I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
BWE2: Berserker Specialization Feedback
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I didn’t even pkay the Berserker. When I saw that this “specialized” profession’s Elite skill was a headbutt that stuns all involved, it felt so underwhelming that I lost all interest. They should rename that skill “Numbskull”.
I didn’t even pkay the Berserker. When I saw that this “specialized” profession’s Elite skill was a headbutt that stuns all involved, it felt so underwhelming that I lost all interest. They should rename that skill “Numbskull”.
Are you kittening me ? That skill is god-like.
I didn’t even pkay the Berserker. When I saw that this “specialized” profession’s Elite skill was a headbutt that stuns all involved, it felt so underwhelming that I lost all interest. They should rename that skill “Numbskull”.
There’s this thing called stability you can put on yourself…
Berserker just feels weak to me, so far. While I like the torch, it does mean getting stuck with lackluster sword/axe/mace offhands, if you choose it. The Rage skills are mediocre upgrades for some of the Physical skills.
While I like the focus on pushing out burst skills quickly, I don’t care for the 15-second cooldown in between Rage phases. It slows the spec down.
It was okay, but not worth being an Elite spec for.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
BWE2: Berserker Specialization Feedback
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: That Other Guy.7351
While many of the primal bursts are cool, the GS one feels completely out of place. The greatsword on warrior is about as direct damage as it gets and the burning makes no sense.