Best way to do masteries?
to level up a mastery you need 2 things : the mastery points, and the mastery exp.
to get the mastery point you need to capture them by communing a mastery insight, or by completing achievements.
to increase the mastery exp you need to do events/story according to the region of the mastery.
once you have enough mastery points for a particular mastery, and the mastery exp bar associated to it is full, you can have that mastery…
my suggestion is to focus on capturing the mastery points. the exp will come naturally by playing the game.
start with verdant brink —> auric basin --> dragon stand. note that i skipped tangled depth for later because the map can be confusing. the new LWS3 maps grant mastery points too, but most of them more or less require you to already have at least the basics of the masteries like updraft etc…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Doing HoT map meta events would be the fastest way to level up your masteries. Get to Auric Basin, use a few exp boosters and do the meta a few times. Will be more than enough exp to unlock the first level of each mastery track, which are some of the most important.
As for which masteries you should get first:
- HoT maps -
- Gliding
- Jumping Mushrooms
- Updrafts (second mastery in the gliding line)
- Nunoch Wallows (second mastery in the Nunoch line)
- Thermal Tubes (second mastery in the Ancient Magiks line)
- Advanced Gliding (4th mastery in the gliding line)
This gives you 99% of the movement based masteries that you will need in the game and makes traversing the HoT maps much easier.
For the core Tyria masteries, it doesn’t really matter. If you do a lot of fractals, the fractal masteries would be the most helpful.
I remember that there were mastery xp farms way back when hot launch like the cof one, Are those still around?
You can still do the CoF xp farm, Anet never patched it away. But I haven’t seen any advertised on LFG for months, so you’ll have to form your own group.
I would run fractals instead of cof to gain some loot for your time invested
It’s easy enough to get xp but be aware that the Core Tyrian masteries and Heart of Thorn masteries work independently of one another; each have their own type of mastery points and you have to be in the correct zone to get xp
I won’t repeat anything that’s already been said but one thing you may struggle with is getting enough Core tyria mastery points to max out your core tyria masteries if you don’t already have a lot of old achievements. The karka hunting in LA might be one to do, the LS2 achievements and Silverwastes legendaries.
Exp will just come to you by enjoying the game!
The achievements that award them will have a Red dot next to them in the achievement panel. The World boss ones (Teq, Shatter, Triple Trouble) have a few each, world Complete I believe gives at least one, both the Maguuma waste maps have a few each, and South Sun as a bunch as well. The rest are tied to multi-task achievements, collections or one off puzzles.
The boss ones are probably the most difficult to get… but the rest are just time consuming. Do personal story, do the Fractals ones in T1, and unfortunately a bunch are tied to LS2 (which will cost gems). There 67 Points total, but you only need 49…. so that gives a little leeway, even without doing any LS2.
However…. without LS2, there are several difficult/expensive collections you’ll have to do cover the difference. You can get 8 points just by doing each LS2 chapter, and 8 more for doing the Mastery achievement in each.
For HoT masteries: Do Dragon’s Stand constantly when it is on cooldown and use XP boosters. I mean all of them:
- xp booster
- kill streak booster
- guild hall xp booster
- …
In Dragon’s Stand you can usually keep the kill streak up at max constantly. You usually get several thousand xp per kill and you do events constantly. I maxed my HoT masteries back then within a couple of weeks.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I have never had problems getting the xp and it has always been the points that were the throttle. If you are not planning on doing raiding (so can not max out every HOT mastery line and get spirit shards) I would not bother with getting the top tier of every mastery line just so you have it. Look at what each one gives you, I decided all of gliding except for ley-line and the other lines to the area vendors met my needs.
I have never had problems getting the xp and it has always been the points that were the throttle. If you are not planning on doing raiding (so can not max out every HOT mastery line and get spirit shards) I would not bother with getting the top tier of every mastery line just so you have it. Look at what each one gives you, I decided all of gliding except for ley-line and the other lines to the area vendors met my needs.
Even if you do end up throttled on XP rather than mastery points – you dedicated point hunter, you – the new LS3 maps reward mastery XP blobs in addition to their other rewards. Enjoy those pushing you significantly forward as you play.
(Do the scrolls of XP also work there? I’m not sure.)
Anyway, even without that it doesn’t take much actual play time to finish each stage of the mastery, and progress to the next one.
Have not received all of the Mastery point that I have achieved. I don’t have all the silver chests but still don’t get all the mastery points I got ,got the green light for getting point but not in my account ?
Have not received all of the Mastery point that I have achieved. I don’t have all the silver chests but still don’t get all the mastery points I got ,got the green light for getting point but not in my account ?
You need to contact GW2 support directly and ask them to help you with this problem.
FWIW, having recently obtained some of those, they are not broken for everyone.
For Core Tyria, I suggest going to Cursed Shore, as there’s many trains and you’ll also get decent loot.
For Maguuma, I would try to grab as many hero points in Central Tyria as you can so you can unlock elite specializations ASAP as it’ll make it easier. Each hero challenge gives you 10 points in Maguuma, and you need 250 total. So you want to enter Verdant Brink with around 200 hero points.
I would work in Verdant Brink until you get at least updraft use and bouncing mushrooms. Simply do events and look for insight points:
Keep doing events in VB and watch for tags to see if they’re doing the meta. You can also use LFG to find a more active map.
Once you feel ready to leave, I would do some more of the story until it takes you to Auric Basin. Try to take a step into Tangled Depths (you just have to enter the map) ASAP. Entering the zone lets you train the Nuhoc Hunting/Wallows line. The later will really help with traveling around Auric Basin and Hunting is good for more map currency. Also doing Tangled Depths with Nuhoc Wallows is terrible, so don’t.
Remember that these masteries are account bound, so only one character has to get them and it’ll be easier for successive characters. I recommend a character with good stealth uptime such as a mesmer though thief works fine too, or scrapper if you can get the elite unlocked soon enough.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)