“commander can i have a word”
Chuka and Champawat color scheme
How does Treahern change a light bulb?
“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”
I like Spitfire and Prosperity. And it’s nice to use the darkest black you have as a base (Shadow Abyss is hellaexpensive, though. I use Shadow Purple).
Can you give us some more information?
Obviously you’re a thief or ranger so it’s medium armor.
But is your armor more metal based or leather based?
Is it an outfit?
Dyes react differently based on the material you’re dying.
Could do a rogue mantle look with: Celestial, Rosewood, and Golden Lion
Or as suggested above with a darker color scheme
Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood
Fort Aspenwood
screen shot of what i’m currently wearing
How does Treahern change a light bulb?
“commander can i have a word”
“commander can i have a word”