Boycott HoT
hard bargain here
Not enough people will do this for it to work. Already a lot of games have been sold if the posts here are anything to go by.
Umm, no. this isn’t 2007. they can give me a free char slot though
How about you just don’t buy the expansion?
Do you need to make it public to make an impact?
If this is truly how most of the gaming population felt, then they would do it regardless of you or other people. Christ I feel like everyone goes into riot mode when something doesn’t go quite their way.
In the end, you’re going to buy it. However much time you waste is up to you. Time is money, and you’d be a fool to waste 3 months to purchase HOT at a $35 price tag.
Good luck on your future endeavors.
I wont buy the expansion until i see everything thats in it.
If there only one new zone,and no new dugeons,no ways thats worth full price.
I’m imagining the community will get split by HoT. It’s getting that from simply running different gear/builds. And it will make sense too. Back in the days it was nearly impossible to run certain builds without NF/EotN skills…
That’ll be another element pushing the people still in doubt to one of the edges: drop out or into the Maguuma Jungle.
Thing is, after a whole day of forum boiling, ANet presence was only felt through the thread merges and a couple of either inappropriate answer (“Someone rang?”) or clarifications (that tended to add lil more gasoline on the fire).
I still think this is out of ANet’s hands, but if they did care about the quality of their game and reputation, they could debate such aspects with the higher ups. Price is steep when there’s little known about the game. Game itself was buggy beyond belief and still not clean (or balanced for that matter), so no big incentives to caugh up more cash. And no… Paying $50 for 3 more years of beta testing the game isn’t quite the offer no one can refuse.
they never showed us 100% of the Core game, why would you expect them to spoil everything for you? Single player games get the same treatment. Show a little. By Beta 3 for the core game we where in the lvl50 zones and locked out of anything past that.
There is plenty of map for new zones, plus they can extend the map out.
How about you just don’t buy the expansion?
Do you need to make it public to make an impact?
If this is truly how most of the gaming population felt, then they would do it regardless of you or other people. Christ I feel like everyone goes into riot mode when something doesn’t go quite their way.
In the end, you’re going to buy it. However much time you waste is up to you. Time is money, and you’d be a fool to waste 3 months to purchase HOT at a $35 price tag.
Good luck on your future endeavors.
How would I be a fool to wait? That would save me real world money.
they never showed us 100% of the Core game, why would you expect them to spoil everything for you? Single player games get the same treatment. Show a little. By Beta 3 for the core game we where in the lvl50 zones and locked out of anything past that.
There is plenty of map for new zones, plus they can extend the map out.
They already stated its not a stand alone or as big as the core thus negating the $50 price tag.
Now core + expansion for $50 is a great deal and we ALL applaud them for that. The raw deal we vets get is inexcusable though.
I’m fine with a higher price for good content. I’m not ok with the fact that rebuying base game is factored into that price.
I’m fine with a higher price for good content. I’m not ok with the fact that rebuying base game is factored into that price.
It isn’t.
The price for the expansion is $50. The base game is added in for free to people that don’t have it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Another person here not purchasing HoT, until it reduces in price as expansion only or few months down the road when and if there is a sale for like 40-50%. IDGAF enough to be concerned with HoT contents anyway.
I’m fine with a higher price for good content. I’m not ok with the fact that rebuying base game is factored into that price.
It isn’t.
The price for the expansion is $50. The base game is added in for free to people that don’t have it.
There better be a butt ton of content then.
How about you just don’t buy the expansion?
Do you need to make it public to make an impact?
If this is truly how most of the gaming population felt, then they would do it regardless of you or other people. Christ I feel like everyone goes into riot mode when something doesn’t go quite their way.
In the end, you’re going to buy it. However much time you waste is up to you. Time is money, and you’d be a fool to waste 3 months to purchase HOT at a $35 price tag.
Good luck on your future endeavors.
How would I be a fool to wait? That would save me real world money.
In my particular, in my opinion, reasonable theoretical timeline, you would save $15 in 90 days. 90 days of watching videos of everyone else do things that you can’t, because you refused to spend 3 easy payments of $5.
That would be foolish. Unless you’re broke or homeless. But I assume that you own a laptop to pay the game, meaning either you or your parents have enough financial liquidity to purchase the expac without strain.
They already stated its not a stand alone or as big as the core thus negating the $50 price tag.
Now core + expansion for $50 is a great deal and we ALL applaud them for that. The raw deal we vets get is inexcusable though.
Just so you know – the expansion is smaller and cheaper than the core game so by your logic it is not negating.
It isn’t.
The price for the expansion is $50. The base game is added in for free to people that don’t have it.
Uhu. So when you eat at a restaurant, the food is free, what you’re paying for is just to rent a really expensive fork!
I don’t know what’s worse, that people are willing to eat this scam-like marketing speech, or that some people are willing to accept this blatantly abusive price – the same we paid for the full game at release, for an expansion that has at most one quarter of the game’s content.
And before you say, “You can’t judge how much the game has”, of course I can – ArenaNet is asking people to when they invite us to pay for it. And based on everything they have told us when trying to scam us into buying their so-called expansion, well, it’s obvious HoT is just a slightly revamped Living World Season 3 with a lot of extra grind tacked in it.
There better be a butt ton of content then.
Content is not everything that counts though.
There are rather large amount of (big) things coming with HoT.
It is of course also worth pointing out that $50 is rather standard price for a AAA MMO expansion.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
They already stated its not a stand alone or as big as the core thus negating the $50 price tag.
Now core + expansion for $50 is a great deal and we ALL applaud them for that. The raw deal we vets get is inexcusable though.
Just so you know – the expansion is smaller and cheaper than the core game so by your logic it is not negating.
Actually no the new price point is $40 for core before this announcement.
Fortunately through the miracle of mega-servers we’ll have full maps for the new zones no matter how many people choose to wait for a price drop or a sale.
By all means, wait. Its a good way to put pressure on ANet to have a sale that won’t inconvenience any players who choose to buy-in now for full pop. Plus I’m sure the early adopters will be happy to share guides and train up the second wave of noobs. Nothing like being six months behind the learning curve of difficult group content to earn yourself a warm welcome, right?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So much circular logic from the hardcore fanboys that instantly shelled out $50. :rolleyes:
+votes to the voices of reason in here. $50 for an expansion is too much. Anet also doesn’t realize vets who quit the game and showed some interest in HoT will not return after they see the price tag – they were betrayed or disappointed once, after all.
I’m just going to wait for a discount. It’s not like the content is going anywhere after all; the stuff you do when HoT releases will likely be the same stuff you do two years down the line.
Warlords of Draenor is 49.99 does not include the whole game. + Monthly subscription fee.
Diablo Reaper of souls Expansion is 39.99 (been out for two years) does not include the whole game.
In response to $50.00 is to much for an expansion.
Go to this thread to sign the petition to give Anet a quantifiable number of how many of their customers they have upset.
60$ is the real price for most if you want to try the new class…
I’ve played since launch, logged almost 7K hours, and am actually considering not purchasing HoT. I’ve already taken an 8 month hiatus to play SWTOR for a bit. I payed a monthly subscription for that. GW2 is cheaper by far, but this is so insulting, I just don’t know.
60$ is the real price for most if you want to try the new class…
That’s been true for 3 out of 8 professions since launch. You got 5 slots and 8 profession. Either you are used to not having access to all classes, you’re used to wiping a character to free a slot when you want to try something new, or you are used to buying extra slots to have the full set simultaneously.
What’s changed?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Lets just not buy the expansion until they reduce the price for people who already have the base game. Then all their precious events in the jungle will never succeed since no one will be there.
I really don’t understand this reasoning. But everyone seems to think this way. When the expansion was first announced I told my guild over and over as well as occasionally in general map chat that this is exactly what Anet would do. This is exactly the same model that other games I have played have done when releasing an expansion, from as far back as 12 years ago. It is what companies do to try to get new players into the game. It has no effect on current players so I really don’t see the issue. If someone that recently got the game demands satisfaction, refund them the difference in price and delete all their current characters and bank. The only thing that will carry over would be any real money gem purchases sitting there brand new for them to use on a new account.
The only thing I don’t get is that a new character slot is not included on the $50 version and 2 slots for the $75/$100 version. That is the only issue and it is not big enough to prevent me from already getting the $100 version. Big deal, less than a half day at work, already covered before lunchtime today.
Not enough people will do this for it to work. Already a lot of games have been sold if the posts here are anything to go by.
If post on here are anything to go by, few have bought them actually. Looks like mostly impulse buying the Ultimate package. Which isn’t even being argued over.
I’m simply going to wait for a better deal or move on. It has nothing to do with boycotting.
Lets just not buy the expansion until they reduce the price for people who already have the base game. Then all their precious events in the jungle will never succeed since no one will be there.
No thanks. I have no problem with it and I bought it. And despite the QQ around here, I know a lot of people who have also bought it.
I really doubt a boycott would be all that successful.
I really doubt a boycott would be all that successful.
They rarely are. The sheer numbers involved to make them work are why so few actually get results.
Content is not everything that counts though.
There are rather large amount of (big) things coming with HoT.It is of course also worth pointing out that $50 is rather standard price for a AAA MMO expansion.
For a standard amount of content coming with a standard expansion. Right now it looks more like a glorified living story season 3.
We should hold out till hot is about tee fifty
You no if they would do something small like, if you own the core product you will receive 400 gems, or a finisher, or a exclusive dye, or anything, it would go a long way to show they appreciate their long time player base.
For the love of god though, no more kitten mini’s.
Stay strong my friends! We will wait for the beautiful price drop.
I really doubt a boycott would be all that successful.
They rarely are. The sheer numbers involved to make them work are why so few actually get results.
I always enjoy watching people learn that one person willing to take action (in this case pay some money) outweighs great heaping gobs of people who think doing nothing is a powerful threat.
The price will come down over time. Just wait for it. Really, that’s OK.
Stay strong my friends! We will wait for the beautiful price drop.
I will fully support your effort – from inside the new zones . Catch up when you’re able.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So if everyone boycotts and the price goes down, what happens to the players that purchase a prepurchase edition now?
Should they have a right to complain like the community is now, for paying $60 for the game at launch, and then have the game for sale at $10 at some points, or $20 for the boxed, or $50 for the game (with expansion added) now?
If the price goes down because of a boycott, then I’d like to see refunds by ArenaNet.
But this $50 for the expansion and the box price is a discount deal for new players. It makes sense. And I don’t see Arena Net reimbursing those who paid $60 at launch because Arena Net put the game on sale for $10 some weekends.
I’m fine with a higher price for good content. I’m not ok with the fact that rebuying base game is factored into that price.
It isn’t.
The price for the expansion is $50. The base game is added in for free to people that don’t have it.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again (becouse from what I hear, the content of HoT doesn’t seem enough to justify the price):
Hey, do you want to buy this awesome leather jacket for just 80k dollars? We will throw in a motorcycle for free!
(quoting yourself – done. Now to starting hearing voices and refering to yourself in third person!)
I will fully support your effort – from inside the new zones
. Catch up when you’re able.
People like you is why we can’t have nice things in reasonable price :d
(edited by Isven.2165)
I don’t prepurchase games any way, and I definitely wouldn’t prepurchase this on principle because ANet has kept so much basic info under wraps that I don’t even believe the whole expansion is ready for Alpha testing yet let alone Beta; doesn’t it raise some red flags that the game’s available for prepurchase but you don’t know how many maps you’re getting, or a release date, almost makes this feel like a Kickstarter campaign.
I will fully support your effort – from inside the new zones
. Catch up when you’re able.
Ill see you some day in the jungle my friend.
I don’t prepurchase games any way, and I definitely wouldn’t prepurchase this on principle because ANet has kept so much basic info under wraps that I don’t even believe the whole expansion is ready for Alpha testing yet let alone Beta; doesn’t it raise some red flags that the game’s available for prepurchase but you don’t know how many maps you’re getting, or a release date, almost makes this feel like a Kickstarter campaign.
Definitely not prepurchasing. I just hope our voice is heard and the price goes down by launch for people who already have the base game, or we get some little bonus for having the base game already.
Definitely not prepurchasing. I just hope our voice is heard and the price goes down by launch for people who already have the base game, or we get some little bonus for having the base game already.
It could be that they offer different deals in the future. This month might be free core game (to target new players), next month might be extra character slots or something (for vets). Frankly, I don’t see any reason to pre-purchase right now. Even if you think the price is fair, you’re safe to wait until the beta weekend.
Definitely not prepurchasing. I just hope our voice is heard and the price goes down by launch for people who already have the base game, or we get some little bonus for having the base game already.
It could be that they offer different deals in the future. This month might be free core game (to target new players), next month might be extra character slots or something (for vets). Frankly, I don’t see any reason to pre-purchase right now. Even if you think the price is fair, you’re safe to wait until the beta weekend.
That would be cool, but then you have issues with people having beef over what deal they got not being as worth as another persons (like the current issue).
I really doubt a boycott would be all that successful.
They rarely are. The sheer numbers involved to make them work are why so few actually get results.
I always enjoy watching people learn that one person willing to take action (in this case pay some money) outweighs great heaping gobs of people who think doing nothing is a powerful threat.
The price will come down over time. Just wait for it. Really, that’s OK.
Stay strong my friends! We will wait for the beautiful price drop.
I will fully support your effort – from inside the new zones
. Catch up when you’re able.