BETA weekend achievements [merged]
Ok I just tested this. Did the kill 1 Hylek one. Does not appear on your regular character. So unless Anet will transfer those achievements to the real accounts after Beta they are useless to do.
You do them for the mastery points, not the AP.
the mastery points are also useless if they dont carry over to your normal characters
They are useful for your beta characters to test out the masteries which is one of the points of the beta tests. This isn’t a head start.
I guess I’ll have to spam this thread so it stays on top until we get some kind of clarification. Spam.
What more clarification do you need? They’ve stated numerous times, it’s even at the top of the screen in game, that all progress on beta characters is not saved. Nothing received or done on a beta character will transfer over to your main account.
I still can’t figure out any logical reasons to make achievements to general section and under beta weekend that give you ap, other than that those achievements are permanent. So that’s the clarification I need. Plus if you look my earlier post a little bit upper, you can see my real problem.
I guess I’ll have to spam this thread so it stays on top until we get some kind of clarification. Spam.
What more clarification do you need? They’ve stated numerous times, it’s even at the top of the screen in game, that all progress on beta characters is not saved. Nothing received or done on a beta character will transfer over to your main account.
I still can’t figure out any logical reasons to make achievements to general section and under beta weekend that give you ap, other than that those achievements are permanent. So that’s the clarification I need. Plus if you look my earlier post a little bit upper, you can see my real problem.
A teaser perhaps. We had something similar last time when all the classes that had specializations in the beta would prompt you to check your traits in your main account but there would be nothing to update. The clients are likely exactly the same except the beta characters are not directly connected to the account.
All of this player disgruntlement could have been avoided weeks ago by simply posting in this thread or announcing on the patch notes page that the achievements that were added’ were for beta testing and would not carry over.
Why Anet (apparently purposely) continually fuels negative sentiment about their lack of communication is beyond me.
All of this player disgruntlement could have been avoided weeks ago by simply posting in this thread or announcing on the patch notes page that the achievements that were added’ were for beta testing and would not carry over.
Why Anet (apparently purposely) continually fuels negative sentiment about their lack of communication is beyond me.
Go log into any beta character. What message do you see plastered at the top of the screen?
Is it really so hard for a dev to answer this?
Sorry to repeat this but incase admin didn’t see it in other posts.
I need a confirmation that if the 5 new achievement points from this beta is permanently added to the account after completion pls? I need response from admin instead of guessing from players.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
thought this should be clearly mentioned otherwise might create some unhappy players after grinding and realised they don’t get the ap instead of just testing beta out normally.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
The beta achievements can’t be added to your main account anymore than doing daily achievements on your beta characters can be added to your main account. The normal account and the beta account are two separate entities.
Ye same here, coz when I go on different characters (not “BETA”) they’re clear ; / Waiting for fast answer ; d
The beta achievements can’t be added to your main account anymore than doing daily achievements on your beta characters can be added to your main account. The normal account and the beta account are two separate entities.
Still, accounts are connected I hope they will answer soon…
The answer has already been given. It’s no.
if admin reading this it isn’t hard to respond. why the delay?
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Xiahou Mao are you a Dev?
Did any Dev gave the answer no yet?
I they wanted to make achievements to help guide players they should make them give 0 ap.
Yeah the achievement points , like everything else is cancelled back off your account it seems.
I got crashed out as the beta turned to night time.. finally managed to log back in to game and found the achievs had been reset – so no real point in having them in the first place tbh imo
dont see why not, cant you do weapon master achievements on beta characters?
lol, it’s merely 5 points…
…does it even matter?
The beta achievements can’t be added to your main account anymore than doing daily achievements on your beta characters can be added to your main account. The normal account and the beta account are two separate entities.
Actually I am pretty sure the achieve points I got whilst in beta this evening were added to my game account achievement points…. then taken off again after crashing out of game/logging out of game.
I only just hit my 18500 point yesterday and done nothing since… prior to crashing earlier I had cleared another few points from the kills, events….
When you log onto a beta character, what do you see at the top of the screen towards the center? Those achievements have you testing out the beta, they’re not distracting you from doing it.
The weapon master achieve are in the core game, everything in the core game goes to beta char.
But the beta achieves are made on purpose for the beta, if they made them only to help guide players they shouldn’t give any ap, it only makes the players confuse if they should farm the events or not.
Xiahou Mao are you a Dev?
Did any Dev gave the answer no yet?
I they wanted to make achievements to help guide players they should make them give 0 ap.
It’s really not hard to check in-game. I finished a beta achievement this afternoon. When I go to a non-beta character, the achievement is unfinished. The beta account is a copy of your main account, things you do on the beta account do not in any way carry over to your main account. That includes loot obtained, precursors you get by throwing your free exotics into the Mystic Forge, WvW/PvP rank progress, and any achievements you obtain.
That’s your answer. No, you don’t get to keep the achievement points. An answer from a dev is unnecessary, you can see this for yourself in the game if you can be bothered to expend the effort.
thanks xiahou for your respond. I seek advice from admin not player as I mentioned in my post unless you can confirm that you are one of admin. I have too tested in game like you after only done 1 ap. but Iike I said i seek answer from admin.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
I have to say that coming into this beta, I decided I was going to spend some time doing the events despite the fact I had previously avoided beta so as not to spoil things. Why did I do it this time? To get the beta achievements. I don’t think I am alone in this.
I have to say I am vastly disappointed and indeed annoyed, that it seems not to be account bound. I went into this beta, pretty much spoiling part of the game for myself on release, just so I could do those achievements. And now I find, upon logging into my main character, that the achievements were not account bound after all.
I know that it makes sense to separate the characters because of the inventory etc, but to have a beta achievement list showing on the main characters that you cannot actually complete, but have them on the beta character that means nothing and will be deleted after the beta is over.. it just seems wrong. I thought the whole point of the achievements was to encourage people to test the specific content the devs wanted tested, and the achievements gave the players an historic achievement to remind them of the beta and some extra AP. Now it seems more like the achievements are just test achievements for content in the expansion.
Not happy. In fact I am pretty kitten annoyed.
In fact I am pretty kitten annoyed.
Me too, we have been asking for an answer to this situation since we first discovered the new achievements and yet the devs just sit back tight lipped unwilling to give any kind of answer, I almost wonder if it was a mistake that they were added in the first place and they are too embarrassed to say so.
thanks xiahou for your respond. I seek advice from admin not player as I mentioned in my post unless you can confirm that you are one of admin. I have too tested in game like you after only done 1 ap. but Iike I said i seek answer from admin.
You do understand that the devs/admins have a long standing policy against answering any post that specifically requests they do so unless it is within certain parameters. The more you specify you want them to say something to you, the less they will do so. They simply cannot afford to let people think dev time can be forced to be spent on answering every little post.
Regardless of what the loading screen says, having the beta achievements listed on my main account account under general threw me off. I would understand if they were only visible while playing my beta toon, but they aren’t and it’s listed on my main.
I’m not the only person who was surprised you didn’t get to keep them. Most of my guild didn’t know and alot of twitch streamers didn’t know you wouldn’t keep them either. Alot of people were under the impression that it would be added to the retired tab of your achievements once HoT was released. It’s misleading to show them while playing the real version of GW2 and the beta.
I’m not planning on helping Anet beta test their own game for free if there’s not a tiny reward for this. Whisper people doing events for the AP in the beta and you’ll shock alot of people that they don’t keep the AP.
(edited by ZanchinFissure.7981)
thanks xiahou for your respond. I seek advice from admin not player as I mentioned in my post unless you can confirm that you are one of admin. I have too tested in game like you after only done 1 ap. but Iike I said i seek answer from admin.
You get an answer from “admins” every time you load your beta character. It tells you on every loading screen that progress earned on beta characters will not carry over to your normal account.
I will say, AP aside – the mastery points rewarded from the achievements are what was confusing to me – I assumed it was a hat-tip / bonus for participating in the beta, giving a few bonus mastery points from trying stuff out – but looking here and poking around in game, I gather that those are/were only for the beta characters, to advance their mastery?
That’s something I can’t trivially test, though – MPs are account wide, but they don’t exist outside of HoT… so I can’t verify it like one can with AP.
The points are indeed only for beta characters to progress their masteries. Some of the higher-tier masteries require many points to unlock, so they threw in some extra points from achievements to help people who grind the amount of XP needed to get them.
I wasn’t bothered about getting the mastery points on my main. I just wanted the achievements all filled up, nice and neatly like the others
You’re beta testing NEW features that aren’t released, what other reward were you hoping for? you want them to send you a signed copy of the collectors edition? want 2000 gems? how about a few thousand gold instead?
This is an Arenanet beta, you never get to keep anything that happens during beta periods on beta characters. If you earned it on a beta, you get it deleted when the beta is over. Simple as that and it has always been this way.
The only thing that is different is that you don’t have to log into a special beta account or beta client as they’ve simplified it for you. Stop being confused by simple things, it’s why we have the NPE!
I’m certainly glad they aren’t letting people keep them, as it would punish those of us who have chosen not to spoil the new content for ourselves before release, or it would pressure us to spoil it for the sole purpose of grabbing those points before they are gone. No thank you.
lol, it’s merely 5 points…
…does it even matter?
When there is a total of 102 points between first and second place on the achievement point scoreboard, I’d say yes, it does matter to some.
it matters to me it if count I will grind
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
Beta achievements dont count for the Live account.. so there is absolutely no incentive to do any of them, unless you want to test out, if they work all correctly and pop up like they should do for doing the events.
Ive done yesterday in some hours play testign most of them and they plop up all like they do, so there is no reason for me to do the last ones that I haven done, theres no incentive for me do do the rest, when these achievements don’t count for our real accounts…
Would have been realylthe doom of the world, if they actually would count for the real accounts too.
Anet could have let them counted as 6 Daily points towards the 15k cap.. and the 6 Mastery Points seriously would have been no big deal, they would just have been for prepurchasers a nice tiny gift as a little head start…
But why making such nice things???
I finished three beta achievements completely and nothing has changed on my life account. This is to test the achievements in the beta, not to give you some sort of advantage.
I’ll stick to my post about it counting as 0 ap if it truly doesn’t matter at all. It’s awkward they would give you an AP reward in your achievement list. If they listed it as 0 AP then at least it would let people know it’s just for fun.
Also people who pre-order almost always get benefits over other in forms of exclusive content as a means to get people to actually buy it before it hits the market. 5 ap isn’t something to raise pickets over, so instead reduce them to 0ap and avoid anymore issues.
it matters to me
it if count I will grind
If you’re that worried, you should grind it just in case. Because you’re not going to get an answer from a Dev till after the weekend is over most likely.
Noticed that the beta achievements are not being carried to our account. So I am assuming we won’t be keeping them?
When there is a total of 102 points between first and second place on the achievement point scoreboard, I’d say yes, it does matter to some.
The AP leaderboards are useless. There’s no way that someone can rank high on this leaderboard with pure skill, because skill is not required here. That’s what makes them different from the other leaderboards.
To rank high on AP leaderboards you simply need to play longer than others (and have all the now unobtainable past LS rewards) and grind brainlessly from time to time (play 200 Bell Choir songs and stuff).
These 5 AP should matter to the top 10 on the leaderboards maybe, I could understand if they want to stay on top, but everyone else can just forget about them. If you haven’t got 28.000+ AP right now, you’ll never make it to the top of the leaderboard anyway.
“Progress and rewards earned by beta characters or in beta maps will not be saved.”
“What happens in Beta, stays in Beta.”
TL;DR: Yep, you’re right. Nothing gets carried to your main account and it should stay this way. I´d love to keep those mastery points, too, but its better if ArenaNet stays consequent on this.
So does it mean, that my ascended drop from PvP isn’t going to be in my wardrobe, even after launch?
Of course. ANYTHING that happened on your beta character and / or in beta maps will not be carried over. Imagine all those precursors forged from the geta gear chests being carried over…
Is it really so hard for a dev to answer this?
exactly, beta has started and still no official response
So does it mean, that my ascended drop from PvP isn’t going to be in my wardrobe, even after launch?
If you got it on a beta character, the answer is nope.
The game made a copy of your account. this copy is loaded when you go to your beta characters. After the last beta this copy is deleted. it is not possible to merge these copies. the purpose of beta’s is to test things.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Maybe you are asking yourself a question right now:
“Did I pay real money to be a guinea pig running through a maze without even getting the goodie at the end?”
Shockingly, the answer is yes!
Of course you could calm yourself if you think that you would have bought and played the game anyway, but within the beta days, you´re a guinea pig.^^
Maybe you are asking yourself a question right now:
“Did I pay real money to be a guinea pig running through a maze without even getting the goodie at the end?”
Shockingly, the answer is yes!Of course you could calm yourself if you think that you would have bought and played the game anyway, but within the beta days, you´re a guinea pig.^^
I never knew that guinea pigs could provide such elaborated feedback, and that researchers base future decisions on guinea pig’s personal opinions :P
BETA weekend achievements [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zyhonas Thanatos.2039
So I fully get that acheivements and items do not carry over from your beta characters onto your main account, but that brings forth this question. I noticed on my regular characters that there are achievements for beta weekends that can be seen. Now, I would like to know what the purpose of these acheivements are if they can only be gotten on the beta accounts, or will these be relabeled into maguuma acheivements in the future?
I know there was a topic on this yesterday, and people said we dont keep the achievements from beta….
… but map chat swears that we do. im kinda confused now….