Dragon Stand event issues.
Frankly if you are in a group with someone, it should hold that slot on the map for you, period. Untill every last person in the group leaves the map or is kicked or DCs…the entire group’s slots should be considered “reserved”.
This alone would save many headaches.
Frankly if you are in a group with someone, it should hold that slot on the map for you, period. Untill every last person in the group leaves the map or is kicked or DCs…the entire group’s slots should be considered “reserved”.
This alone would save many headaches.
It’s not ‘reserved’. You still have to spam your way in just like anyone else.
I was in this event, and I was in a group and 3 of the 2 people in my group were disconnected. And even though we were grouped the 3 still could not return to the map. Even if we did it would be likely that we lost all participation that we even had.
I was in this event, and I was in a group and 3 of the 2 people in my group were disconnected. And even though we were grouped the 3 still could not return to the map. Even if we did it would be likely that we lost all participation that we even had.
That’s what me and my guildie went through, multiple times to the point were it was soooo annoying and a waste of 2 hours
(edited by joannarei.4237)
I have to add my voice to this. I was in a group about 20 mins ago and finally got to the point of seeing the Mouth for the very first time – I was really impressed with it!
The climax became very quickly the opposite as I dc’d along with another person in my group. 10 mins later a 3rd person dc’d and finally the 4th when the Mouth was apparently at 5%! My first time there (after numerous attempts I can tell you that!) and it felt amazing and really depressing at the same time
Adding insult to injure I tried using a portal stone on one of the group members that was still fighting and – surprise surprise – I couldn’t port in as the server was full, fair enough but my portal stone was consumed even though I couldn’t use it . . . not a happy chappy.
Oh well, thank goodness for online videos where hopefully I can see this awesome event without the sad times.
Editing post because I’ve just completed it, it all worked fine Amazing fight – so worth it
And glad to say I didn’t watch it online either so it was even more spectacular to see it live
Happy face back!
(edited by Towatha.4671)
Frankly if you are in a group with someone, it should hold that slot on the map for you, period. Untill every last person in the group leaves the map or is kicked or DCs…the entire group’s slots should be considered “reserved”.
This alone would save many headaches.
It’s not ‘reserved’. You still have to spam your way in just like anyone else.
You really did not read what I wrote did you? “it should” being the part that flew over your head.
A system that, if you are in a group that manages to enter the map, those not yet in the map get reserved placement would solve so many current problems in doing these huge fights.
Just had this happen to me and as I was standing on the islands of the new, empty map, I saw people just appearing all over them as they crashed too.
We worked for over an hour to get to that point and it is beyond frustrating. There must be a grace period put in for disconnects, especially as, for once, it wasn’t my internet freaking out, but a game crash.
I was telling my guild in teamspeak how impressed I was with the event and then….I wasn’t feeling so keen anymore as I was kicked out of it, with no chance to see it through. That isn’t acceptable in a game that relies on non instanced, major events like the dragon stand maw fight.
Just had this happen to me and as I was standing on the islands of the new, empty map, I saw people just appearing all over them as they crashed too.
We worked for over an hour to get to that point and it is beyond frustrating. There must be a grace period put in for disconnects, especially as, for once, it wasn’t my internet freaking out, but a game crash.
I was telling my guild in teamspeak how impressed I was with the event and then….I wasn’t feeling so keen anymore as I was kicked out of it, with no chance to see it through. That isn’t acceptable in a game that relies on non instanced, major events like the dragon stand maw fight.
try logging all the way out of the game (to desktop) and back into it before the huge meta event starts (like 10 min or so before it starts) and your chances of having the game crash due to the memory bug will go down by more than a bit. Connection issue…I cannot help you with and that’s a problem the megaserver has had since implementation.
Disconnect issues seem to be a problem since the last update. I tried for several hours last night after getting DC’d in WvW, so the HoT area was not exclusive to the disconnect problems….as it appeared to be game-wide.
But, I’ve been reading about the issue for Ranger pets being gated behind a massive event and I am not happy. My main is a Ranger and I really do not see why we have been singled out to have to obtain build-related pets this way. After all, none of the other professions have to do this for theirs….so why do Rangers?