Can we PLEASE...
Maybe today or tomorrow. New articles about HoT are usually released on Wednesday/Thursday.
~Sincerely, Scissors
The hype is real.
I doubt we’ll see anything on specializations until after Pax and Rezzed. They don’t look like they are part of the demo (from the early access demo videos) so I doubt they’ll give info until then. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I doubt it.
We’re all biting out nails here OP – I myself can’t wait for Specialisation information – but we all have to wait, no matter how deep you’re digging your nails in the arms of your chair!
I’m sure when the information is out, we won’t be disappointed
I doubt we’ll see anything on specializations until after Pax and Rezzed. They don’t look like they are part of the demo (from the early access demo videos) so I doubt they’ll give info until then. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I doubt it.
Well I wouldn’t expect them to go into detail, but some small bits of information would be nice. Like specialization names and the weapons that come with it (Like they already did with the ranger).
~Sincerely, Scissors
What i’m worried about is how much new stuff are we getting there, really. How much new traits, skills, weapons (and their skills) are we actually gonna get for our existing chracters, both as changes to our base profession, and via specializations?.
So far what’s for sure is that specializations will be able to use one new weapon (so that’s 5 new weapon skills tops). Few utilities, maybe 2 new elites, 2 new heals, and one traitline (profession based one). That’s the barebones and it’s not looking too…hot.
I’d like them to come out and prove me wrong, that there’s more then just that and specializations will have more of the above and not feel like 1/5th of your base profession changed into something new, but an equal, different option, rivaling the base one and not being a tiny add-on.
ONe of my concerns is they have stated on several occasions that each profession will get one new weapon. From what we saw in the trailer, mesmers are getting a shield. As an off-hand weapon, that’s only two new skills. a staff gives rangers 5 new skills.
My hope is that Mesmer (and any other getting an off-hand) will get a main hand weapon as well. Otherwise, they kind of kitten those professions.
…have some info on the specializations now?!
They are probably not even done yet.
…have some info on the specializations now?!
They are probably not even done yet.
Doesn’t mean they can’t say something.
Ranger specialization isn’t ready either but at least we know that it’s called Druid and gets access to a staff.
~Sincerely, Scissors
…have some info on the specializations now?!
They are probably not even done yet.
Doesn’t mean they can’t say something.
Ranger specialization isn’t ready either but at least we know that it’s called Druid and gets access to a staff.
The others are probably not even that much locked down, hence why they just use the same example over and over.
Well according to Colin launch is still a few months off (, he used 6 months specifically but maybe he plucked the number out of the air… or maybe the always planned to have it launch around August). So there’s a lot of time to fill between now and then, so I’m guessing they’ll stretch the info releases as thin as possible.
I doubt you’ll hear anything until kitten near release . . . if that.
I want to see the new Borderlands, I don’t care about the Specializations atm.