[BETA] General Feedback from a Necro Main
This is where I have the most feedback, especially since I play so much necromancer in general. For reference, I tried both a hybrid reaper with Dhuumfire and a power reaper.
First, I am of the firm opinion that there is nothing on reaper currently that should be nerfed, even if it’s not working as intended. Perhaps I’m very bad at reaper, or very good at elementalist, but my damage output felt comparable to my fresh air ele, but more tanky (which is necessary, given that I was forced into melee). This is including the might stacks every RS auto, spinning in poison fields with RS4, et cetera. Once I figured out how to play the synergies effectively, I felt I was actually competing with other classes in terms of effectiveness, something I haven’t felt on my necromancer in the open world since the original beta events.
Reaper, on the whole, was a lot of fun to play. It dishes out a lot of damage, but in a way that isn’t completely mindless. While autoattacking will do its share of damage, I found it very unimpressive until I started taking advantage of all the various synergies I could find.
That said, there are definitely some things I feel could use work.
- Reaper’s Shroud is awesome, and, as the core mechanic replacement for the Reaper, it makes sense that it is given some focus. However, it seems like part of pushing the shroud was undertuning the rest of the class.
- The most obvious problem is with greatsword. The weapon is extremely slow, and doesn’t have the damage output to make up for it. As is, I am led to believe that GS autoattack deals 45% less damage than dagger autoattack, doesn’t generate life force, and is so slow as to be trivial to avoid or interrupt even for the AI. Honestly, using the autoattack feels like a huge risk, as I’m locking myself out of being able to react in combat. In my mind, one of three things needs to happen:
- Autoattack chain gets a universal damage buff to bring its dps 20% above dagger’s (damage buff ~+150%)
- Autoattack chain attacks at 1/2;3/4;3/4s and gets a universal damage buff of ~+130%
- Autoattack chain attacks at 1/2;1/2;3/4s and gets a universal +110-120% damage buff.
Likewise, Gravedigger needs work. Sure, it hits for a reasonable chunk of damage. However, its cast time makes it nearly unusable even regardless of damage, and the damage is nowhere near enough to justify it. At most, the cast-time should be 1 second, and even then the damage needs to be increased dramatically.
- As a corollary, the greatsword’s place seems to be purely as a setup weapon for shroud. Just run up to an enemy, put 3, 4, and 5 on cooldown, then go straight into shroud. While shroud is fun, I’d also like to be able to make an actual Greatsword reaper, rather than a RS reaper who happens to hold a greatsword.
- I haven’t played much with the shouts, but I definitely feel like the heal should have a reduced casting time, maybe 0.5-0.6s, rather than 0.75.
- I like the traits on the whole, but would like to see a couple small changes. First, I feel like Blighter’s Boon would be more interesting if it simply gave life shroud. While this could easily get out of hand with the might-gain available to the RS auto, it seems to me that if the specialization focuses this heavily on being in reaper’s shroud to do damage, then it makes sense for a grandmaster trait to effectively allow you to stay in RS for as long as you are attacking. My initial thought is that it should give exactly enough life force to offset the passive LF drain while autoattacking. Second, based off of what I’ve heard, Deathly Chill should have its Condition Damage scaling buffed significantly.
Yup, I think the only complaint I have about Reaper is the GS. Buff that a bit, and I think you’d be good!
Another little thing:
The trait which chills when you fears someone isn’t working…which is clearly detrimental as a Reaper…i was supposed to catch them, not to lag behind them^^
[BETA] General Feedback from a Necro Main
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blood Raven.7409
i agree completly about greatsword as does virtualy every other person whos tried reaper, its so incredibly slow and the damage is really low aswell, at its current speed it needs to be about double damage…its reeeeeaaaally slow…. you should try it in pvp you cant even hit people with it.
its also got really poor life force generation and control so it doesnt even work well for seting up reapers shroud, melee greatsword and melee shroud really dont blend together, it doesnt make a lot of sense having both.
you are all weaklings and chilled to the bone are perfect
i think your soul is mine could use a small buff (4k out of 25k is not really a heal)
the other shouts are useless