Commander's Gear ?
Might I bump this ? :/
You just need to be tanky as possible ( sentinel/soldiers etc ). You’re a commander, if you die, the zerg is stuffed ( usually ). Lots of people, myself included, run dedicated support builds when zerging, don’t think you should be worrying about that, just stay alive and call for fields/boons
You didn’t understand.
I’m looking for the reciptes or insignias or inscriptions for Commander’s stats. Which are Power, Precision, Toughness and Concentration.
I’m wondering about this as well. You can craft a couple of the new prefixes like Marauder (Pow, Pre, Fer, Vit), but I can’t find where you obtain Commander gear. If anyone can answer this, it’d help a lot of players. >.>
Wouldn’t it be with the Pact Commander mastery ?
Bumping again, did anyone see these stats ?
Recipes are RNG only I believe.
Zealot’s would work for you as well.
Crystal Desert
Recipes are RNG only I believe.
You can purchase the new Marauder recipe (and a couple others) from any armor crafter. Commander’s gear, however, was not among them last I checked.
I’m looking for this as well, looks to be pretty amazing on a support revenant.
Does anyone have an update on this? I still haven’t been able to find where I can either purchase the gear or the recipe to make the insignia. >_>
Edit: Hang on, I think the wiki has it… check it out
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
You can find the NPC vendor after completing the Dragon’s Stand event.
The real problem is the items necessary for that, Crystalline ore from noxious pods, they are rare and you can search freely in the map after completing the event. Honestly it’s ridiculous and i hope Anet will fix it.