"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gene Archer.8560

Gene Archer.8560

It stands to the power of the Great Ascended Exodus that I’ve been playing the game since beta and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Seriously, people were bothered when Ascended armor came out?

…Okay, now I know that you’re not Ohoni

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

Packaging the core game with HoT is redundant. When they announced HoT last time, did they not offer the core game for $10 (or in and around that time)?

Any new players who wanted to get in on the action would have already bought their accounts at $10 prior HoT even coming out. So this begs the question, did Anet know at that time they were going to package the core game in with HoT effectively screwing over all those new players who dropped $10?

Or is it a case of their marketing teaming having a brain fart in forgetting their company already offered the core game at $10 only a few months earlier?

It could be a billion things.

How about the dropping the game to $10 didnt get the response hoped for so they hoped a better deal would actually push the threshold. Discounts have a good effect in getting people to buy stuff but giving away something for free has a much bigger impact after all. Its why so many websites offer free shipping. There are studies that suggest implementing free shipping had sales double compared to when implementing discounts. It is also the reason why you see so many buy one, get one free or buy two get one free promotions.. strictly speaking these promotions are actually worst then then getting 50%, 33% discounts but somehow people are more likely to take a promotion if they have a state of mind where they’re thinking they’re getting something for free.

This article explains it pretty well:


“It seems as if the psychology power of free may also make us worse at math. In another marketing experiment involving hand lotion in an actual store, researchers sold 73% more when it came in a bonus pack than when it was priced at a discount with the same exact unit price.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

I’m one of those players who bought the game recently, less than a month ago to be precise, for its full retail price of 40$ and I’m not bothered about the base game getting bundled together with the expansion. It will entice more people to give it a whirl.

However, the expansion being 50$ for even those who already have the base game makes me wait with the purchase. Most likely until it goes on sale. Not because I wish to boycott it or disagree with Arenanet’s pricing strategy but because putting down 90$ on a single game in a month is just something I can’t justify. That’s half a year worth of subscription.

I’ll continue to support the gem shop through a 10$ gem purchase each month but the expansion is a no-go for now. That being said, I wish Arenanet luck with the launch and I do hope that those who buy the expansion will enjoy it.

If you bought via ANETs site you can get a refund for your purchase and then buy the game at 50. From what I understand though you lose your current account.

No you dont loose the current account, they will refund you your purchase the account will obviously go inactive but if you buy hot on it you’ll get whatever characters you have back. People have already dont this and confirmed its how Anet are doing it.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


Because they were mislead into buying the core game?

At the VERY least, anyone who purchased after HoT announcement should be given HoT at a reduced cost.

They’ve been offered a refund, which was appropriate. Problem solved.

Many GW2 players simply have started to see GW2 as a cash-shop / F2P game, because that is relaly what GW2 did become with their heavy focus on the cash-shop.

If you want to see what a REAL cash shop game is, check the one where every single content update costs $5-15 to unlock the new missions, powersets, etc. GW2 is NOT a real cash shop game.

You mean, GW2 is not a really bad cash-shop game, that is a difference. No for a cash-shop game (if you accept GW2 as a cash-shop game) GW2 is not the worse, it does not have P2W (where winning is killing), it does not squeeze out money for every thing they add to the game, but it very much is a cash-shop game. You are not only a REAL cash-shop game if you are a really bad cash-shop game.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Greymelken.1892


I cant help notice that this thread is being fuelded by the posts of only a couple of people who are rehashing their arguments over and over, and respectfully submit to the forum administrators that this… discussion is no longer a ‘community’ discussion.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If the price comes down to a something I consider reasonable for what’s been presented, sure, I’ll buy.

If it turns out HoT opens up the rest of our current big map, or opens up Cantha or Elona, and/or gives us playable Tengu, or Largos, or Centaurs, with starting zones for each, and new personal stories (sans level gaps) and anet has craftily kept it all a big secret until launch day, sure. I’ll buy.

Until then… pfft. No.

Sorry but i laughed at this.
You want everything on the big wishlist done before you will buy it?
Ha…I’ll see you in game on launch day.

If they expect me to pay almost as much for this expansion as the game cost at launch, then I expect them to deliver almost as much content as the game had at launch. If they don’t deliver that much, then I won’t pay that much. I’m funny that way.

The table is a fable.

(edited by Tachenon.5270)

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m planning to buy the 50$ version but I haven’t bought yet. One reason is because ANet hasn’t presented a good reason to prebuy the 50$ version. If I were to give them my 50$ and tie the expansion to my account, what do I get out of it? All I get is a bunch of promises without a date on them. No date for the first beta. No date for the game. I don’t even get a character slot to make a char to play around with or park at a chest.

If all I getting for preordering is some undated promises, then I am better off holding on to my money until I actually get something. If I don’t care about the betas then I might as well wait till the expansion arrives to see if there is a better offer for my $50.

It’s not a good idea for the basic version to offer nothing but open ended promises if they want people to hand over their money months ahead of delivering. They should be wanting to hook people into buying to get them to commit and get their money to pay ANet’s bills. Such a bare bones version lack the necessary hook to pull in the money and is poorly thought out.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


I’m planning to buy the 50$ version but I haven’t bought yet. One reason is because ANet hasn’t presented a good reason to prebuy the 50$ version. If I were to give them my 50$ and tie the expansion to my account, what do I get out of it? All I get is a bunch of promises without a date on them. No date for the first beta. No date for the game. I don’t even get a character slot to make a char to play around with or park at a chest.

If all I getting for preordering is some undated promises, then I am better off holding on to my money until I actually get something. If I don’t care about the betas then I might as well wait till the expansion arrives to see if there is a better offer for my $50.

It’s not a good idea for the basic version to offer nothing but open ended promises if they want people to hand over their money months ahead of delivering. They should be wanting to hook people into buying to get them to commit and get their money to pay ANet’s bills. Such a bare bones version lack the necessary hook to pull in the money and is poorly thought out.


Gone to Reddit.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I’m planning to buy the 50$ version but I haven’t bought yet. One reason is because ANet hasn’t presented a good reason to prebuy the 50$ version. If I were to give them my 50$ and tie the expansion to my account, what do I get out of it? All I get is a bunch of promises without a date on them. No date for the first beta. No date for the game. I don’t even get a character slot to make a char to play around with or park at a chest.

If all I getting for preordering is some undated promises, then I am better off holding on to my money until I actually get something. If I don’t care about the betas then I might as well wait till the expansion arrives to see if there is a better offer for my $50.

It’s not a good idea for the basic version to offer nothing but open ended promises if they want people to hand over their money months ahead of delivering. They should be wanting to hook people into buying to get them to commit and get their money to pay ANet’s bills. Such a bare bones version lack the necessary hook to pull in the money and is poorly thought out.

Completely agreed with the exception that I am still on the fence about buying the expansion.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Packaging the core game with HoT is redundant. When they announced HoT last time, did they not offer the core game for $10 (or in and around that time)?

Any new players who wanted to get in on the action would have already bought their accounts at $10 prior HoT even coming out. So this begs the question, did Anet know at that time they were going to package the core game in with HoT effectively screwing over all those new players who dropped $10?

Or is it a case of their marketing teaming having a brain fart in forgetting their company already offered the core game at $10 only a few months earlier?

Lowering the price allowed people to start playing RIGHT THEN for only $10, which was, and IS a very good deal. If anything, they just underestimated the number of people that would throw a kitten-fit over having spent an entire ten dollars on being able to play a great game for several months before it became available free to them (assuming that they were willing to invest $50 into the product). Yeah, ANet were the crazy ones here.

If all I getting for preordering is some undated promises, then I am better off holding on to my money until I actually get something. If I don’t care about the betas then I might as well wait till the expansion arrives to see if there is a better offer for my $50.

It’s not a good idea for the basic version to offer nothing but open ended promises if they want people to hand over their money months ahead of delivering. They should be wanting to hook people into buying to get them to commit and get their money to pay ANet’s bills. Such a bare bones version lack the necessary hook to pull in the money and is poorly thought out.

They can wait for you. They don’t need your money right now if you don’t feel like giving it. Plenty of people did pre-order already, and plenty have said they’ll get around to it at a later date, and that’s fine. They didn’t “screw up” just because you don’t feel compelled to pre-order right now, that’s not how pre-orders work. It’s a time frame, players have all the time between now and launch, whenever that may be, to pre-order. I once pre-ordered a game the morning it came out.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valky.2574


For what i saw so far it’s not worth the 49$ price tag, Sorry but wont be buying it unless allot more stuff is coming out, that we have not seen or a price drop.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grover.8753


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

You hope the go bankrupt. You hope hundreds of people are out of work, because you don’t like a game? I hope people are kinder to you in your life, than you are to Anet.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dank.3680


If they lowered the price to 30$ I would be buying 3 copies today. At 50 I won’t buy it period, 40 I might buy 1 for me. Up to you Anet how much money do you want from me? 90? 40? 0?

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amon.5042


Why should I pay the price of a full game for an expansion? There’s no monthly fees, so should that justify the inflated price? No, not in my opinion, since there’s the gem store which is a source of surplus revenue. If I’d be happy with what the game had to offer I’d likely use the gem store and, in time, possibly spend more than a monthly subscription plan as I have done in the past.

What the corporate price tag created, for someone like me who hasn’t played the game for a while and was interested in coming back to try the expansion, is that I have no longer a wish to come back, buy the expansion, play it, and use the gem store for whatever interesting items there.

At least two purchases are lost since my wife is of the same opinion. There’s a lot of good quality competition in the gaming world for the consumer’s hard earned money and I’m certainly not interested in inflated prices versus a fair one. Asking a full game price for an expansion completely killed any interest for me.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Khorthall.1682


I’ll be this person.

For whoever voted they won’t get pre-purchase, someone new who has never played most likely did.

The price has been announced people, it won’t be reduced because those who did pre-purchase would need some form of money back. It’s too much of a mess to deal with.

Most Arenanet will do is giving something in their game, like a character slot or something.

Either way, that’s Anets price, you’re all free to go take your money elsewhere, be it a $60 game with a monthly subscription or one that you’d buy that will go free to play months later, it’s been happening a lot with recent MMORPG’s.

Guild Wars 2 is still here and if they continue to pursue with content like they did with Dry Top and Silverwastes, Permanent content every few weeks for free? That makes up the $50 you paid for. It’s not only about what content we are getting with the expansion, but also the content we are getting after.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I’m one of them, and I’ll say here what I said there: I’m not pre-purchasing, and I’m a ten-year GW player who’s bought everything since Prophecies. So far, I’ve been shown nothing that warrants $50. HoT had better include a MOUNTAIN of content for that price, and right now I’m just not seeing it. The dubious benefit of playing in beta tests will not counteract this; giving in-depth details on exactly what and how much content is included might, as well as offering a character slot to existing accounts on the $50 option.

Count me in, no way I’m buying at this price point.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

With all due respect, but it sounds a little like you did fall for all the tricks they used to get you (players) to spend gems, you now consider that is all fake (you spend money on air) and now you are extremely mad because of that. But that really Is your own fault. In fact, because people like you spend so much money on air, game companies start focusing on air instead of quality content. See the many people here complain about kitten,- expansion, but where are the complains about a finisher box that contains 6 finishers for also $50,-? Sure the complains have a lot to do with having both, did they only have the $50,- while the finishers would be in-game, there would be less complains. Not saying that those items in the cash-shop aren’t nice, I love most of them, but it’s not quality content, it’s stuff that should be rewarded from quality content.

So the question is, why are you now mad? After having spent thousands of dollars on gems to buy junk, you now are not willing to spend money on kitten,- expansion? I feel it’s not really related, you simply recently figured out that you have been spending money on air and that is what makes you so mad. That is at least what I think that is going on here.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Wow, the shear volume of “I’m a Mr. Bigshot wbho spends millions of dfollars on GW2, but this $10 price differenc eof opinions is the LAST straw and I’m never playing again until they give me the price I want, which I’m sure they’ll do before I cave because I’m suchb a big-shot customer” posts is just depressing. Every time I start to think that humanity is getting a little bit better. . .

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grover.8753


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

With all due respect, but it sounds a little like you did fall for all the tricks they used to get you (players) to spend gems, you now consider that is all fake (you spend money on air) and now you are extremely mad because of that. But that really Is your own fault. In fact, because people like you spend so much money on air, game companies start focusing on air instead of quality content. See the many people here complain about kitten,- expansion, but where are the complains about a finisher box that contains 6 finishers for also $50,-? Sure the complains have a lot to do with having both, did they only have the $50,- while the finishers would be in-game, there would be less complains. Not saying that those items in the cash-shop aren’t nice, I love most of them, but it’s not quality content, it’s stuff that should be rewarded from quality content.

So the question is, why are you now mad? After having spent thousands of dollars on gems to buy junk, you now are not willing to spend money on kitten,- expansion? I feel it’s not really related, you simply recently figured out that you have been spending money on air and that is what makes you so mad. That is at least what I think that is going on here.

You’re completely wrong. That’s not at all why I’m mad. By Law it is in fact called " Intellectual property". It’s as much air as the money I spent on it is. 99% of the US currency is in fact “air” and only exist digitally as it is “debt”. I spent money because I wanted too. Because i had the extra income to spend on my hobby. Because I was a fan of the game I wanted to support them and i enjoyed playing with “air”. I’m mad because my “air” disappears because of a flaw in their system and they refuse to acknowledge it because of a “general rule” as they say. So there’s no longer any reason to support a company who can’t acknowledge and correct their own mistakes.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


If they lowered the price to 30$ I would be buying 3 copies today. At 50 I won’t buy it period, 40 I might buy 1 for me. Up to you Anet how much money do you want from me? 90? 40? 0?

A few questions.. How much money did you spend on gems, and if you did buy gems on what items did you spend them?

What is those items, or the gem-store items would be all in-game, would you then be more willing to spend $50,-

Why do you think $50,- is too much? Because the market (of cash-shop games) asks less, or simply because you think the content is too little.

I don’t think $50,- is unreasonable for a B2P games expansion, I think many of the items you buy with gems are unreasonable in price and are bad for the game (as they are taken out of the game to be sold separately). What might be really unreasonable is doing both.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


Why should I pay the price of a full game for an expansion? There’s no monthly fees, so should that justify the inflated price? No, not in my opinion, since there’s the gem store which is a source of surplus revenue. If I’d be happy with what the game had to offer I’d likely use the gem store and, in time, possibly spend more than a monthly subscription plan as I have done in the past.

What the corporate price tag created, for someone like me who hasn’t played the game for a while and was interested in coming back to try the expansion, is that I have no longer a wish to come back, buy the expansion, play it, and use the gem store for whatever interesting items there.

At least two purchases are lost since my wife is of the same opinion. There’s a lot of good quality competition in the gaming world for the consumer’s hard earned money and I’m certainly not interested in inflated prices versus a fair one. Asking a full game price for an expansion completely killed any interest for me.

If there would be less focus on the gem-store and more of those items would be in the game, you would have less problem with the $50,-

It seems to be the common denominator for those who find the price to high.

Maybe Anet did see that with the announcement of HoT the sales immediately went up and the absence of the LS during the last half year wasn’t as bad as they expected, in addition they were now able to create things they wanted to do for a long time but where not able with the old model. That might have made them decide that they would rather be start focusing more on expansions then on the LS and the gem-store. If they are thinking like that the $50,- is completely reasonable but then they should communicate that with the player base.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

With all due respect, but it sounds a little like you did fall for all the tricks they used to get you (players) to spend gems, you now consider that is all fake (you spend money on air) and now you are extremely mad because of that. But that really Is your own fault. In fact, because people like you spend so much money on air, game companies start focusing on air instead of quality content. See the many people here complain about kitten,- expansion, but where are the complains about a finisher box that contains 6 finishers for also $50,-? Sure the complains have a lot to do with having both, did they only have the $50,- while the finishers would be in-game, there would be less complains. Not saying that those items in the cash-shop aren’t nice, I love most of them, but it’s not quality content, it’s stuff that should be rewarded from quality content.

So the question is, why are you now mad? After having spent thousands of dollars on gems to buy junk, you now are not willing to spend money on kitten,- expansion? I feel it’s not really related, you simply recently figured out that you have been spending money on air and that is what makes you so mad. That is at least what I think that is going on here.

You’re completely wrong. That’s not at all why I’m mad. By Law it is in fact called " Intellectual property". It’s as much air as the money I spent on it is. 99% of the US currency is in fact “air” and only exist digitally as it is “debt”. I spent money because I wanted too. Because i had the extra income to spend on my hobby. Because I was a fan of the game I wanted to support them and i enjoyed playing with “air”. I’m mad because my “air” disappears because of a flaw in their system and they refuse to acknowledge it because of a “general rule” as they say. So there’s no longer any reason to support a company who can’t acknowledge and correct their own mistakes.

Still, the reason you are mad is not the $50,- price of the expansion.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grover.8753


I won’t be buying it at all nor will I ever spend another dime on any ArenaNet or NCSoft product ever again. From everything they’ve shown its all complete garbage and not at all worth the asking price. That’s funny considering I’ve spent thousands of $$ on their lame gem store items since launch. Also now their flawed system has caused items I purchased through their Gem Store to disappear without my consent and they refuse to replace it. If I see or hear people ask about GW2 I’m gonna tell them don’t even bother with it and find something else. I’ll post as many negative reviews and boycott it as much as possible. I hope they go bankrupt.

With all due respect, but it sounds a little like you did fall for all the tricks they used to get you (players) to spend gems, you now consider that is all fake (you spend money on air) and now you are extremely mad because of that. But that really Is your own fault. In fact, because people like you spend so much money on air, game companies start focusing on air instead of quality content. See the many people here complain about kitten,- expansion, but where are the complains about a finisher box that contains 6 finishers for also $50,-? Sure the complains have a lot to do with having both, did they only have the $50,- while the finishers would be in-game, there would be less complains. Not saying that those items in the cash-shop aren’t nice, I love most of them, but it’s not quality content, it’s stuff that should be rewarded from quality content.

So the question is, why are you now mad? After having spent thousands of dollars on gems to buy junk, you now are not willing to spend money on kitten,- expansion? I feel it’s not really related, you simply recently figured out that you have been spending money on air and that is what makes you so mad. That is at least what I think that is going on here.

You’re completely wrong. That’s not at all why I’m mad. By Law it is in fact called " Intellectual property". It’s as much air as the money I spent on it is. 99% of the US currency is in fact “air” and only exist digitally as it is “debt”. I spent money because I wanted too. Because i had the extra income to spend on my hobby. Because I was a fan of the game I wanted to support them and i enjoyed playing with “air”. I’m mad because my “air” disappears because of a flaw in their system and they refuse to acknowledge it because of a “general rule” as they say. So there’s no longer any reason to support a company who can’t acknowledge and correct their own mistakes.

Still, the reason you are mad is not the $50,- price of the expansion.

It is not the ONLY reason. But is one of

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


If there would be less focus on the gem-store and more of those items would be in the game, you would have less problem with the $50,-

Why do people complain about the gem store? The GW2 gem store is one of the least bothersome on the market. You can totally avoid it if you like, and they add plenty of new content to the game that has nothing to do with the gem store, way more than we paid for. I fully expect that trend to continue past HoT.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mcwurth.2081


maybe it is time to stop all this guessing about what other people think, get ready to party with coming update when lions arch will be awesome again and new features

(PS I do not prepurchase simply because i am waiting for a physical copy)

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


If there would be less focus on the gem-store and more of those items would be in the game, you would have less problem with the $50,-

Why do people complain about the gem store? The GW2 gem store is one of the least bothersome on the market. You can totally avoid it if you like, and they add plenty of new content to the game that has nothing to do with the gem store, way more than we paid for. I fully expect that trend to continue past HoT.

Not everybody complains about it (I do) I don’t want to make this a discussion why or what is bad about this cash-shop so will leave it at that, but when people get a cash-shop game they don’t expect $50,- expansions, they expect $35,- – $40,- expansions. When they get a B2P game with no heavy focus on the cash-shop they expect and are more willing to pay a $40 – $60 expansion.

I did expect kitten,- expansions and so are fine with that but I am not fine with the cash-shop, it’s however not strange that the people that are gotten used to the cash-shop are complaining about kitten,- expansion.

So in this case it was not really a complain about a cash-shop but pricing in general and what people expect with what type of products.

If Anet does continue the same trend with HoT then the price is indeed to high, if they don’t it’s not.

You say “plenty of new content to the game that has nothing to do with the gem store, way more than we paid for.” But that is false, people did pay for that, with the gem-store (and the game itself does suffer for it). That is exactly why this model vs expansion price matters so much.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


maybe it is time to stop all this guessing about what other people think, get ready to party with coming update when lions arch will be awesome again and new features

(PS I do not prepurchase simply because i am waiting for a physical copy)

That should be tomorrow, I will wait a little longer to know for sure there will be, or will not be a CE. The faq now only states there are no plans for a CE, then again their where no plans for a new professions, no plans for an expansions and no plans for many thing that did happen anyway.

Besides, all the shops I did check, for now only have the standard edition, and I want at least the deluxe (if there is no physical copy of anything ‘higher’ then that).

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


You aren’t paying for them again. Nobody is paying for them, they are free. You get them for free. They have zero cost, and you are paying zero cost for them.

Oh, lol. Are truly thinking that noone’s paying for the core game that newcomers get? Anet is not offering it at no cost to themselves, you know, and those costs are being refunded somehow. You can guess three times who is going to ultimately pay for it.
And no, it’s not Santa Claus.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Lol, I love posts that start with “my wife and I” or “my husband and I” – who the kitten cares that you’re married.

Anyway… the outrage is kinda comprehensible especially the lack of a character slot… but I think you are completely forgetting that you won’t just pay 50 for one static expansion. It’s rather a financing of a long term game that will evolve after the expansion rolls out. You get a lot of additional stuff in future free releases at no additional costs and no shady pay to win stuff as seen in other online games.

50 is not that much. And if it is, then I wonder how you can survive and even have a PC to play this game and a connection to the internet.

There was a thread; how much real money you invested in this game, mainly in Gems. And there were numerous people who didn’t pay one cent! And I am sure the outrage is the highest amongst those people.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


Guild wars do NOT make as much money from Gem Store as they do any other F2P/B2P because they of the fact they sacrificed that factor by putting NO Micro-transactions into it, No Cash shop Spam Releases of Outfits etc etc, Not having Mounts in the game and ALLOWING you to convert your gold to gems, They make up for the fact they allow players to choose to just never spend a Dime in the Gem Shop by their Expansion Releases.

they DO NEED the expansion release incomes, thats just factual… to claim they dont is stupid.

WoW just wow Is there a point to keep telling these white knight that they are only spreading incorrect information ?
All of that to defend a company which current offer screw them over.

Calling people white knights because they disagree with your opinion is wrong, and irrelevant. Every poster, for or against the game, can be wrong or can be right. I’ve seen plenty of misinformation from people who aren’t white knights. Do you go into their threads and try to discredit them with a name? Because all it does it make you look bad.

And I disagree that the company is screwing anyone over, though I agree a percentage of the community sees it that way. A percentage of the community also doesn’t.

I love to look bad now thanks to all of the white knight twisting facts to fit their view.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: naphack.9346


It’s pretty simple. I will not purchase Heart of Thorns unless I know what exactly I am buying. A preorder with no information on what I am buying and when I am going to get it… No thanks.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eurhetemec.9052


There was a thread; how much real money you invested in this game, mainly in Gems. And there were numerous people who didn’t pay one cent! And I am sure the outrage is the highest amongst those people.

Sure, but they’re the majority of the players, and thus the majority of your expansion sales. So if outrage is highest among them, you have a problem.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


The problem is they can’t change the price anyway. They can however offer a discount in the future and I highly doubt people are gonna wait that long to buy it.

…and at the end they’ll buy it anyways.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Broom.2561


Lol, I love posts that start with “my wife and I” or “my husband and I” – who the kitten cares that you’re married.

Well, here’s the thing… generally, there’s only one active poster in a household, if that. I’d say they basically say ‘this is 2 people playing this game who have this same opinion’.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Not buying. I could buy the biggest package without issues or feeling any remorse…but as much money i have i also know the value of it and the work that goes into making it.

What they shown so far from the xpac, by my personal standards, it’s not worth:
1. My money
2. The gemstore money i would most likely have spent after the release
3. My time spent ingame
4. My dedication and experience i could offer others.

I don’t care about the price…i have more then enough money..but having money doesn’t mean i throw it out the window for the lulz. The content, however much you squeaky-clean white knights want to defend the company, is NOT worth what they offer (or at least what they showed so far).

That being said, good luck to ppl who purchased it. Hope you have fun and that the content (quantity and quality) suits your needs. No sarcasm..i really do…because the price you payed for this product is overpriced.

(edited by Rebound.3409)

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


Wow, the shear volume of “I’m a Mr. Bigshot wbho spends millions of dfollars on GW2, but this $10 price differenc eof opinions is the LAST straw and I’m never playing again until they give me the price I want, which I’m sure they’ll do before I cave because I’m suchb a big-shot customer” posts is just depressing. Every time I start to think that humanity is getting a little bit better. . .

Then perhaps it is time that you backed away from this discussion?

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Lol, I love posts that start with “my wife and I” or “my husband and I” – who the kitten cares that you’re married.

Well, here’s the thing… generally, there’s only one active poster in a household, if that. I’d say they basically say ‘this is 2 people playing this game who have this same opinion’.

Yeah of course. But where I came from fathers didn’t play games and especially not their wives. Those are the people who casualize the game community since the huge commercial success of games. Where are the days of pizza eating nerds playing games? Ah, I miss those times… (not so serious)

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sashandra.5627


Honestly, until ANET releases information on exactly how large the expansion is nobody can say if the price is justified or not. We know too little at the moment to make any reasoned judgement. Smart money is to hold off purchasing until this information is released and then decide to vote with your wallets to buy or not.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Devata.6589


Not buying. I could buy the biggest package without issues or feeling any remorse…but as much money i have i also know the value of it and the work that goes into making it.

What they shown so far from the xpac, by my personal standards, it’s not worth:
1. My money
2. The gemstore money i would most likely have spent after the release
3. My time spent ingame
4. My dedication and experience i could offer others.

I don’t care about the price…i have more then enough money..but having money doesn’t mean i throw it out the window for the lulz. The content, however much you squeaky-clean white knights want to defend the company, is NOT worth what they offer (or at least what they showed so far).

That being said, good luck to ppl who purchased it. Hope you have fun and that the content (quantity and quality) suits your needs. No sarcasm..i really do…because the price you payed for this product is overpriced.

Can you explain me number 2?

You don’t think the expansion has a value of $50,- However, based on your statement I also conclude you do spend money on cash-shop items.

HoT will introduce at least 2 complete new guild armor skins, so that are 19 (weapons) times 2 (sets) is 38 weapon skin just there.

200 gems is one of the lowest prices on the gem-store (only some really small items are cheaper). So let’s do 200 times 38, that are 7600 gems. That would cost you close to $100. Sure you might not like these skins, but if you give any value to those gem-store items, how can you then now say the expansion does not have the value of $50,-?

Don’t get me wrong, there might be good reasons for finding the $50,- to expensive, what I am more surprised by is that you then do find that the price you pay for those gem-store items is of good value.

Sorry, but that makes no sense to me.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Where are the days of pizza eating nerds playing games?

Well, incidentally the fathers and wives are often the very same people that were “pizza-eating nerds” then.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


but when people get a cash-shop game they don’t expect $50,- expansions, they expect $35,- – $40,- expansions.

Nonsense. “People” don’t have any particular expectations one way or the other. If you have such expectations, fair enough, but don’t project. There’s no reason why a game can’t or shouldn’t have $50 expansions AND a cash shop. WoW had kitten boxed expansion AND a cash shop AND a monthly fee. I highly doubt that the majority of the people balking at the $50 expansion price would have been “fine with it” had the gem store been less of a factor. They likely still would have complained just as much. Many of these people probably don’t even use the gem store much.

You say “plenty of new content to the game that has nothing to do with the gem store, way more than we paid for.” But that is false, people did pay for that, with the gem-store (and the game itself does suffer for it). That is exactly why this model vs expansion price matters so much.

Wrong. People who paid for stuff in the gem store, got the item they bought in the gem store. They got what they paid for. They were not paying to get anything else, such as a freedom from future expansions. Everyone got what they paid for.

Oh, lol. Are truly thinking that noone’s paying for the core game that newcomers get? Anet is not offering it at no cost to themselves, you know, and those costs are being refunded somehow.

Yes they are offering it at no cost to themselves. The costs involved have already long since been recovered. It’s a digital product, if they want to give it away for free, they can and will do so.

Lol, I love posts that start with “my wife and I” or “my husband and I” – who the kitten cares that you’re married.

They’re basically trying to double up their vote, to express that their opinion is worth twice anyone else’s.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


Lol, I love posts that start with “my wife and I” or “my husband and I” – who the kitten cares that you’re married.

They’re basically trying to double up their vote, to express that their opinion is worth twice anyone else’s.

Doesn’t seems wrong to me because, there is actually two people having an opinion.
You may not like it but it’s like that.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Not buying. I could buy the biggest package without issues or feeling any remorse…but as much money i have i also know the value of it and the work that goes into making it.

What they shown so far from the xpac, by my personal standards, it’s not worth:
1. My money
2. The gemstore money i would most likely have spent after the release
3. My time spent ingame
4. My dedication and experience i could offer others.

I don’t care about the price…i have more then enough money..but having money doesn’t mean i throw it out the window for the lulz. The content, however much you squeaky-clean white knights want to defend the company, is NOT worth what they offer (or at least what they showed so far).

That being said, good luck to ppl who purchased it. Hope you have fun and that the content (quantity and quality) suits your needs. No sarcasm..i really do…because the price you payed for this product is overpriced.

Can you explain me number 2?

You don’t think the expansion has a value of $50,- However, based on your statement I also conclude you do spend money on cash-shop items.

HoT will introduce at least 2 complete new guild armor skins, so that are 19 (weapons) times 2 (sets) is 38 weapon skin just there.

200 gems is one of the lowest prices on the gem-store (only some really small items are cheaper). So let’s do 200 times 38, that are 7600 gems. That would cost you close to $100. Sure you might not like these skins, but if you give any value to those gem-store items, how can you then now say the expansion does not have the value of $50,-?

Don’t get me wrong, there might be good reasons for finding the $50,- to expensive, what I am more surprised by is that you then do find that the price you pay for those gem-store items is of good value.

Sorry, but that makes no sense to me.

So by your logic am i supposed to buy a product based on how much money i will be paying after? No sorry i am not that kind of person. I pay for products that are worth the investment. The content that comes with this 50$ expansion is NOT worth the 50$. I am NOT paying 50$ on a product that offers me more gemstore items then actual content. I also don’t do calculations like you do. I calculate what i like and i pay for that. I give close to absolute-0 value to items that i don’t have an interest in. If the gemstore is 80% filled with items that i don’t care about then “100%” for me is actually the “20%” items left that actually interest me. It’s their job to give value to their items not mine.

If i wanted to “pay for the opportunity to pay more after” i would have chosen a p2p game. Not a b2p/f2p game….which allegedly “does not offer you p2w items” but the only content you predominantly get are cash-shop items anyway….the rest of the content being a few hours of LS story with huge gaps inbetween..and close to no ingame-skins (again +1 for the wasteland set) armor, weapons, minis..whatever you want.

If the game was p2p with monthly fee and it offered the volume of content (besides cash shop exclusive updates) i expect from a p2p, i would gladly throw even double that amount/month if it allowed me too. It’s down to “how much” they offer for my money..period.

You can find my logic flawed…..but for me personally my logic made me more money then i lost IRL.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Doesn’t seems wrong to me because, there is actually two people having an opinion.
You may not like it but it’s like that.

If they’re being honest about it. Doesn’t bother me though, I have an international cabal of thousands that agrees with every word I say, so I automatically overrule all of them. Just assume any opinion I state is agreed with by all those thousands, making me more important than you.

Otherwise, just assume that each person posting represents one person posting, and if they want to represent two (or more) people then those people have to speak for themselves.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


Doesn’t seems wrong to me because, there is actually two people having an opinion.
You may not like it but it’s like that.

…… making me more important than you……

Otherwise, just assume that each person posting represents one person posting, and if they want to represent two (or more) people then those people have to speak for themselves.

First no he doesn’t; Anet have a mean to check what’s happening & have a clear idea of what’s going on.

Second; You are free to assume what you want but you won’t see me complain about people stating that them & their wife/husband bought the ultimate of HoT.
This is irrelevant to the discussion; it seems you are looking for another drama.

(edited by papry.8096)

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarkusRogue.3027


PvE doesn’t interest me, so doubt I’ll be picking up the expansion. I mainly only play WvW these days. Haven’t seen anything in the expansion that interests me that much to put money on it.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Omocha.4931


We’re only 3 here, got all hyped about HoT, then Pre-purchase offer came. Slap in the face from ANet (just for condoning NC’s greed to that extent). 2 of us opted out instantaneously, 3rd followed shortly.

You don’t do magic tricks with the official information. You don’t sell apples as oranges. And you don’t talk fish when the forum’s in an uproar for 7+ days. So, as far as ANet and their tradition of caring about their fans is nowhere to be felt, I’m not forking over a dime to NC. That which just happened is abusing customer’s trust and naivity: “Hey! if you spend cash on our mini rocks with game still buggy, take this reworked GW2 and imagine it’s an expansion…”

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GeekDavid.2786


We’re only 3 here, got all hyped about HoT, then Pre-purchase offer came. Slap in the face from ANet (just for condoning NC’s greed to that extent). 2 of us opted out instantaneously, 3rd followed shortly.

You don’t do magic tricks with the official information. You don’t sell apples as oranges. And you don’t talk fish when the forum’s in an uproar for 7+ days. So, as far as ANet and their tradition of caring about their fans is nowhere to be felt, I’m not forking over a dime to NC. That which just happened is abusing customer’s trust and naivity: “Hey! if you spend cash on our mini rocks with game still buggy, take this reworked GW2 and imagine it’s an expansion…”

I’m already composing how I’m gonna tell my guild I’m leaving the game for good. I’ll also resign from the guild cause mine is constantly coming up against the max player limit and they can use the open slot for someone who’s more willing to put up with ANet’s shenanigans.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Witch of Doom.5739

Witch of Doom.5739

It’s not the price. Even though I’m older and retired, I can swing $50 for a game. But it has to have enough content and I haven’t seen that yet. I want AT LEAST a character slot included, and preferably a bank slot and another shiny or two, maybe an older outfit or a cool weapon for my Revenant.