’s build: […]”. And they added that piece of information in question (I refuse to repeat it here.) somewhere near the end of that page.
If this claim is true, I speculate that feces is very likely to hit the fan … Meanwhile, I am rooting for everyone with the enthusiasm to put their fan on high already. Also, silk traders, rejoice!
(edited by Zinubis.9506)
No truly competitive person/gamer will say 5% or 10% is trivial. That figure can mean dead or alive, win or lose.
Why majority of gw2 players always brush the difference off as trivial? because it’s a casual game for casual gamers.
i dont hvae asended gear bc i tthougt there would b no tredmill in gw2
i read the manifeso and this change seems to voilate the manifeso
i dont want to alway grind grind grind for gear thats why ibought gw2, 2 play and have fun not run in circals for gear
pls just undo the ascend gear leavin oragne gear at the top
thanks for listening,
thomas petres
Manifesto lol, was nothing but mere propaganda and hype to open up your wallet. Like your politicians running for elections, elected then backflip on everything they promised.
No truly competitive person/gamer will say 5% or 10% is trivial. That figure can mean dead or alive, win or lose.
Why majority of gw2 players always brush the difference off as trivial? because it’s a casual game for casual gamers.
Yeah except this game isnt a game which is win or lose based on a minor stat difference on gear. So it really doesnt matter. It is trivial unless you are a mix/maxer. And if you are a min/maxer you should already have/want ascended gear. The complaints are flawed.
Also using food and potions still gives more than switching to ascended. So yeah people are complaining over nothing. Especially when most of the people complaining probably dont even use good food.
(edited by spoj.9672)
i guess so mr pino it is sad bc i really dont lik the idea of a tredmill. they are like polictians and anet is wors than obama
I crafted ascended gear and you didn’ t.
Who should be in disadavantage…me or you?
Now go crafting your ascended gear and quit complaining Anet did well and to be honest..the should have increased even more the gap between ascended and exotic.
I’d agree with your sentiment to ‘get crafting’ but there’s one small problem- ascended armor is hidden behind both a time gate and being untradeable.
When they fix that, I’ll agree with you.
Until then, it’s just another grind to add to the rest of the grind if I want to play my mains.
No truly competitive person/gamer will say 5% or 10% is trivial. That figure can mean dead or alive, win or lose.
Why majority of gw2 players always brush the difference off as trivial? because it’s a casual game for casual gamers.Yeah except this game isnt a game which is win or lose based on a minor stat difference on gear. So it really doesnt matter. It is trivial unless you are a mix/maxer. And if you are a min/maxer you should already have/want ascended gear. The complaints are flawed.
Also using food and potions still gives more than switching to ascended. So yeah people are complaining over nothing. Especially when most of the people complaining probably dont even use good food.
It wasn’t a complaint btw. And you just proved my point, casual spotted. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing lol.
i guess so mr pino
it is sad bc i really dont lik the idea of a tredmill. they are like polictians and anet is wors than obama
I’m not saying anet is worse than Obama lol, Obama is just another typical politician.
Bottom line is, everywhere you go, ppl will say everything are flowers, roses, kisses and hugs to get you to open up your wallet. Manifesto means jack.
No truly competitive person/gamer will say 5% or 10% is trivial. That figure can mean dead or alive, win or lose.
Why majority of gw2 players always brush the difference off as trivial? because it’s a casual game for casual gamers.Yeah except this game isnt a game which is win or lose based on a minor stat difference on gear. So it really doesnt matter. It is trivial unless you are a mix/maxer. And if you are a min/maxer you should already have/want ascended gear. The complaints are flawed.
Also using food and potions still gives more than switching to ascended. So yeah people are complaining over nothing. Especially when most of the people complaining probably dont even use good food.
It wasn’t a complaint btw. And you just proved my point, casual spotted
. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing lol.
Yeah im so casual ive only got 6 ascended sets out of the 9 I want. Lack of dragonite in fractals/dungeons. :<
I’d love legendary armor with switchable stats. Would cost sooooo much though. Unless we had the option of going on a hunt for the ingredients (like for precursors in HoT), then that would ease the wallet a bit.