BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Stasticeel.2745


People will adapt. Truth is in the normal maps you can get away with just pressing 1 while walking occasionally pressing F. This is not good. I agree it shouldn’t be so though that you need to remember every attack of every monster. But darn… actually thinking about what you are doing while playing, yes that should be there.

Last BWE I actually watched out and if I saw a veteran and I was playing a new class I never played it was an actual fight. In the normal maps I watch tv while running around pressing 1 and sometimes 4 to get swiftness.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Oreithyia.3064


of course HoT is for casuals. just because it is endgame, doesn’t mean that it is not for casuals. casual player may need longer to reach endgame than people that play the game 6-12 hours a day, but they still reach it.
It would be stupid of to exclude the casuals from an expansion pack and keep the majority of the players from playing the content. Plus these people probaly work and so are more likely to buy stuff from the gemshop, than people that have the time to play 6-12 hours a day.
i still thought BW2 was okay in the difficulty though. it was also already stated, that the drop in difficulty in BW3 was not intended by

(edited by Oreithyia.3064)

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kevan.8912


I want my money back too, but for another reason: because at launch there were no ascended and fractals and AR.
Yours sincerely, The casual

Everything we can do is continue to play if like it…and don’t buy next exp or any other thing if it doesn’t fit our expectations
My advice is to wait for launch and reviews newxt time…
my personal rule is: never buy early access or beta’s

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Are you serious? I use celestial gear and I kill mobs in a few seconds. Beta 1 and 2 were harder and challenging. This is a joke. Faceroll boring piece of kitten.

If the drop was not intended in BW3, why the hell did they lower the difficulty?

(edited by Zoid.2568)

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Are you serious? I use celestial gear and I kill mobs in a few seconds. Beta 1 and 2 were harder and challenging. This is a joke. Faceroll boring piece of kitten.

If the drop was not intended in BW3, why the hell did they lower the difficulty?

Yes, how DARE they have bugs in a beta test? OUTRAGEOUS!

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kendra Nightwind.8734

Kendra Nightwind.8734

BWE3 was not that much different than BWE1. But once again, I only played for a couple of hours because I was unable to find anything to actually do. No hints on the map of where I needed to go or where I could pick up a quest. There was no “next step” or even anyone to talk too in order to figure it out.
I am not really disappointed in the game, just lost.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Heart of Thorns is not for casual players. But in this kitten beta ArenaNet nerfed mobs and did everything easy and boring. HoT is supposed to be challenging endgame content. Now instead we get this boring content that is too easy, you can just hulk and smash everything. No one have to use their brain. Good job ArenaNet! you ruined your expansion. Beta 1 and 2 was a good challenge but this is a joke. Shame.

If you don’t change the difficulty back to harder mobs and content. Then I want my money back at launch.

They’ve already said, and it’s been posted on this forum on several threads, that the decreased difficulty was a bug.

ArenaColin Source
Hey folks,
Coming out of beta weekend two we were really happy with the over all open world difficulty. The only exceptions were that the wyvern was way too easy and didn’t scale well, and mushroom stompers were a little much. Thats all that should have changed for bwe3 – we will have to look into what the issue is here to find out why its being perceived as ’so much easier. Simple version: we also liked bwe2 difficulty.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nilix.2170


we will have to look into what the issue is here to find out why its being perceived as ’so much easier. Simple version: we also liked bwe2 difficulty._

Scrapper/Druid OP. Nobody dies.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


BWE3 was not that much different than BWE1. But once again, I only played for a couple of hours because I was unable to find anything to actually do. No hints on the map of where I needed to go or where I could pick up a quest. There was no “next step” or even anyone to talk too in order to figure it out.
I am not really disappointed in the game, just lost.

Yes and thats a good thing go out into the map and explore and you will find stuff.
Why do you still need breadcrumbs aka hearts to follow?

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nephziel.6053


Another same post made because someone didn’t read!

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rose Solane.1027

Rose Solane.1027

BWE3 was not that much different than BWE1. But once again, I only played for a couple of hours because I was unable to find anything to actually do. No hints on the map of where I needed to go or where I could pick up a quest. There was no “next step” or even anyone to talk too in order to figure it out.
I am not really disappointed in the game, just lost.

I expect that when we have the full expansion and we play it from the start (of the new maps) we will have more guidance. I spoke with scouts in the BW3, they are not that different from scouts in the current maps. The new maps are level 80, so players will have a lot experience before they enter Verdant Brink.

That said, I do think that more map hints about where the events are active would be nice. As far as I have seen only the main event chain is always shown on the map. A lot of the side events were not. Maybe that is intended and isn’t as much an issue as it was for me yesterday when the main event chain was broken (bugged).

Piken Square, The descendants of Gwen

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tongku.5326


A lot of people posting here seem to be confusing casual players with stupid players.

Casual players in HOT will still achieve everything else that even the most hardcore players will, only they will do so at their own pace. Where a hardcore player might take a month, a casual player can take up to 6 months, etc. and everything else in between. Which is good as unlike other games in this genre casuals can play, and do so at their own pace.

Stupid players on the other hand, especially those who fail to adapt, since adaptability and various builds are essential part of this game, will still be failing regardless of amount of time they spend in the game. Take for example the “my life is over !!!” and all the “being forced to…” zerker posts in this very forum and see what I mean.

So please do not confuse casual with stupid, you have plenty of very good casual players and plenty of very stupid hardcore players in the game.

Overall I would love to see the meta change and A-Net succeed in their original plan.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


A lot of people posting here seem to be confusing casual players with stupid players.

Casual players in HOT will still achieve everything else that even the most hardcore players will, only they will do so at their own pace. Where a hardcore player might take a month, a casual player can take up to 6 months, etc. and everything else in between. Which is good as unlike other games in this genre casuals can play, and do so at their own pace.

Stupid players on the other hand, especially those who fail to adapt, since adaptability and various builds are essential part of this game, will still be failing regardless of amount of time they spend in the game. Take for example the “my life is over !!!” and all the “being forced to…” zerker posts in this very forum and see what I mean.

So please do not confuse casual with stupid, you have plenty of very good casual players and plenty of very stupid hardcore players in the game.

Overall I would love to see the meta change and A-Net succeed in their original plan.

Really, really good point. A somewhat harder content will NOT affect casual people. Dont nerf Verdant Brink.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


A lot of people kind of miss the point. It’s not about casual vs non casual.

Its that not everyone wants every fight with every trash mob to be a white knuckle death match that leaves us in need of a stiff drink and a lie down afterwards.
They’re trash mobs for a reason.
Now, can they pack some punch? Sure, I see no reason they can’t be a threat.
Should they all be “bullet sponge” HP buckets as well? No, honestly that’s stupid gameplay, not challenging but tedious.
Cool you learned the mobs fight mechanics and attack patterns, now dodge them for 5 minutes while whittling his health away, miss one dodge or screw up one rotation by more than .000001 of a second and either you die or the mob just resets to full health.

Yeah, fun. I simply adore doing that for every single fight even when I’m just trying to get to the next event because I’d like to finish unlocking gliding sometime this century, but no I’m missing all the events because a tiny minority of extremely vocal players wants every mob on the map to be a freaking raid boss.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


A lot of people kind of miss the point. It’s not about casual vs non casual.

Its that not everyone wants every fight with every trash mob to be a white knuckle death match that leaves us in need of a stiff drink and a lie down afterwards.
They’re trash mobs for a reason.
Now, can they pack some punch? Sure, I see no reason they can’t be a threat.
Should they all be “bullet sponge” HP buckets as well? No, honestly that’s stupid gameplay, not challenging but tedious.
Cool you learned the mobs fight mechanics and attack patterns, now dodge them for 5 minutes while whittling his health away, miss one dodge or screw up one rotation by more than .000001 of a second and either you die or the mob just resets to full health.

Yeah, fun. I simply adore doing that for every single fight even when I’m just trying to get to the next event because I’d like to finish unlocking gliding sometime this century, but no I’m missing all the events because a tiny minority of extremely vocal players wants every mob on the map to be a freaking raid boss.

I’m sorry, but in Bwe2 the trash mobs were easy to kill, the thing was when you found yourself against veterans you’d need to bring your game up or you’d die, especially some of the dinossaurs like smokescales.

Also Mordrem snipers were removed why? They were easy to fight, but still made you be on your toes, that’s a good thing. The main difficulty of the game wasn’t from mobs having a ton of Hp but because they have unique mechanics and AI, and each needs to be approached with something a bit more than just spam 1.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shilajit.9023


Anet please we want to get killed by everything in the jungle literally .
make the difficulty like that [no sarcasm] .
people need to adept , our classes got all skills to counter those difficult situations.
just need player with brain that can do it properly.
also if there is no hardcore content player will say “no endgame” again & again.
anything you can solo makes the content easier & people find it boring after some time , thus “no endgame” comes to the mind

Selling salts to the Salty people.
Only Gankdara Ele

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lévis.5489


Anet nerfing the difficulty of content during BWEs is not a first. They did the exact same thing from BWE 1 to BWE 2 back in 2012. During BWE 1, everything in the lvl 1-15 zones was killing you in two hits, mobs was running out of AOE skills, like they used to in Guild Wars 1.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dantert.1803


I really miss from Gw1 the feeling that if you go random in the final maps you end up killed. I know it wasn’t that strict but still you had to master your profession and know how to move in an hostile environment. The Realm of Torment for example was challenging, if you pulled he wrong group of mobs or get too many you could be wiped out, while here in Gw2 I feel like even going solo is easy peasy, the only issue are a few events that need more than one player to be completed, and that’s ok for me for the maps under level 80 but at level 80 you should be challenged more. I wish that this will be back with HoT, and I hope for an update on the difficulty in all the high level zones.
I mean it’s mainly about the number of mobs and veteran and the power of their attacks.

It surely is tricky in an open world but at least rising the difficulty a bit wouldn’t be a big issue for those who roam solo.

From what I’ve heard about the beta the difficulty of the mobs was nerfed down…why is that so? You want players to group up then keep the difficulty high enough to do so. Those who want to solo all the time will find a way to do it…like in Gw1.

What you guys think about it?

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


From what I’ve heard about the beta the difficulty of the mobs was nerfed down…why is that so?

Anet has said that that wasn’t intentional. The difficulty in the 2nd beta was quite high (for open world content that is) and Anet has said that that difficulty is what they are happy with.

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rorschakiin.9437


From what I’ve heard about the beta the difficulty of the mobs was nerfed down…why is that so?

Anet has said that that wasn’t intentional. The difficulty in the 2nd beta was quite high (for open world content that is) and Anet has said that that difficulty is what they are happy with.

Yet we’ve had no word since from them on whether they’re actually gonna do anything about it. Other mobs, such as the beetles in drytop, were nerfed as well and they can still be damaged from any direction so they haven’t done anything yet. This really will make me regret trusting them with my pre-purchase unless they change it back.

One can only hope.