Class Specializations

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ziamira.5103


Hey, after taking a look at the class specializations, I noticed what I was really hoping for, sadly, didn’t make it into the game. I’m just curious if it was only me hoping for something along these lines. I was hoping for some sort of Monk/Martial Arts specialization. Something that revolved around hand-to-hand combat. I know lots of people seem to outright hate the idea of a Monk/Martial Arts combat style, but I have always felt that they suited my play style. Does anyone feel the same way? And does anyone think there is any chance there will eventually be something along those lines added?

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’m afraid the chances of seeing anything that would require huge amounts of new animations for each of the 5 races, are very slim.

I’d be up for a martial artist though.

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ephemiel.5694


You’re playing a game where everyone has the same animations for almost every skill. It’s borderline impossible to make a Martial Arts class.

“Would you kindly?”

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ziamira.5103


You’re playing a game where everyone has the same animations for almost every skill. It’s borderline impossible to make a Martial Arts class.

Nothing is impossible, my friend.

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: choovanski.5462


You’re playing a game where everyone has the same animations for almost every skill. It’s borderline impossible to make a Martial Arts class.

Nothing is impossible, my friend.

let’s go find bigfoot then

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: warbignime.4610


You’re playing a game where everyone has the same animations for almost every skill. It’s borderline impossible to make a Martial Arts class.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arioso.8519


It’s doable. They might not have uniqie animations per race. Might be more like warrior physical skills and rampage.

I’m thinking a martial artist might actually function like engie kits. You equip a “style” or “form” to a utility slot and if you toggle it, you stow your weapon and take that stance, which gives you 5 different skills on your 1-5. So there could be a form that does fancy Chi blast kind of stuff with energy projectiles, a style that is defensive and focuses on counters and blocks to punish aggressive enemies, a super-agressive bone-breaking style of fighting, etc.

That, or a martial artist might simply have a melee staff and some extra-fancy physical skills as new utilities.

Either way, I think Warrior, Thief or Elementalist would probably be the best bet to get it.

For Elementalists, it would instead be the new weapon/class mechanic. They’d be able to fight hand-to-hand by clicking the weapon swap button and then each attument would have it’s own stance. There’s a lore precedent for this as that would basically be an Aspect Master specialization. (So it might also give you their atunments instead of the classic ele ones)

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blazing Liger.1236

Blazing Liger.1236

Didn’t they say staff was going to be a melee weapon for the revenant?

It’s hard to do jumping puzzles with a big, fuzzy butt.