Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RevivedPicard.9175


Hi all,

I played GW2 and finished the main story right at the start of LW season1 then i abandoned it and lost track of all news … now i want to come back and want to buy POF and in addition buy HOT.
My primary question is: if i preorder POF now adding also HOT, can i already start playing HOT ?

Second question: there is a way to catch up with all the lost LW season? i’ve seen in the store LW S3 complete pack what is? There is other ways to recover them, it is worth buying them with gem as i see inside the game in “your story” menu ?

Thanks for all

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Yes you can start Heart of thorns now.

The 2nd and 3rd story arcs are bundled if you did not unlock them or you can buy one at a time at a slightly higher price. Can be bought when you order the next expansion as a cash ad-on or with gems at a later date.

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


LW1 is not replayable due to design choices and experiments. You can get -most- of the story in this 3 hour compilation video that Dreamy Abaddon did incredible work on. (It leaves out the initial fight with Canach, for instance). Though it doesn’t show much of the open world zerg stuff, it does give the major plot points.

If you don’t want to watch a long video, or do but would like accompanying text, the wiki has a comprehensive write up at

Then you will want to play through LS2, HoT, and LS3 to be up to date on the story as it begins in PoF. You do not have to own LS2 and 3 to play them, you just need someone who does own them to take you through the instances. You get no rewards or achieves if you don’t own them and only the instance starter can progress the dialogues and use the objects in the episode, but you can see the story. You do need to own HoT to play that part of the story, so it’s good you’re interested in buying it

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RevivedPicard.9175


Ok thanks to all …
so you suggest to add the LW complete pack when buying HOT+POF and play through seasons and expansion before the release of POF? it is strictl necessary or the story in LW is kinda spin-off relatively to the story in main expansions?

Is sufficient to buy HOT+POF+LW2 Complete pack ? LW3 is inside HOT ?

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crise.9401


LW3 is not inside HoT, all living story episodes have to be bought through the gem store (or as an addon when checking out while buying the expansion, at least through the website).

When you buy the expansion read carefully what your options are… of course buying LW2 and LW3 after the fact through the gem store allows the use of the currency exchange down the line. On the other hand bundling LW with the expansion purchase may give you a better price.

I would check for you but the page where you can add additional bundles to your expansion purchase through the website is not easily accessible (since I already bought my copy). From memory one of the LW bundles was 16€ for me, I already have all of the episodes unlocked so don’t remember which episodes that contains, but if you have none of the episodes unlocked at all the bundle bought directly with real money when buying the expansion may indeed be cheaper.

Buying HOT with POF and lost LW chapters

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

No Living World Seasons (2 or 3) are included in any expansions. If you decide to purchase them, check out the prices in-game compared to outside the game. I believe they are discounted in the Gem Store. Of course, you would need to acquire Gems to purchase them, either with Gem Cards, through the Gem Store, or through Gold-to-Gems exchange.

It’s not necessary to do any of the Stories, in full. Some maps are gated by one or two chapters. But, if you wish to know what’s going on when playing any of the Chapters within Episodes, you may want to play through the entire Stories. Also, Chapters and/or Episodes have rewards (loot, Mastery Points, AP) you may not be able to acquire elsewhere.

Good luck.