Dear Anet

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Hi. Congratulations on launching your pre order. Unfortunately, the way you went about it upset a large group of your veteran players, some who feel they are not getting enough value, others feeling scammed because your marketing team pushes customers toward expensive upgrades without much subtlety, among other complaints.

You’ve said you’re listening.

You said you’re listening, yet you are not talking to your player base.

Some have said you don’t owe veterans anything. I disagree. You build your game around a living world. Veterans shaped that living world.

Veterans trained, guided, advised new players when your own systems where inadequate.

They led epic armies in zerg v zerg fights.

They provide a vibrant economy with their gold they earned running content with old players and new.

They’ve organised community events, provided the world with many notable characters.

They consume the content of your sponsored youtube personalities.

They organise maps to take out dragons and giant worms on a daily basis.

They provided detailed guides on the internet, blogs and youtube, even stickied posts on this very forum.

Veteran players helped made your game the great place it is.

So I suggest you do owe us something.

The common courtesy to talk to us.


Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

(edited by Pretty Pixie.8603)

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JUN YANG.4328


i perfer have NCsoft respond for this.
looks at Anet’s staff attitude.

16.6.2015. never forget.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: InfinitytheSoulWarden.5963


This is nice but i really doubt that it will get a response…. its a shame because it really sums up our mission!

Soul Warden of Echo of Enclayd
~Infinity Warden

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

This is nice but i really doubt that it will get a response…. its a shame because it really sums up our mission!

I’m aware of that. I felt it needed to be said though.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


i perfer have NCsoft respond for this.
looks at Anet’s staff attitude.

16.6.2015. never forget.

Everyone is being so dramatic.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

i perfer have NCsoft respond for this.
looks at Anet’s staff attitude.

16.6.2015. never forget.

Everyone is being so dramatic.

Yeah, that happens when people are passionate about something.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


They will likely release a statement either today or next week

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


They will likely release a statement either today or next week

it had better be soon. the longer they leave this, the harder it’ll be to fix. this whole debacle is a good example of where Anet’s preference to keep quiet is backfiring like a cooked mortar shell.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


They will likely release a statement either today or next week

it had better be soon. the longer they leave this, the harder it’ll be to fix. this whole debacle is a good example of where Anet’s preference to keep quiet is backfiring like a cooked mortar shell.

I’d imagine they need to meet and discuss it internally before releasing a public announcement. Just rushing out a statement without all the staff being on the same page would not go well

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Isven.2165


Just rushing out a statement without all the staff being on the same page would not go well

I fully agree with that. But on the other hand, look where the careful considaration of pre-purchase pricing got them ;>
(Unless, as some suggest, it was a sudden management decision. Unfortunately, we will never know)

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041



I’d imagine they need to meet and discuss it internally before releasing a public announcement. Just rushing out a statement without all the staff being on the same page would not go well

true, but having someone on the forums making sure they understand what we’re saying can’t hurt. just someone who can say “you’re saying …,right” so that we can clear up any misunderstandings before anet makes somebig announcement based on them.

also, there’s a pretty big difference between saying you’re listening and kicking around on the forums, acknowledging things here and there, asking a question or two. having someone visibly here would be more reassuring.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SirDrygan.1823


Hi. Congratulations on launching your pre order. Unfortunately, the way you went about it upset a large group of your veteran players, some who feel they are not getting enough value, others feeling scammed because your marketing team pushes customers toward expensive upgrades without much subtlety, among other complaints.

You’ve said you’re listening.

You said you’re listening, yet you are not talking to your player base.

Some have said you don’t owe veterans anything. I disagree. You build your game around a living world. Veterans shaped that living world.

Veterans trained, guided, advised new players when your own systems where inadequate.

They led epic armies in zerg v zerg fights.

They provide a vibrant economy with their gold they earned running content with old players and new.

They’ve organised community events, provided the world with many notable characters.

They consume the content of your sponsored youtube personalities.

They organise maps to take out dragons and giant worms on a daily basis.

They provided detailed guides on the internet, blogs and youtube, even stickied posts on this very forum.

Veteran players helped made your game the great place it is.

So I suggest you do owe us something.

The common courtesy to talk to us.


Return to sender. No letter box with that address.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


They will likely release a statement either today or next week

it had better be soon. the longer they leave this, the harder it’ll be to fix. this whole debacle is a good example of where Anet’s preference to keep quiet is backfiring like a cooked mortar shell.

Firstly we need to establish if this is a problem.
Players are complaining on the forums, but has this been reflected in the prepurchase numbers? if the prepurchase is looking good (and who is or isn’t prepurchasing) then there’s no problem except some unhappy players, and there’s always unhappy players.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

They will likely release a statement either today or next week

it had better be soon. the longer they leave this, the harder it’ll be to fix. this whole debacle is a good example of where Anet’s preference to keep quiet is backfiring like a cooked mortar shell.

Firstly we need to establish if this is a problem.
Players are complaining on the forums, but has this been reflected in the prepurchase numbers? if the prepurchase is looking good (and who is or isn’t prepurchasing) then there’s no problem except some unhappy players, and there’s always unhappy players.

It appears to me that a B2P is far more dependent on a happy playerbase than a sub one, since many have said that they ‘supported’ he game through gem purchases.

If these people are annoyed enough to stop purchasing gems in the future (regardless of whether they feel obligated to buy HoT or not) it may affect the company’s bottom line.

Grumbling players in sufficient large amount can also influence public perception of the game and make people hesitant to take the plunge.

Of course I have no figures to back this up, since I do not work for Anet.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Osuritta.6428


This letter by the OP hits the spot! Exactly why trying to devalue the unhappiness of vets by calling them (rather unkindly) “entitled”, is so misplaced. Well said.

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Give them time. You wouldn’t want them to kitten up twice. I’m pretty sure they are already working out a solution.

Regardless, this doesn’t give you permission to attack devs personally. Some of you did it. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This is beyond asking for value…

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Hi. Congratulations on launching your pre order. Unfortunately, the way you went about it upset a large group of your veteran players, some who feel they are not getting enough value, others feeling scammed because your marketing team pushes customers toward expensive upgrades without much subtlety, among other complaints.

You’ve said you’re listening.

You said you’re listening, yet you are not talking to your player base.

Some have said you don’t owe veterans anything. I disagree. You build your game around a living world. Veterans shaped that living world.

Veterans trained, guided, advised new players when your own systems where inadequate.

They led epic armies in zerg v zerg fights.

They provide a vibrant economy with their gold they earned running content with old players and new.

They’ve organised community events, provided the world with many notable characters.

They consume the content of your sponsored youtube personalities.

They organise maps to take out dragons and giant worms on a daily basis.

They provided detailed guides on the internet, blogs and youtube, even stickied posts on this very forum.

Veteran players helped made your game the great place it is.

So I suggest you do owe us something.

The common courtesy to talk to us.


Return to sender. No letter box with that address.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Dear Anet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


They will likely release a statement either today or next week

it had better be soon. the longer they leave this, the harder it’ll be to fix. this whole debacle is a good example of where Anet’s preference to keep quiet is backfiring like a cooked mortar shell.

Firstly we need to establish if this is a problem.
Players are complaining on the forums, but has this been reflected in the prepurchase numbers? if the prepurchase is looking good (and who is or isn’t prepurchasing) then there’s no problem except some unhappy players, and there’s always unhappy players.

It appears to me that a B2P is far more dependent on a happy playerbase than a sub one, since many have said that they ‘supported’ he game through gem purchases.

If these people are annoyed enough to stop purchasing gems in the future (regardless of whether they feel obligated to buy HoT or not) it may affect the company’s bottom line.

Grumbling players in sufficient large amount can also influence public perception of the game and make people hesitant to take the plunge.

Of course I have no figures to back this up, since I do not work for Anet.

^ this, more or less. I’ve bought extra copies of GW2 before, because I like supporting Anet, and I’ve always told my friends that it’s a great game (even got some playing), but with the things stand, I can’t bring myself to do anything that might make Anet think I support this move. I’m not pre-purchasing, not buying gems, and I’ve seen a few people who have lost interest in the game because of they way Anet’s been treating the players. if loyal players get screwed over, there’s no reason to be loyal.

I think the biggest damage Anet’ll take over this is a hit to their reputation, and like condition damage, that’ll hit hardest over time.