Deadly Cuddles -DS- Efficient Noxious POD MAP
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Alright you baka-chans.
It is I! Your beloved Charrmander!
I do Dragon Stand daily with over 5 runs a day all successful I am also open to helping people learn these events and honestly others as well not just HoT.
The Snapshot below starts you off at the the RED dot.
[Central Advance Camp]
You follow the route in line order from 1-45 Please NOTE
Out of the 45+ that can possibly spawn only 15-20 actually appear!
You HAVE to grab the Mordi chest as soon as possible and gather to make your run this run takes exactly 10-13 minutes, this is by far the most efficient 15+ Noxious Pod route that I personally have come up with.
These are all common spawns they are 100% accurately pinpointed (Hold CTRL) to highlight as it. You have a 15 min timer needed to find them and will have 4 minutes remaining once you return to the [Central Advance Camp] which gives you just enough time to grab the Rooted Corpse HP and 2 other HPs below [Central Advance Camp] and [Southern Advance Camp]
Happy Gaming and also if you by chance want to get into one of our organized runs drop me a line in game or ask for a guild invite it’s way more easier to organize while you are in
~ Deadly Cuddles
This shows you just how efficient this route is and where exactly the possible spawns, spawn to.
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
I apologize if it is messy It was done in a quick 10 minutes. You can add numbers to the points if you could I’m busy in game with a run
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573
This seems to miss the special unlocked areas? or am I just confused?
I know the westernmost unlock area has 9 pods alone.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Roxanne.6140
hey, thanks for the guide haven’t tried this out yet but it’s a start !
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
This seems to miss the special unlocked areas? or am I just confused?
I know the westernmost unlock area has 9 pods alone.
Basically this covers as MUCH ground as possible this run takes 10 minutes – 13 minutes depending on how fast you and your group can run to mordi-chest and get you HP’s before organizing the run.
I know there are other pods scatter about like below the HP of the Mushroom Emperor, but once again this route covers as much ground as possible in the least amount (None to be exact) hopping to a new waypoint that causes most people to delay an get lost. If you mean in the Rooted Copse? I have yet to venture through that area. But will update the map if I do find that it is an efficient way to farm the pods rather than just running in a blind circle.
If you can edit the map list with new dots we would gladly appreciate it to understand where exactly you mean because there are 9 Noxious Pods alone where the Tiger pets spawn after killing mordi which I have mapped.
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
hey, thanks for the guide
haven’t tried this out yet but it’s a start !
No problem. It’s better to be there with the group to actually understand where each of these spawns are but the map pretty much explains it but not as “UP/Down/Use Mushrooms/Poison Itzel Mastery”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
I would also like to add that most of the other Noxious Pods spawns, spawn in each lane and after each boss so these are pretty much almost exclusively to those lanes unless you have someone keeping track of where they spawn. I know all of bottom lanes spawns but their too tedious to grab after the kill so I left them out.
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Updated an bumped
(edited by Nekomi.9562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Updated for a few more possible spawn locations.
(ORANGE dots) you have to jump up onto mushrooms as 2 possible POD spawns are about 5 heading back to 7.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Going through the same run over an over again over 20 runs this is by far the most efficient and most rewarding route to go. Once you return to [Central Advance Camp] you can head to the Mushroom Emperor HP which rarely has one Extra POD or two then to the Rooted Corpse for any pods that did NOT despawn and also the HP for people whining for it. You do not have enough time to get every single pod on the map but you do get them while you’re running the lanes (Rarely)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
I will be updating the map tomorrow and also be uploading a video to give you the precise information as to where to go. I have updated my route a little bit.
So overall the route stays the same up until you reach the rooted corpse area you finish with the outside pods then go in, once in you look around the spawns here (Which by now are most likely despawning) then you head to the South Lane Spider leyline HP which is pretty much also either despawned or only 1-2 pods remaining.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Naracion.6597
thank you so much for this.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
thank you so much for this.
You’re very welcome.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Alright I have updated the map to be more specific.
Each LANE has a random change to spawn pods be that the marks at the start of SOUTH lane these will NOT stay here the entire run these WILL despawn.
This is why I did not include them prior because while running a DS run you choose a lane and farm the pods as you go once you finish your lane(s) those pods 90% of the time despawn before anyone can get to them.
I will try to get some HD video recorded from the exact location of where you start an where you finish. If you do have 5 minutes left after making the run you may go to the Rooted Corpse and the Spider Queen HP to loot any of the remaining not despawned pods (Which is highly unlikely) and the reason why I do not do them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Axialbloom.8109
Tagged for the future.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AESOkami.1072
Oh, I know you! I remember completing the world events on the Dragon’s Stand map for a second time with you and it was great! Thanks for leading us!
(My character name was Brielle Light, by the way.)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Oh, I know you! I remember completing the world events on the Dragon’s Stand map for a second time with you and it was great! Thanks for leading us!
(My character name was Brielle Light, by the way.)
I got so many friend requests that I can’t remember even my cloeser friend(s) xD
You’re all welcome.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
But again I will work on a detailed video tomorrow along my runs
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: zajatorrete.2350
You are awesome Deadly Cuddles. Thanks for your effort! See you in DS!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
You are awesome Deadly Cuddles. Thanks for your effort! See you in DS!
No you are awesome!<
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: cassius.5809
This looks great, had real trouble on my first DS completion trying to find these ended up getting about 5…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
This looks great, had real trouble on my first DS completion trying to find these ended up getting about 5…
The video will be up in about 4 hours.
I will be as accurate as possible in regards to hovering my mouse around each individual spawn locations.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Updated the post with the detailed video run
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573
Anyone know if the pods despawning is a bug?
Some spots have 5-10 pods in them, but they despawn after about 5 minutes.
I love the update run info though, looking pretty great now.
Still faster to run alts through the story though. 40 ore per character.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Anyone know if the pods despawning is a bug?
Some spots have 5-10 pods in them, but they despawn after about 5 minutes.
I love the update run info though, looking pretty great now.
Still faster to run alts through the story though. 40 ore per character.
I’ve gotten 2 stacks of 250, not that hard at all each run is 1 hour minimum. You get about 20 ore per run + recipes and gold and such on top of that.
Despawning timer is probably something they planned on. It might be buggy who knows.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573
Anyone know if the pods despawning is a bug?
Some spots have 5-10 pods in them, but they despawn after about 5 minutes.
I love the update run info though, looking pretty great now.
Still faster to run alts through the story though. 40 ore per character.
I’ve gotten 2 stacks of 250, not that hard at all each run is 1 hour minimum. You get about 20 ore per run + recipes and gold and such on top of that.
Despawning timer is probably something they planned on. It might be buggy who knows.
Wow that’s a lot of runs! I did 3 runes with you guys yesterday, including the one that was ~3min kill. I was still working on map completion though so I didn’t get through the whole route. I’ll give it another try tonight.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Anyone know if the pods despawning is a bug?
Some spots have 5-10 pods in them, but they despawn after about 5 minutes.
I love the update run info though, looking pretty great now.
Still faster to run alts through the story though. 40 ore per character.
I’ve gotten 2 stacks of 250, not that hard at all each run is 1 hour minimum. You get about 20 ore per run + recipes and gold and such on top of that.
Despawning timer is probably something they planned on. It might be buggy who knows.
Wow that’s a lot of runs! I did 3 runes with you guys yesterday, including the one that was ~3min kill. I was still working on map completion though so I didn’t get through the whole route. I’ll give it another try tonight.
Had a few crappy runs today so far due to new players who I can only assume are children who don’t listen caused south lane to just completely blow it for 50 minutes.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
People still do not get it…
There are over 40-50 pod spawns that spawn all around the map.
A FEW of these CAN be obtained while running on those lanes.
MID – TOP – BOTTOM once you obtain these these are GONE they will not be there after a run has finished. Once the run has been finished then and ONLY then will this map be accurate.
Sure you can go to the Rooted Corpse first and the Spider HP and then double back to the [Central Advance Camp] to head straight for the wyverns sweetspot net yourself 30 pods that way BUT you would have to be pretty selfish to think everyone knows and has Leyline glider mastery also to think that there will always be a leyline mastery memser to carry everyone and also not make it too far before all the pods despawn.
This route is both efficient and friendly to all players and gives basically the same amount you CAN NOT get every single pod. I can not stress this enough.
People get lost when you port all over the place aswell. Think about others not yourself.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nekomi.9562
Alright so It’s been 2 months since I released the pod map, I decided to update it to be more neat and better explained.
You still start from the [Central Advance Camp] and go towards the Wyvern, once you head back around up through north lane do NOT go into the underground rooted corpse, instead follow the map around to possible spawn #41 then follow the arrows up the cliff-side (jumping over the small ledges) to get out of map and safely scale the corpse and Scout out any remaining Noxious Pods once you hit these head to the Exhumed Delve for the last spawn which should have 1 or 2 remaining pods for you to snag.
The Unmarked dots are possible spawns that pop up during the lane or after the Dragonstand meta has been finished. But for the most part are picked up once you start progression in that lane.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.