Change the trait system.
The only change i want to see is old class lines as elite specs so that they can balance core classes fairly with elite-spec classes.
since HOT came out the trait system drasticly changed, in a none positive way, a way that traps players into ONLY playing dedicated builds
Players in general will always stick to more or less optimal builds. Giving more freedom of choice makes it easier to always pick those really strong traits, which results in less build variety. The new system is better in that respect. And not only in it.
ehhh just buff underused traits tbh and give maybe clarity of purpose to certain traitlines
ehhh just buff underused traits tbh and give maybe clarity of purpose to certain traitlines
Sounds like a good idea to me. I like the trait system we have now, it’s far from perfect, some weak lines but it’s pretty good.
Being able to select a second level 1 trait instead of the level 2 or level 3 trait seems like a good idea. (Likewise for 2nd and 3rd traits.)
But, balancing the old ones to match the new model would be overkill, and almost impossible to do correctly.
The build system is so much better now that it used to be. Having to go and do specific objectives to unlock a trait on a per character basis, or having stats tied to trait lines. So much more freedom now then there used to be. While the meta may have a core template of builds, its still necessary to change traits or even entire trait lines to suit specific encounters and this can be done easily.
While i wouldnt throw out the whole system like the previous one, there are of course traits for all the professions that need improved or even moved around/merged.
ehhh just buff underused traits tbh and give maybe clarity of purpose to certain traitlines
Sounds like a good idea to me. I like the trait system we have now, it’s far from perfect, some weak lines but it’s pretty good.
That’s a great idea! Then remove some of the pointless traits and bake them in — like, say, that “+1% / +2% / +2%” damage set everyone always takes, because it doesn’t add much value.
Once you have done that, you might consider grouping them together in related options, or placing constraints to make there be meaningful choices about what you give up in the trait options and, …. oooh, looky.
You end up more or less where we are today with the GW2 trait system, which is more or less the WoW glyph system, and more or less the ESO champion point system, and … hey.
Almost as if once you strip out the fluff, it ends up looking more or less like what GW2 has today.
The trait system changes benefitted a few classes, but it completely destroyed some classes like the elementalist.
Innumerable games have tried to make hyrib builds work, to little success. There’s no way around the fixed build puzzle because they have to scale difficulty in some standard way. The real problem with the HoT trait changes is ranged dps is suddenly ranger-non-viable?! The elites kittened some classes HARD! I’m not even playing right now, just checking in periodically to see if their next expansion (the one that has taken as long for them to even announce as some WoW expansions and is still promising to be a “smaller but faster” business model) will make the game interesting again. And hate to say it, but I’m not optimistic. It only makes sense to go “smaller but faster” if you’re burning cash and running out of money. The writing for GW2 may be on the wall.
Imo there should be no “elite” specialisations. Instead, we should have one elite traitline slot that would be also our main traitline. We could then choose to make any of our traitlines “elite” and unlock its special powers. Imagine the build diversity.
Innumerable games have tried to make hyrib builds work, to little success. There’s no way around the fixed build puzzle because they have to scale difficulty in some standard way. The real problem with the HoT trait changes is ranged dps is suddenly ranger-non-viable?! The elites kittened some classes HARD! I’m not even playing right now, just checking in periodically to see if their next expansion (the one that has taken as long for them to even announce as some WoW expansions and is still promising to be a “smaller but faster” business model) will make the game interesting again. And hate to say it, but I’m not optimistic. It only makes sense to go “smaller but faster” if you’re burning cash and running out of money. The writing for GW2 may be on the wall.
I’m not playing either because it became a frustrating experience, having a blast playing other games while waiting to see what will be announced for GW2. I was really surprised lately to learn that GW2 still doesn’t have legendary armors… That’s something I paid for way back when I preordered HoT.
Well listen, if u ppl like the trait system so much at least lets make posible the fact that we can use other traits like i said in the post, like adpt traits, or 1 adept and 3 master triats…
kitten , i mean think about the builds are already on! no body is going to fell in a “build trap” i just want to spend time making some builds posible… right now is just straight foward… anyways if u ppl feel SO GOOD about it then so be it.
The new system is good enough, IMO. The older system wasn’t bad either, but it was a nightmare to balance.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
The new system is good enough, IMO. The older system wasn’t bad either, but it was a nightmare to balance.
The old trait system balanced itself much better because the stats were attached to the trait lines.
You couldn’t for example put all your stats in healing and then use offensive trait lines. If you used all the traits from an offensive trait lines then you needed to take 300 away from 2 different defensive stats.
The new system is good enough, IMO. The older system wasn’t bad either, but it was a nightmare to balance.
The old trait system balanced itself much better because the stats were attached to the trait lines.
You couldn’t for example put all your stats in healing and then use offensive trait lines. If you used all the traits from an offensive trait lines then you needed to take 300 away from 2 different defensive stats.
That’s not what we usually call balance. I was not talking about keeping all stats of a char in a similar value, but in the very real necesity of avoiding both OP and useless builds, in the strategy to make all professions similarly capable of fighting against environment foes and between themselves.
The stats fixed to traits lines were IMO one of the worst qualities of the old system, precisely because that LOWERED build diversity.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Innumerable games have tried to make hyrib builds work, to little success. There’s no way around the fixed build puzzle because they have to scale difficulty in some standard way. The real problem with the HoT trait changes is ranged dps is suddenly ranger-non-viable?! The elites kittened some classes HARD! I’m not even playing right now, just checking in periodically to see if their next expansion (the one that has taken as long for them to even announce as some WoW expansions and is still promising to be a “smaller but faster” business model) will make the game interesting again. And hate to say it, but I’m not optimistic. It only makes sense to go “smaller but faster” if you’re burning cash and running out of money. The writing for GW2 may be on the wall.
I’m not playing either because it became a frustrating experience, having a blast playing other games while waiting to see what will be announced for GW2. I was really surprised lately to learn that GW2 still doesn’t have legendary armors… That’s something I paid for way back when I preordered HoT.
I also feel your pain. Even though I have no interest in legendary armors. I have no interest in crafting anything ever. Remember when GW2 was supposed to be the anti-grind MMO?
And I know…every new MMO says they will be the anti-grind MMO and then there’s always grind. So jokes on us if we ever actually expect an MMO to follow through. And killing monsters is what I pay for for all the monster killing grind doesn’t phase me…
But crafting is where i draw the line. So what turned me from ambivalent to HoT to “I won’t play this” is the crafting grind they somehow managed to cram in. New armor prefixes being bind on acquire? No thanks. I’m not going to craft grind to be viable on HoT maps that—frankly—are poorly scaled, buggy, and not much fun.
I wouldn’t be at all mad if most of the new expansion was undoing incredibly short sighted errors like that.
Until then, doesn’t it just seem like Crowfall is taking FOREVER to develop?
This again? The trait system should not be overhauled yet again. Sometimes, good enough is good enough. This is especially true when the game needs to keep producing content to satisfy an ever-hungry player-base. not only would another total trait revamp take resources away from other projects, it would delay new content production. Content must be balanced against character capabilities. When a major element of the build system is in limbo, new content production would stop.
No thanks.
ehhh just buff underused traits tbh and give maybe clarity of purpose to certain traitlines
Sounds like a good idea to me. I like the trait system we have now, it’s far from perfect, some weak lines but it’s pretty good.
That’s a great idea! Then remove some of the pointless traits and bake them in — like, say, that “+1% / +2% / +2%” damage set everyone always takes, because it doesn’t add much value.
Once you have done that, you might consider grouping them together in related options, or placing constraints to make there be meaningful choices about what you give up in the trait options and, …. oooh, looky.
You end up more or less where we are today with the GW2 trait system, which is more or less the WoW glyph system, and more or less the ESO champion point system, and … hey.
Almost as if once you strip out the fluff, it ends up looking more or less like what GW2 has today.
the champion system is a bad system the gw2 system is not a bad system. Gw2’s needs some tweaks ESO’s system needs removing.
I would remove random passive crap tbh its bad design when traits use skills pasivelly for you. And it has hurt wvw and pvp. I also ppl ppl would aprieciate trait choices that present choices within your gameplay rather than passive crap that just sits there doing stuff for you.