Changed Aetherized warhorn voice

Changed Aetherized warhorn voice

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


Changed Aetherized warhorn voice, or: borders of unabashedness

Now the prices are low, so its time to buy the old coveted warhorn voice for around 100 gold. Yes, its mine! And than the jaw drop: Arenanet has changed the voice to the general warhorn one. Thanks for pulling out 100 golds of my pocket! How did you imagine this??? Yes, the game experience maybe rose higher of changing that beautiful warhorn voice… I regret that some incompetent works there for tons of money :-(

Changed Aetherized warhorn voice

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terensz.5324


TSeems to be a bug. Sound normal warhorn (like a fart) on my warrior, and sounds fine (aetherblade warhorn) on my ele. I’m afraid sending a ticket is a waste of time. Anet never handles individual problems. I hope it’s a mass bug, and it will be mended in the near (kidding) future.