BWE2 Feedback

BWE2 Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Etienne.9408


This weekend I mainly played on the revenant, but first I would like to touch on the general PvE experience in Verdant Brink:

Mastery Points: The first issue I found was that we get TOO MANY mastery points. There was never (and didn’t seem like there would be) a time where I would be short of mastery points. This trivialises the idea of having to go get them, making them seem kind a useless.

Events: I found that the day events were quite engaging, mainly thanks to the story that accompanied them (especially the Nobles). The lack of a daytime timer until the 5 minutes before nighttime was sort of annoying, as once you loaded into the map you had no idea how well your map was doing (which you could easily tell if you compared it to Outpost completion).
Difficulty was OK, but trivialised when in big zergs.
I will not comment on nighttime as I believe Anet have said this was still the first iteration, and there were never many people around to engage in them (kinda shows the current iteration really needs a rework, or we need something really engaging once we get past the 1st security level).

Character/Voice acting: I found a huge disparity between how much our characters talked during BWE1 and this BWE… Our characters rarely spoke, and when they did it was only for the night events when picking up supply. I really hope this is something Anet is working on, because I found it was a really cool feature that would go a long way for the PvE experience as long as it is used in all areas of PvE. Playing as a Sylvari was definitely cool, although Marjory didn’t seem to change her dialog for me, so might be a little bug there, as I’ve been hearing Marjory is more passive towards Sylvari when you play as one. Mordremoth sounds scary though, I like it!

Revenant: I’ve gotta say, revenant felt pretty good. I played a Malyx, Shiro build (mace/axe and sword/sword), trying to mix in condi with some hard hitting blows, running invocation as the third trait line (didn’t see the need to use Glint in my build). I used Rampager’s stat sets, and the damage was pretty decent. It definitely wasn’t as much damage as zerk’s or assassin’s, however it was pretty useful in its versatility against the Mordrem (those husks can be annoying if no one has condis). I still feel like the energy system is a bit clunky, but that’s maybe just because I’m not used to it.

Mobs: I feel like the mobs were a little easier to handle this weekend than during the last BWE. This could either be because they’ve been toned down, which I would say is very disappointing, or it’s because I’ve already managed to understand how to deal with them. In big zergs, some of the champions still felt like they were too static, and although they had some pretty hard hitting abilities, there was nothing that really ever put the WHOLE GROUP in immediate danger, meaning you would get a res pretty quickly, if you happened to stand in the way of the giant frog’s hammer
The same goes for the legendary mobs, I feel like the difficulty was non-existant in large groups. Yes you had to avoid stuff, yes you had pay attention to what was going on, but there was never really a sense of danger, as if you made a mistake, someone was immediately there to pick you up. IMO, legendary mobs should have that insta-wipe skill, or mechanic, so that the whole group would have to react to it, and not just a slither of the zerg that you could just go back to and spam F.

Map The map was once again beautiful. Non-linear with a sense of direction created by the events was and is a perfect combination. There was not one moment that I wouldn’t stop and wonder if I could get to something I had seen or not. The ambience of the jungle (music/sound effects) is just so immersive, that if I happened to be alone in an area with tons of enemies surrounding me, I genuinely felt like I was being swallowed by this huge overwhelming and alienating jungle.

I may have missed other things I wanted to talk about, but these are the main points I wanted to raise. Looking forward to the next BWE, hopefully we’ll have the latest iteration of the night-time events by then.

Thanks for reading

Watch your back at all times, because the SneakyGrizzly is always lurking.