Assassin the new meta?

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


So I figure I better start making some ascended lewt now, before the prices go up, due to people making their legendaries….

So, mesmers, every third crit slows for 2 seconds… and illusions bleed when they crit… and you both inflict confusion when you crit….

And necros do the explody chill thing when they crit someone that is chilled… 3 times within 10 seconds… so it can be three hits in a row if they all crit.

Engis get all kinds of stuff when they crit….

I’m also guessing that if your crit is high enough, you will be able to play more with runes and sigils, and I’m guess there could be some new ones added that are too good to turn down.

Can only guess what the other classes are getting, but it’s looking like assassin is going to be better than zerkers for a lot of builds.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


If I’m honest that seems like a bunch of baseless guessing. I mean, for necros, you will be able to have 100% critical chance on a target with 25 vul while your in reapershroud with zero precision. I’m sure there’s a lot that will go into what the “new meta” will be. Who knows, necro might have a completely different set of gear that is optimal for them while for example warriors may continue to be optimal with berserkers.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


If they trait for it, yeah, necros can get crazy crit, but the other skills they give up are crazy good too.

Like stability, dhuumfire, life leech or 1% life force and might for hitting someone that is chilled…

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


With the condition changes sinister will no doubt become more popular (for condi glass cannons), as will dire (for condi bunkers).

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phokus.8934


Reflect Mesmers use (rather should use) Assassin’s for PvE.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arioso.8519


Can only guess what the other classes are getting, but it’s looking like assassin is going to be better than zerkers for a lot of builds.

It already is.

Zerk get’s all the glory, but some classes, like Mesmer and Engineer get extra benefits from precision.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dietzero.3514


You have to remember that condition scaling was changed. The damaging conditions of non-condition builds are going to be much weaker.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tman.6349


You have to remember that condition scaling was changed. The damaging conditions of non-condition builds are going to be much weaker.

Exactly this. With 0 investment into Condi damage, condis are gonna be nearly useless. Condis are being completely rescaled so that, in order to maintain the current ‘0-spec’ condi damage, will require a minimum of 700 C.Dam. This means that might stacking will be much less useful, as stats have been removed from the trait lines (this includes the +C.Dur from Power lines). The scaling will be drastically improved with more than 700 C.Dam. With the recent Might nerf, +750 C.Dam (25 Might) will be equal to what we have now at zero investment. Removing the condi cap will balance this out I feel though. (I.e. needed C.Dam from might but excellent condition stacking as compered to before the nerf.)

The saving grace here is the the direct damage of Zerk/Sin specs will have direct damage buffed VERY nicely, thank to non-damage stats being removed from traits and normalized to gear!!! Omg IKR!!! This means our meta Zerker DPs/team support builds are getting HUGE buffs. (PS Warrior w/o sacrificing any DPS stats!?! O.O)

I’ll add more to my line of reasoning here in a while.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The saving grace here is the the direct damage of Zerk/Sin specs will have direct damage buffed VERY nicely, thank to non-damage stats being removed from traits and normalized to gear!!! Omg IKR!!! This means our meta Zerker DPs/team support builds are getting HUGE buffs. (PS Warrior w/o sacrificing any DPS stats!?! O.O)

Yep. The good glass players will see more damage from builds like the PS one. The marginal glass players will likely get downed more if they’ve been relying on that extra 3K health. Call me cynical, but it’s my guess there are more marginal players than really good ones.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dietzero.3514


You have to remember that condition scaling was changed. The damaging conditions of non-condition builds are going to be much weaker.

Exactly this. With 0 investment into Condi damage, condis are gonna be nearly useless. Condis are being completely rescaled so that, in order to maintain the current ‘0-spec’ condi damage, will require a minimum of 700 C.Dam. This means that might stacking will be much less useful, as stats have been removed from the trait lines (this includes the +C.Dur from Power lines). The scaling will be drastically improved with more than 700 C.Dam. With the recent Might nerf, +750 C.Dam (25 Might) will be equal to what we have now at zero investment. Removing the condi cap will balance this out I feel though. (I.e. needed C.Dam from might but excellent condition stacking as compered to before the nerf.)

The saving grace here is the the direct damage of Zerk/Sin specs will have direct damage buffed VERY nicely, thank to non-damage stats being removed from traits and normalized to gear!!! Omg IKR!!! This means our meta Zerker DPs/team support builds are getting HUGE buffs. (PS Warrior w/o sacrificing any DPS stats!?! O.O)

I’ll add more to my line of reasoning here in a while.

I believe they said that 700 was exactly the same in the new and old system. Anything over will do more damage than now, while anything under will do less.

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


The saving grace here is the the direct damage of Zerk/Sin specs will have direct damage buffed VERY nicely, thank to non-damage stats being removed from traits and normalized to gear!!!

We don’t know how much will the stats on gear be buffed – remember, that the devs said it will cover only part of the loss from th trait stat removal however. If you count on having your direct damage noticeably buffed for dps builds, you might end up being disappointed.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Engi meta is already assassin, same with mesmer. As I understand it quite a few others have mix between the two to maximize crit chance.

For instance on Engi a 62% crit chance is ideal, and with Scholar runes being the hands down best currently, that means you need Assassin gear to achieve it. You could go Accuracy sigil, but doing that you lose a lot at night, so maybe zerk + accuracy during day being a very good option, but yeah… it’s pretty well accepted that Assassin = best as I understand it, though not a big enough difference to be too overly concerned between the two. But, 62% crit chance with proper buffs leaves you at 90% above 50% on target and 100% below, so effectively I guess an average of 95%.

Mesmers as someone said, when you factor in Reflects that are affected by crit chance/bonus but not power, they already typically opt for Assassin.

As far as necros going for it, IIRC the DS build you don’t because of Death Perception, but the dagger build does? I could very well be misremembering, either way with that crit chance boost under Shroud I’d imagine the new one won’t be going Assassin unless you can’t get that trait. I don’t know I haven’t looked into necro that much.

Either way, point being, Assassin is already quite prevalent. People just often don’t talk about it and prefer to focus on Zerk, especially when trying to make a point saying only 1/23 or whatever gears are viable to prove a point

Assassin the new meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

The saving grace here is the the direct damage of Zerk/Sin specs will have direct damage buffed VERY nicely, thank to non-damage stats being removed from traits and normalized to gear!!!

We don’t know how much will the stats on gear be buffed – remember, that the devs said it will cover only part of the loss from th trait stat removal however. If you count on having your direct damage noticeably buffed for dps builds, you might end up being disappointed.

That will depends on the builds. Those that use traits for the trait not stats, will be able to gear full glass while playing the same traits. Since they will add some stats to the baseline, current full glass (zerker 6/6/x/x/x) will lose some dps (not factoring in possible changes with traits) but builds that rely on non zerker trait lines currently, will get nice dps buff. For this reason alone, I can’t wait for HoT.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr