Biggest Issue needing to be addressed by HoT:
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Siphaed.9235
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Siphaed.9235
Okay, so it’s not really just the Asura that have this issue. More so than not, it is an issue covering every race within the game. The problem is helms in this game mostly make one’s hair completely disappear while having it equipped and visible.
Now I’d say that this isn’t an issue for the Heavy armor types that wear something fully covering their head 100%. This is more for the Medium armor types that have hoods and half-head covers.
Special interest note: ZOJJA IS NOT BALD!
Well, okay she might now have to be because the figurines and pictures and whatever showing her as such. But that helm that she’s wearing -Tier 3 Asura racial, Cloth class- is what’s causing that premature baldness in many Asura adventurers.
There are helms such as “hoodies” that should not make a character’s 3inch long bangs suddenly disappear; yet they do just that. When I wear a jogging hoodie, my bangs stick out and are clearly visibly sticking out from the shadows surrounding my face. A beach sun hat is no different in that hair sticks out from the back and sides, where only the top is covered [as it should be].
Many helms should act like the Season 2 Carapace helm where it goes over some side hair, but tucks under and behind the front hair. The Honor of the Waves does the same and works very well for Medium and Light armor types (Heavy is a full head cover yet again).
“Why is this such a big deal?”
~Self-Style Hair Kit: 250 Gems. ( )
~Total Makeover Kit: 350 Gems. ( )
Both of those contain hair colors and styles that are not in at character creation. These are things that people are paying real money for [besides doing the whole Gold-to-Gem conversion] to get said uniqueness to their character. It matters because it is a power play for a source of income for the developers of this game. It’s not like it is a change that wouldn’t bring them profit, quite the contrary the whole idea of getting this changes around is that it would contribute to more purchases of those kits and more income for the developers.
Image #1) Asura Tier-1 helm to show the effect of baldness
Image #2) Honor of the Waves helm, Light class to show how all helms should interact with hair in such a way.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Windsagio.1340
Clipping is an issue :p
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Azrael.4960
Sticking with my Glowing eyes. None of my characters wear helmets, they all have the blue or red glowy eyes or glint’s gaze eye masks. Charr are the worst victims of rubbish helms.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Weirwynn.2390
I find it ironic that you’re complaining about this on Asura. Hair looks completely wrong on Asura, and it’s my personal headcannon that they are naturally bald and, in fact, fancy wigs as a fashion statement.
My Asura characters never have hair.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324
I find it ironic that you’re complaining about this on Asura. Hair looks completely wrong on Asura, and it’s my personal headcannon that they are naturally bald and, in fact, fancy wigs as a fashion statement.
My Asura characters never have hair.
Haha. My girlfriend says that the asura with hair freak her out. We both think they looked better when they were all bald in GW1.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Red Queen.7915
Weren’t there a few asura with hair in GW1 already? I think Oola even has excessive amounts of it…
It probably would make sense for an underground race that went as far as to not have visible breast when not breastfeeding to not have head hair that’s completely useless. But then again, humans managed to get rid of most furry parts and yet we kept huge amounts of fuzz on our heads that makes very little sense (but looks good).
That said, I’d love to keep my hair when using certain helmets (with any race, really). Even a generic “bangs” model that adjusts to my chosen hair colour would suffice. Just… don’t pull a Zojja on me ._.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Countess Aire.9410
Hair Club for Assurians. The implant Yak hair for the full hair look.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Leo G.4501
Clipping is an issue :p
… naw, I really don’t care up
I tend to make all helms and shoulders invisible anyway.
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