Why isn’t there a dedicated thread for this? Whatever. I’ll create one for my thoughts, but I’m just going to dump this here and then never look at it again. Hopefully y’all Anet employees see it.
We’d love to get your thoughts on our three brand-new elite specializations! Were they fun to play? Did they change the way you play your profession in a meaningful way?: I only play Ranger, so I haven’t been able to experience any elite specializations.
During daytime, we’re showing two new outposts and a big pile of events that go along with them. Are they fun? Do they tell a compelling narrative that helps bring you into the world? Do the events feel meaningful, challenging, and interesting?: Although there were fewer events, the daytime ones were fun. I enjoyed both of the longer events.
Does the Mastery system feel like a system that works to provide meaningful progression? Does it make you care about experience and Mastery points? Does it provide a framework that you think we could regularly add more to in live updates? Knowing your progress won’t be wiped, does it make you want to learn as many Masteries as possible so you can use them to overcome additional challenges later?: I honestly hate that the map is set up in such a way that if I choose NOT to use the mastery system, I’m left running around and hoping that the path I’m on is the one that will lead me where I have to go. I found it difficult and frustrating to get around this map, and once I’d played through the two new daytime events, I didn’t feel like it was worth it to keep exploring the map since I couldn’t make it to any of the “defend this position” events in time, anyway. I assume this is going to be the way of things, though – either I must use the mastery system, or I will have to bite the bullet and run full-tilt to an area hoping that I make it on time to do whatever I want to do.
Overall thoughts: I actually enjoyed the last beta weekend’s content more, even though it was impossibly bugged, for a couple of reasons.
- Verdant Brink is a pain to get around. Like, seriously – the mini map does nothing. I had to kind of just… run into stuff when I thought I was in the right area for a path until I found it. Also, the verticality is not my favorite, but at least the map from last weekend made it possible and viable to run everywhere instead of having to rely on training up the mastery skills. Not so much in Verdant Brink.
- Night time – boring. Day time – fun until I had done both of the longer events, and then… boring. There was so much more to do last time, or at least, it felt that way.
- I appreciated that the enemies died more quickly than last time, but I feel like there needs to be more random challenges that aren’t part of events. The two bosses were good start! I hope there’s more of that.
To that effect, I really enjoyed the events that encouraged working together from last beta weekend – it reminded me a lot of the Twisted Marionette or the first iteration of the Mad King’s Realm (the second version of Mad King’s Realm being almost impossible to handle as a single player or small team).
Anyway, on that note, I’m still on board for HoT, which makes me happy. I haven’t played GW2 in… oh, at least a year. Maybe more. I’m excited to see HoT when it’s released, and I’ve missed playing GW2; so far, the beta content feels more like the content released in the game’s first year, which I really appreciate. I said it last beta weekend, and I’ll say it this weekend – I appreciate that players are being encouraged to play WITH each other, not AGAINST or AROUND each other, and not being forced to team up or join a huge horde because the content is too difficult to handle in a smaller team or solo. No one was screaming orders in map chat or being huge jerks during either of these beta weekends! People were just working together and having fun. I really, really appreciate that, guys. Thank you for that. I missed it.
{{ Aiobhan || Reneigh Fury || Ciansidhe }}