Disable ALL HPs in HoT with meta up
It’s not the problem of HPs. It’s the problem of metaevents being designed with the assumption that whole map is doing them. If something needs to be changed, it’s the scaling of metaevents, not HPs – especially since we can’t be relying on having full maps in the future.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
Yes, how dare people just want to get the HP’s done and get out of what they might not consider much of a fun map!
How about add a button to disable the meta event if ten people push it that allows them to complete the HP’s?
Don’t like that idea? Thought not. try seeing things from the other points of view next time.
What needs to be done is a little toning down of the meta or better tracking of numbers inside the event chain rather than just counting numbers on the map and scale event accordingly- but that might involve some programming, so don’t expect changes any time soon.
It’s also entirely possible to jump over, help people complete a HP or two, then jump back to the meta event and still succeed.
Disable ALL HPs in HoT with meta up
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eldbrand Charging.8902
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
Disable all Meta events, they are interfering with HP and mastery point’s not to mention personal story.
Disable ALL HPs in HoT with meta up
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
No, thanks.
I think the community still hasn’t figured out how to manage the metas yet. We’re getting better, but we’re not really that close. Once that happens, you’ll see that, as in Silverwastes, the meta will succeed even if less than 100% of the map is involved.
Plus, aren’t there enough gates on completing maps? I would think that we would want to reduce the number of spots on the map that were off limits during substantial portions of the day.
tl;dr too soon to consider this sort of change
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
I like doing what I want to do in the HoT maps, thank you very much Its nice to do what one want to do
Funny AB event is going right now but i am just sitting at a wp looking at the forums until it’s over why ? i don;t want to do it any more and i can’t do what i want why it’s up so… yea go to forums look on tp look at what collections i am close to finishing but know what i am not gonna do ? the event ..
It’s not the problem of HPs. It’s the problem of metaevents being designed with the assumption that whole map is doing them. If something needs to be changed, it’s the scaling of metaevents, not HPs – especially since we can’t be relying on having full maps in the future.
This. You can’t tell people how to spend their gaming time and it’s beyond rude to even try. I’m so sick of seeing people throwing temper tantrums in map chat because someone wants to do a Hero Challenge with their gaming time.
If every last person in a map needs to be doing the meta for it to even have a chance of succeeding, then that is very poor and foolish game design. Some people have limited time to play as it is. Forcing them to do something just because YOU are doing it and want to get it done is…just unbelievable.
If a player wants to work on their maps and not do the meta, they should have that choice.
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
How dare people try to gain their HPs for elite specs before participating in the meta events!
Seriously, even if HPs were disabled, what makes you think that everyone in a given map is going to drop everything and only do metas? Never going to happen.
How dare HP even show up on the map……
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
→ Dragons stand has Hero Points and the only way to reach them is through the meta event.
It is fine. The way you would get people to stop doing HP runs is to make the meta event very rewarding to run so people will put their HP hunt on hold while they do the meta.
I would suggest that if significant numbers of people aren’t interested in doing the meta, then perhaps the meta isn’t rewarding enough. Shutting down the hero points would be treating the symptom in a punitive manner, rather than the root cause.
If they want players doing meta events, make the meta events rewarding.
The meta events are simply too long and require too many of total map population. Cut them into event chain chunks of 1/3 or 1/4 from current length and allow each one to be completed separately. Then it does not matter if half the people are doign HP, gathering materials or gliding around.
Also, none of the waypoints should ever be contested.
Please disable all other people in my map. Tks.
I’m not sure Hero Points have much of an impact on Meta completion. It might matter a little on Verdant Brink where you have to spread out so much but it probably has zero impact on the other three. Octovine scales well. Just having 8-10 people per side is enough to complete. Tangled Depths…well…that Meta is going to fail whether people are at the HPs or not! And of course Dragon’s Stand HPs are the locked ones.
The meta events are simply too long and require too many of total map population. Cut them into event chain chunks of 1/3 or 1/4 from current length and allow each one to be completed separately. Then it does not matter if half the people are doign HP, gathering materials or gliding around.
Also, none of the waypoints should ever be contested.
Not yet sure about TD and, of course, not DS but VB or AB require like 5 ppl. to do the metas … Tarir needs like 20 people.
I’ve done VB metas solo (with or without a few random “join the lamp” players). Pale Reavers can be done solo completely (expect to die a few times in the ruins), leftmost Outpost takes ages with the part collection and you need a few people for the bombs around the tree. Frogs can be done solo up to the point where the Wyvern lands and central post likewise.
At night I never see people deffing the camps so there is not really a difference between you being alone or in a full map … :/
The night bosses need a few people … big crowds make them scale up in a bad way. We did the Wyvern on the rock with 5 people and it was a rather smooth ride.
But you can do ANY daytime meta for ANY VB outpost with as few kitten people easily. So on a map with 100+ players as a cap … who cares for 10 – 20 people who do HPs? You could just as easily make any node unharvestable during metas and whatnot …
Fire up your tag (apple or lamp) and start shouting in map chat to get things organized …
Guess you were doing TD meta and trolls kept activating a certain hero point over and over? This happened on my map too. But it shouldn’t be disabled during the meta event. It should be moved a certain distance away from the meta event location instead.
I’m with the majority here that it should not be turned off. It would force me to do event chains I might not feel like doing at that time. I like to explore as well, and event chains get in the way of that.
What your post actually highlights, and was already raised by others, is that the Meta event chains are too prominent. They take over the entire map and require everyone to contribute to get a T4 reward.
The fixes should not be that hard, and have been proposed:
1. Scale event chains based on number of people contributing to event (so outside certain radius, no effect on difficulty)
2. Unlock all waypoints always. No contested units anywhere (Except maybe Tarir center during assault phase). Yes its easy respawn, but that only contributes to event completion.
3. Better rewards for doing the event chains.
I can imagine the outcry now >.>
1. Scale event chains based on number of people contributing to event (so outside certain radius, no effect on difficulty)
Actually from what I’ve seen, the meta event chains already do scale very well, and you need way less than the full map population for success. The problem isn’t too few people, but rather people not looking at what they’re doing and doing more bad than good for the events.
For example, as long as people mostly cluster around the main pact encampment in VB and leave most outlying rally points to die off, there’s no way VB will reach a t4 night, even if there’s literally nothing else to do on the map except defend camps and gather supplies. Same with night bosses, people even have shouting matches on map chap which boss to do first, without realizing that it goes much smoother if they split up and tackle the bosses simultaneously in smaller groups.
Just the other day, a friend and I defended and supplied one of the outlying pale reaver camps by ourselves through a full night cycle. There really isn’t need for many people, they just have to learn to spread out, do every part of the metas, and pay attention to the event mechanics at hand, instead of blindly clustering to the tags like moths to the light.
(edited by Rasimir.6239)
1. Scale event chains based on number of people contributing to event (so outside certain radius, no effect on difficulty)
Actually from what I’ve seen, the meta event chains already do scale very well, and you need way less than the full map population for success. The problem isn’t too few people, but rather people not looking at what they’re doing and doing more bad than good for the events.
For example, as long as people mostly cluster around the main pact encampment in VB and leave most outlying rally points to die off, there’s no way VB will reach a t4 night, even if there’s literally nothing else to do on the map except defend camps and gather supplies. Same with night bosses, people even have shouting matches on map chap which boss to do first, without realizing that it goes much smoother if they split up and tackle the bosses simultaneously in smaller groups.
Just the other day, a friend and I defended and supplied one of the outlying pale reaver camps by ourselves through a full night cycle. There really isn’t need for many people, they just have to learn to spread out, do every part of the metas, and pay attention to the event mechanics at hand, instead of blindly clustering to the tags like moths to the light.
Sighs … people are herd animals, so to say. Whenever someone has a lamp up, many people will flock to that lamp. To get T4 at night you’d have every mentor/commander available to go to a camp/escort point so you have your map well lit up with apples/lamps. But as things are … people either mull around aimlessly or they’ll flock to whichever lamp is currently on.
I’ve done my fair bit of shouting to get things organized but I never managed to get camps covered.
I guess we have to wait for a big community or guild to organize that – with 2 people assigned beforehand to each camp and then it does not matter what the other people are doing …
GW2 lacks one thing before all others: Ingame voice … map typing just doesn’t cut it and oh so many people seem to be allergic to TS never mind the cost issue for a 100 people TS server
Disable ALL Hero Points in HoT maps while meta events ar up – seriously, did you ever test impact of HP trains when map becomes full and event goers cant invite those ho will help them?
That’s not going to happen and not realistic.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
GW2 lacks one thing before all others: Ingame voice … map typing just doesn’t cut it and oh so many people seem to be allergic to TS never mind the cost issue for a 100 people TS server
Can you honestly imagine what ingame voice would be like on european megaservers??? The pure thought of that makes me want to run away screaming . I honestly don’t think voice communication would be all that great for this kind of event anyway … anytime more than a few people can talk at the same time voice tends to be more distracting than helpful for me.
Everyone shouting in map chat is just another stupid player. There is no way to know who from the shouters actually knows anything about the issue, who are trolling or joking, who have mixed up maps or day/night cycle.
It is just badly designed game if the game itself does not provide means to understand where important events are. The metas are overly complicated, confusing and long. Just as the new maps itself are.
I don’t think its the Hero points that are the problem…
Its the Meta centric Map designs and the fact those Meta’s are on a timer, unlike SW where a few people could mosey around for abit doing events or other achievments and eventually even those maps would organically start the Meta in their OWN time.
Good idea, adventures are disabled during the meta event, so HPs should, too.
GW2 lacks one thing before all others: Ingame voice … map typing just doesn’t cut it and oh so many people seem to be allergic to TS never mind the cost issue for a 100 people TS server
Can you honestly imagine what ingame voice would be like on european megaservers??? The pure thought of that makes me want to run away screaming
. I honestly don’t think voice communication would be all that great for this kind of event anyway … anytime more than a few people can talk at the same time voice tends to be more distracting than helpful for me.
Well, if you’d have a single downmix of everyone talking – yes, horrible. But if you could select which audio to listen to and you could filter commanders and mentors … now, how about that.
Good idea, adventures are disabled during the meta event, so HPs should, too.
I love the logic here: because there’s already one crass case of making one group of people ( those wanting to do the meta) more important than others (those wanting to do the Adventures) lets make the meta players even more important by giving them priority over another group (those wanting to do HPs).
In fact, let’s ask Anet to put in a “I’m more important than everyone so only enable the content I want to play” button, that’d solve everything.
Or, maybe the solution is to remove the open-world meta event crap that totally fails to scale to those wanting to do it .. it can never auto-scale because however you choose to define those who are participating is going to be gameable: content needing such massive organisation belongs in instances, not open-world.
If every last person in a map needs to be doing the meta for it to even have a chance of succeeding, then that is very poor and foolish game design.
Not every person needs to be involved. The problem is, that they scale those events up while not participating. This is one of the reasons, why the TD fails most of the times. The scaling is simply kittened up and events get scaled with players that are doing something entirely else nearby.
One part of me is laughing at those complaining about this, the other part is crying that HOT changed the game I loved to one I loathe.
As I understand it, the GW2 I loved was destroyed by HOT because those who were demanding ‘challenging’ content and hurling about the term scrubs at people like me got listened to by Anet and got the content they were screaming for: challenging content needing GROUP play.
Well guys you got what you screamed for, content that didn’t exist pre-HOT (with one exception) and replacing content (‘heart’ questing’ that many enjoy), so stop kittening and get the ORGANISED GROUPS together that your ORGANISED GROUP content is designed for, YOU SHOUTED FOR IT!
GW2 lacks one thing before all others: Ingame voice … map typing just doesn’t cut it and oh so many people seem to be allergic to TS never mind the cost issue for a 100 people TS server
Can you honestly imagine what ingame voice would be like on european megaservers??? The pure thought of that makes me want to run away screaming
. I honestly don’t think voice communication would be all that great for this kind of event anyway … anytime more than a few people can talk at the same time voice tends to be more distracting than helpful for me.
Well, if you’d have a single downmix of everyone talking – yes, horrible.
But if you could select which audio to listen to and you could filter commanders and mentors … now, how about that.
Your giving Anet way to much credit here