Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785



If I currently have a copy of the core game and I buy the expansion (which comes with the core game), can I activate the expansion on my current account and still use the new copy of the core game without the expansion?

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NTDK.4897



“A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game.”

It is an upgrade if you already have an account. So no, you dont get a new account in this case.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


I’m interested in finding out, but from what I’ve heard, it’s either a whole new account with HoT or just the HoT upgrade to an existing account. no way of separating the two.

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sinaya.4201


I’d like to know the answer to this question too.

Crystal Desert

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AMAdictus.7245


And here I thought I would have my 6th alt accounts that i can park at jumping puzzle to get my daily jp chest rewards and daily login rewards.

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Nobody knows for certain yet. The devs are staying completely silent. HOWEVER…

Notice the wording for purchasing the game on the website. Buying this particular version comes with the base game and access to the betas. I have a strong suspicion that there will be a less expensive version that excludes this beta access and didn’t come with the base game.

I’m hoping, but I am almost wary to hope too much. If the $50 even came with a character slot or 800 gems I would have bought this in a heartbeat. I…I hope they know what they are doing and can clarify this soon…

Can I separate the expansion and new Account?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


“A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game.”

It is an upgrade if you already have an account. So no, you dont get a new account in this case.

time to stack buffs on my human, ‘cos I’m getting furious.