Best exp when hot hits?

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Urejt.5648


What is best exp activity when hot hits? (ignore crafting and but count exp boosters)
1. Is it doing fast dungeons?
2. Is it doin dynamic events in jungle?
3. is it PvP tone farm?
4. is it Wvw?
5. Raids maybe?

boys i ask for best exp per hour becose i wanna know where to farm mastery points when hot hits.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

(edited by Urejt.5648)

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


PvP now. Collect tomes…

Pop a 20 or 30 scroll, and eat tomes until you’re 80. Should take all of 24 seconds

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


What are you getting exp for? Leveling a new character? if you are just leveling then store up tomes and just insta level when it launches.

If you are talking about getting tyria mastery xp to unlock the new legendary weapons then I think there are a couple of options.

I think the fastest option will be COF1 farm groups. Running COF1 70 times should unlock all the precursor masteries. It takes about 8 minutes per run in a good group, so 70 runes should only take you about 10 hours of running COF to max out.

SE1 is similar as well. It should be noted that the rewards are on diminishing returns, but the xp is constant I believe so you can just run them all back to back.

Next best option is probably a good EOTM farm group. MUCH slower but still a good rate with boosters.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


If you’re looking for legitimate xp gain (no tomes) then I’d say EotM is probably the fastest XP. Jump on the karma train, do some sieging, watch your xp shoot through the roof at rapid rates. It’s not unusual for people to spend several hours in EotM on a weekend and gain 30+ levels in one sitting.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Urejt.5648


boys i ask for best exp per hour becouse i wanna know where to farm mastery points when hot hits.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Metalman.6345


I think that for HoT masteries, you will have to do things in the jungle, because regular Tyria adds towards Tyria masteries…Tomes wont work on masteries, i would be surprised if dungeons did work, but im not sure on this one. But for the HoT, do things in the jungle.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


HoT masteries were’nt available in vanilla for BWE1&2 and I don’t believe you’ll be able to “farm” them.
Some masteries are design for vanila content but we weren’t allow to test them (if I’m not mistaken), those might be “farmable” but I doubt it. I’m pretty sure Anet will find a way to prevent it. Like FotM masterie only up in FotM or something like that.

If you’re worry about “get rdy for the raid 2 after the release”, no need to worry, colin said that there is only 1 raid so far (split in 3 paths), and the first path won’t be available right at the release but few weeks after so players have time to get use to them. Rush everything is the best way to spoil you from the game and Anet certainly don’t want that.

PS: I don’t say it wrong to Rush, it’s just feel wrong to me. The same way I really hope that unlocking Elite spec won’t be just “spam hero point and get it 30s after the release” but something more like a “quest to unlock the spec” first. But I want my reaper so bad, i’m gonna be happy anyway^^

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Anything that requires XP to progress is farmable. I’m fairly certain that EotM will become one of the best ways to do so due to the frequency of events that you can complete. I also doubt that they would limit the Fractal mastery to FotM only as this would severely prolong how quickly you can progress it as you do not gain as much experience as you would in the open world.

The only thing that I could see them adjusting would be the XP you would get from completing dungeons. Either they would reduce it, remove it altogether, or time-gate it so you only can get it once a day per path per account.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


Pretty much everything you do nets you XP. Events give the most thou. Hearts and Map Completion give ok XP but events give more, esp in the “old” maps because not only do you get the XP from the event but you also get XP from doing the event too.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kumion.7580


boys i ask for best exp per hour becouse i wanna know where to farm mastery points when hot hits.

Are you only asking “boys” because “girls” don’t play MMOs? Know that grown ups of both genders play this game; slightly more are female players according to Anet’s statistics.

As far as we’ve tested in beta, mastery points can only be gained in the areas they exist. If you want gliding mastery or mushroom jumping, for example, you can only increase that by doing things in the jungle. Thus, jungle events will be the fastest way to increase these. You cannot get gliding mastery up by doing map completion in Orr, for example.

Some masteries, like commander auto-looting, were teased but not available in beta so I don’t know if there are special circumstances to increase it. I’m assuming fractal masteries will only increase when doing fractals; we couldn’t test those in beta, either.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I took his thread to prioritize HoT masteries, which will actually be relevant to the content he’ll be doing in the forseeable future, especially if some of them are required for raids.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gav.1425


Tyria – dungeons (if they work), maybe EoTM

HoT – no one knows

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


for HoT it seems to be map completion and completing event chains at day and defending camps at night

personal story 2/ living world 3/HoT story (whatever theyre calling it) will likely be good xp too, much like PS1 was

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


There are two types of masteries. Core Tyria masteries and HoT masteries. To level either of them you need to be in that area.

So using dungeons, which only exist in the original game areas, will level your core Tyria masteries fairly quickly…but they won’t do anything for your HoT masteries.

My guess is dungeons and EoTM, perhaps the Silverwastes as well for the old world. As for HoT, I’d just do the event chains.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


I’m probably going to go through the PvE maps and personal story first thing. Lore is interesting and quest rewards are always decent XP.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jgcd.6041


Also, keep in mind that completing all of the mastery tracks is going to require you to invest the time to do completion of content on multiple characters, especially HoT due to the fact that masteries are account wide.

This is both good and bad.

Good in the sense that you will have reason to make use of your other characters outside of being bored with your current one. Also, content will be familiar enough that you won’t have to spend forever on a single character. There will be just enough farmable mastery points to complete, or nearly complete, one mastery track per character.

Bad in the fact that it is set up to make it just this side of impossible to complete all of the masteries on one character. Keep in mind that the xp collection will continue, meaning that you will have to do other characters for the mastery point.

I can be wrong, but that is how it’s looking at this time.

- This is a forum, expect logic to get left at the door, beaten bloody, and set on fire.

- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.

Best exp when hot hits?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


it is set up to make it just this side of impossible to complete all of the masteries on one character. Keep in mind that the xp collection will continue, meaning that you will have to do other characters for the mastery point.

I honestly see no reason to believe this. So far, ANet has been great at making pretty much everything achievable with either a single character or split between several characters at much the same effort, so I really see no reason to believe they’d turn on that principle with such a major feature as masteries in HoT.

It may well be that the final few mastery points to fully unlock all masteries (that is, the finite points to unlock the masteries, not the unlimited experience to fill the bar) will be hard to get, in out-of-the-way places (jps and hidden treasures come to mind) and/or require achievements of more-than-average difficulty, and I fully expect they will, but seeing how masteries are account-bound I really don’t see an unlock-system where repeating content on several characters will give you additional points towards a system that a single character just can’t get.

Out of all of the game we have now, the only part I see that really requires you to roll more than one character are a few negligible achievement points (total hearts done, racial story lines, cultural armor, weapon achievements). Nothing near as crucial as masteries are going to be.