Many have stated that they’d like to see revenant be able to weapon swap. As we look through the hammer, it’ll become obvious why that is. Compared to mace/axe, which has a solid kit combined with fluid animations, the hammer leaves much to be desired. Seeing no changes between the demo and the recent beta, we’re going to go through the hammer to see what can be done to retain the thematic element of no weapon swap while building on the groundwork laid out by the skills in their current state. The goal at the end being to focus on tweaks rather than complete overhauls. It’s also worth mentioning that hammer will most likely only see play in PvP due to it’s current lack of strong melee cleave. Lastly, numbers won’t be discussed as they can easily be tweaked once the feel of the weapon is improved.
Skills Breakdown:
Hammer Bolt
- guaranteed projectile finisher
- pierces
- the projectile arc allows you to get closer to 1.5k range
- lackluster damage without combo fields
- pierce makes for bad melee cleave
- the cast time is similar to elementalist Fireball without the punch and as a result further compounds the issue of the attack feeling weak
Coalescence of Ruin
- high damage against multiple lined up targets
- low cooldown resulting in solid pressure being put out to those targets
- fluid animation
- while it contains all the damage the revenant hammer has to offer, it has next no synergy with the rest of the hammer attacks
Phase Smash
- may confuse new players in PvP
- skill roots you in place for the duration
- leap is too slow to lock down moving targets
- weak two second chill for the trade off
- tacked on damage value that’s too low to compete with the other hammer skills
- in PvP, the animation will be like waving a giant flag saying, “Please use your immobilize/CC… now.”
Field of the Mists
- powerful anti-ranged tool that stays on you
- if energy is managed well, results in 50% projectile block uptime
- synergy with Hammer Bolt
- while a minor complaint, the effect could potentially be difficult to see in PvP
Drop the Hammer
- ranged knockdown
- can be cast while moving
- much like Phase Smash, its long cast makes it difficult to hit moving targets
- while the animation is rather fancy, the reality is that this skill has much too big of a warning, thus making it quite possibly the worst CC skill in the game as you will not only dodge it but hardcounter it with a CC of your own each time
- once again outshined in damage due to its long cast time
Immediately we can see that the hammer has only one reliable combo. Second, it clearly favors ranged with next to no melee options. Coalescence of Ruin is your main damage source and if enemies align it accomplishes this very nicely. Comparable weapons would then be mesmer greatsword and ranger longbow, the problem being that revenant hammer has neither the damage nor the ability to create distance. While it’s clear that the intended counter to revenant hammer is melee, it is absolutely necessary to have at least equal options like the aforementioned weapons because otherwise any melee class will dominate the revenant while in hammer, with the revenant unable to swap weapons to compensate.