Bifrost failed ?

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Naflin.8392


Hello humans (and others)

I ‘ve started to create the legend of Bifrost, I am in step 1 … and I’m stuck.
Indeed, just before I started, I’ve looted with a character theTeign Star Fragment
At that moment, I did not know what it was, and I sold it.

Now i’ve almost everything in my collection, and I realize that I need the object, in order to combine it with the other fragments, and finish the stage of the legendary … But I do not have the piece !
And I just spent 2 hours farming the Jotuns, but I didn’t loot it. But every time i’ve looted the stars fragment very quickly !

So, I come to ask the question: is it possible to re-obtain lost fragments of star, or I have definitely failed to create the Bifrost?

(Sorry if i’ve made mistakes, i’m french. I asked on the french’s GW2 board, but i didn’t had answers …)

Thank you

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evans.6347


Have you tried going to the location without the piece in your inventory? I’ve done that step, and after I ‘fused’ the star, I still had every individual piece in my inventory, so I wonder if you even need them in your inventory, or simply added into your collection.

Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I still have the individual star pieces in my inventory after the ‘fusing’ step as well. I had much the same thought as Evans. Give the fusing step a try OP, and let us know if you were able to complete it without having the physical items in your inventory.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Muusic.2967


Hello humans (and others)I’ve looted with a character theTeign Star Fragment

Thats the hardest one to get. As far as I know it scribes into your collection so you may want to try to combine them but if not I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t drop a second time for you. It will just take killing mobs at the HP forever to find out.

Good Luck… don’t be in any hurry btw. The last update in Bifrost 3 is still bugged and not obtainable unless you win the lottery.

Be who you are and say what you feel for those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind
~Dr. Seuss

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: deutschbag.9276


Seems like they fixed it. Before I was not able to combine the Fragments, but now I am.

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Naflin.8392


After 8 hours of farming, i didn’t looted one more fragment ….
I’ve spoke to Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs [Legendary Crafting], but he doesn’t shes me any recovered item …

Still farming, it’s boring, it’s not lucrative, and i’m starting to believe that it’s useless, and i never will be able to make my favorite legendary weapon …

PS : I tried to go to the Heimdahl last stand without all the fragments : it didn’t worked

(edited by Naflin.8392)

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


It is cheaper to buy legend than to hand in 43 spiritwood planks and 10 elonian leather + all the other stuff. I decided to stop the collection and finished the weapon 20 days early.

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nike.2631


It is cheaper to buy legend than to hand in 43 spiritwood planks and 10 elonian leather + all the other stuff. I decided to stop the collection and finished the weapon 20 days early.

Good for you. But people interested in doing the collection don’t care. Thanks!

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Bifrost failed ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Naflin.8392


Problem solved !
A GM have send me the missing fragments by mail.
If you have the same problem, ask here =>