Astralaria IV - Cosmos collection stuck...

Astralaria IV - Cosmos collection stuck...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fuzzle.9145


I am proceed with the collections, taking the gear to the different places at night but a couple of them have me stuck. Would love any specific location information about these:
1) Hidden garden. I have gone in during night, did JP, stood near the chest with all 4 items, nothing. So, I collected them again, and went back later, thinking that I took too long. Still nothing. I even waited until reset when the chest could be looted again. It is titled Gnarl of Melendru – I guess that could be part of the tree. I’m just not sure what I do, it what order.

2) Steeleye Span – The descriptions says Siege Devourer. Do I need to interact with a particular NPC?

Can’t wait to do Balazar again – that dude is OP.

Astralaria IV - Cosmos collection stuck...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Silvaren.5186


General advice – have your inventory open and spam click the Celestial Cartographer’s Gear when you’re near the location in question. More specific advice regarding the two items:

1) Collect the four cantles, go to the chest and open it then head up the tree (towards the Sun cantle) while spam clicking Celestial Cartographer’s Gear. I got my chart not far from the chest as I started heading up. Make sure you do this during the night of course, Tyria day/night cycle is the same as Verdant Brink’s (use Hot map timer on Dulfy’s site or something similar)

2) You have to get on top of the Span structure. There are rotating tilted vents on either side of the building, use those to gain some height and jump on the roof.

Anyway, that worked for me. Good luck

Astralaria IV - Cosmos collection stuck...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I had trouble with both of those as well, so here’s how to get them:

Hidden Garden – for some stupid reason there’s no visible change in the sky for the night time in that place (I should know, I waited over an hour for it). The place you need to be at is past the chest (theres some mushrooms that head upwards), you’ll end up on a small little floating island just before a whole line of mushrooms that head further up – don’t cross those mushrooms, stay on the little floaty rock-like island and click on cartographer’s gear. It has to be at night time, but since there’s no visible night time there, as someone suggested from another thread, you can wield an ascalonian weapon to tell if it’s night time because it glows blue.

For the Steeleye Span place, as Silvaren pointed out, it’s on top of the roof directly above the waypoint. In order to get on top, from the waypoint, head either left or right up the stairs (there’s only a few steps) and you’ll see some rotating vents/pillars/whatever they are. Get up as high as you can on it, and then jump onto the roof (may take a few goes). Head to the middle of the roof and use the gear.

Steeleye span and hidden garden pics below. Yellow indicates path. Doesn’t look right with the hidden garden but couldn’t figure out how to show the different levels of the trees, but just imagine the path going from the chest, around the side, heading up to the little floaty rocky island where you use the cartographer’s gear.

Hope that helps. I think the descriptions need some serious rewording too, as it’s not very clear at all. Who is to know the hidden garden’s sky ALWAYS has the appearance of daytime? Steeleye Span’s description doesn’t say ‘on the roof’ either (which would have been extremely helpful, but it wasn’t included because that would require logic), and the hidden garden description also said ‘near’ the chest. Well, ‘near’ to me means ‘just beside’ an area, not halfway up the tree >_<


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Astralaria IV - Cosmos collection stuck...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fuzzle.9145


Thanks so much for the help and even pictures. I’ll go in a bit and try them out. Not sure what I would do without the community.