Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I loathe this name, but ArenaNet better put effort into the lore to justify this name. More importantly, I’m hoping that the revisions to the non-elite profession specializations means that they will be reworking the DH elite specializations. The names are uninspiring and hardly evocative of dragonhunting.
Bwaaagh, my name is Braham, Mordremoth killed my mother, Eir. Now I got to pick up her longbow and hunt him down for revenge. I am Dragon Hunter.
That’s the lore of it… :P
If you think Dragonhunters got a fair shake, look at these images:
Dragon hunter:
Druid, Reaper, Chronomancer all capture the essence of the class and provide stylistically complementary weapon and gear pieces. The teams that developed them had a clear image they wanted to represent.
Dragonhunter, on the other hand, is sold as a big-game-hunter, given a bow that is back line support, kitted-out in two laughably dull dragon-pieces, and then spun by the community managers as a zealous “witch hunter”. It’s all over the place!
Anyway, with the images of Braham and Eir’s bow, it’s quite clear Anet is making us dragonhunters because Braham is a guardian and he has a bone to pick with Mordermoth. It’s fine if they want Kasmeer and Majory and Rytlock to be the “exemplars” of other classes but not every class needs to follow they Destiny Edge counterpart. It’s bad, contrived storytelling and it is trying to shoehorn a popular class into a role that doesn’t fit it.
PS: One final image to leave you all with. image above is what hyped everyone: it’s an image of a specialized guardian, nothing more or less. No dragon theme.
(And as a tiny grievance, the colors are even right in the teaser image whereas dragonhunter was revealed in shades of… copper?)
I suppose that’s one of my biggest problems with the ‘dragonhunter.’ The more we see of the other elite specializations, the clearer it becomes that the ‘dragonhunter’ concept was poorly conceived and hastily thought-out.
Yeah when I saw that image I thought maybe they linked a warrior image on mistake. Says nothing guardian to it at all. :\ The other designs all feel right so far, or at the very least not wrong. This one just sits badly.
Yeah when I saw that image I thought maybe they linked a warrior image on mistake. Says nothing guardian to it at all.
Other than the hideous Aegis FX screwing up the shot like every Guardian selfie/screen capture ev-ar .
You can see it in his eyes…
“Oh, there’s one. Um. Huh. They didn’t look that… big… in the brochures back at the enrollment office. Say, I think I left the coffee pot on back at the barracks. I’d better go check.”
/e the fastest dragonhunter (still) alive
Now that the drama has passed, let’s get this name changed!!!!
I think we’ve given up hope of a name change at this point. No response from developers except their first ‘explanation’ of their choice. :C
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArkisTruefire.1746
So here’s the new information:
Data mined names:
Warriors → Berserker
Engineer → Forge
The unknown is Thief and Revenant
The unannounced but confirmed is Tempest
So yeah, still feel like we got shafted.
Clearly we need another 2-3000 posts and cross the 100 page mark to get Anet’s attention on this naming issue.
It’s like they’ve made great effort with all classes except the Guardian in terms of exactly this concept thing of theirs.
If it’s purely a dragonhunter due to Braham taking up Eir’s longbow and going out on a revenge quest + that big-game hunter concept; why not call us Avenger or something to broaden the use of the elite spec and not constrain us to one role, that everybody else and their grandma are also effectively doing.
We’re all hunting dragons, honestly the title would’ve been better even just as Hunter – although I guess Rangers would complain.
Clearly we need another 2-3000 posts and cross the 100 page mark to get Anet’s attention on this naming issue.
Media coverage. It’s the only way to be sure.
I can not post pics of them because they might get removed, buyt a guy on redit datamind a beautiful shield, a torch and the skins for the Reaper GS. In addition to those items and the shield we’ve seen Chronomancers get and the tree staff druids get, Dragonhunters got shafted with the tacky dragon bow and lambchop-eque glove. Go look at the other advanced classes swag and you’ll see the difference in care.
Clearly we need another 2-3000 posts and cross the 100 page mark to get Anet’s attention on this naming issue.
Media coverage. It’s the only way to be sure.
Don’t forget at least 5-10 petitions to the President of the United States. You can never go too far!
The name is lame, for the sake of the game, don’t keep it the same.
Guardian should have become a paladin IMHO. Thats more inline with the idea behind the Guardian’s skills and abilities.
Dragonhunter feels cheap, and while the LB addition is welcome (better then staff for ranged IMHO) I cannot see myself using it on my guard.
So dragonhunter is really good at killing dragons?
So If i choose to be that on my guardian and I am in Arah I will be the best at killing Zhaitan?
So dragonhunter is really good at killing dragons?
So If i choose to be that on my guardian and I am in Arah I will be the best at killing Zhaitan?
No, no better at killing them, but when it comes to hunting them, your guardian will be unsurpassed. A dramatization:
Dragonhunter: There was a dragon here. Recently.
Ranger: Oh, my gosh. How do you know?
Dragonhunter: Well, first there’s this 20’ wide footprint we’re standing in, and then there’s that thing that looks like a giant pancake smothered in cherry syrup.
Ranger: Oh, yeah, what is that?
Dragonhunter: That’s Jethro Bowstring, one of my dragonhunter brethren. I saw him not an hour ago in LA looking for a public restroom. A most skilled and resourceful fellow.
Ranger: Amazing!
Dragonhunter: Yes, quite. Given the freshness of Jethro’s remains, the dragon may still be in the vicinity. Shall we proceed?
Ranger: You go on ahead, I’m going to waypoint back to LA. I, ah, think my pet needs to be spayed and/or neutered.
Dragonhunter: Oh, is that why it keeps humping my leg.
(Nearby sound of trees snapping like, ah, you know, twigs, or whatever.)
Ranger: Sure! Bye, now! Happy hunting!
Dragon (landing): ROAR! (Translation: Be vewwy, vewwy quiet! I’m hunting dwagonhuntews!)
Dragonhunter: Wait up, friend Ranger! I just remembered, I need to be spayed and/or neutered, too!
Unfortunaltely I think this topic will stay ignored.
I believe it isn`t bound to too much money like the pre-order.
ArenaNet knows that if they go silent on a topic, it will eventually all go silent, and they won’t have to do anything about it.
Either way, the name and the whole explanation is still bad.
ArenaNet knows that if they go silent on a topic, it will eventually all go silent, and they won’t have to do anything about it.
Either way, the name and the whole explanation is still bad.
Well it`s not like they could not explain things:
So far we know of Brahams involvement and we are totaly fine with Majory teasing the reaper already.
Why not come out and say: “Look, this will be a spoiler, however we will see Braham incorperating some skills he learned from Eir in the future. Skills he that fall in line with dragon hunter.”
Or something like that. At this point it is just a bit sad to see them putting it aside for “simple” story reasons, leaving many unsatisfied and confused.
Seems a bit silly. Why should Braham even bother becoming a “Dragon Hunter”? Why not just become a ranger instead?
Seems a bit silly. Why should Braham even bother becoming a “Dragon Hunter”? Why not just become a ranger instead?
nailed it. I remember hearing a lot of Ideas for gardian specializations that were pretty cool and interestingly conceived. If they had a Cool idea behind the concept I would probably Be way mere excited.
90% of people expecteda great sword and a reaper specialization, could’ve been super boring but they had a cool plan and a totally great idea to change the profession mechanic. Dragonhunter seems lackluster. The reality is anet probably asked them self what do each profession eed? What weapon can do that conceivably… great let’s use that. Maybe if no one could come up with something cool for long bow you guys should have just made an off hand dagger a long range weapon. Not like it matters in this game anyways.
I’m sure this will all blow over after a month of HoT but this still has been an interesting point of conversation for gw2 fans. Although functionality is important and guardians got what they needed most (arguably) it seems as though creativity rules above all else.
Side bar… how is there no thread like this over temptest? That name seems weaker and more boring to me… not to mention overly feminine… possibly even sailor moon anime feminine.
Tempest is awesome. You need to look it up.
The name is terrible. We are all dragon hunters. The community seems to have a consensus on the poor name choice. So… change it please? You can even make a poll like the one for naming some LA POIs…
Tempest is awesome. You need to look it up.
Don’t need to. I’m well aware of the various meanings of the word tempest. I’m also aware many people like it. Still… in my opinion is sounds like a marvel superheroine.
The community seems to have a consensus on the poor name choice. .
I like it.
Tempest is awesome. You need to look it up.
Don’t need to. I’m well aware of the various meanings of the word tempest. I’m also aware many people like it. Still… in my opinion is sounds like a marvel superheroine.
You are not alone with this opinion..Tempest is same as horrible garbage, like Dragon Hunter, to name a elite specialization after a weather effect /facepalm.
however, theys are not the topic her,e thats why you see no discussion about it here,. this thread is solely about the majority concensus of the community here in the forums which think, that DH belongs to be renamed, because nothing of its concept really fits at all to the name. DH is a mary sue concept, where the dev responsible for this crap wanted to put too many different ingredients into 1 thing at the same time and thats the reason, why he totally screwed up the whole concept.
The gameplay is ok, but what it screws it up is, that nothign of the name fits at all to the game play mechanics, and that the name it selv is so massively overgeneralized, that it totally stantds in itself agaisnt the gameplay design of Elite Specializations
Something, that feels uniquely tied together to a Main Profession, but is in itself something, that only that Main Profession, in this case the Guardian, can become.
But Dragonhunters are everyone, each in their own way, style and methods being used for it.
Dragonhunters in itself are nothing special, they aren’t more effective in hunting dragons, so there is zero reason to call themself a Dragonhunter, when everybody around them from other professions are Dragonhunters too in their way. thats it, what makes this name sound rather like a “title” and not like an Elite Specialization and thats something, that Anet finally has to grasp.
Anet concepted the whole E-Spec in first line after their idea of having an overly righteous “Witch Hunter”. The whole gameplay and their skills screams out loud for 99% that the E-Spec has been from begin on Witch Hunter-inspired through the complete bank.
Everything that doesn’t belong to that concept should get changed:
To that belong:
If Anet would do these 3 simple steps and renames then the Class into Seeker, Inquisitor or something else, everythign woudl be instantly fine, there would be directly no reason anymore to complain , because then the whole class and concept around it would be finally like all other so far presented E-Specs completely congruent with their Main Professions, instead of forcing upon everyone of us a stupid personal revenge thing from Braham, whose mother most likely died, causing him to become an avenging “Dragonhunter” that uses from now on his mothers longbow in her honor … what is for 100% sure the ridiculoius stupid reason, why Anet called this E-Spec a “high concept”, that isn’t possible to grasp for the simple GW2 player >.> rolleyes – and they simply didn’t want to spoil us with that info, but we naturally found it out anyways …
if that whole Braham thing is seriously the whole reason for the screw up, then they should gve that NPC simply that unique term, but leave us the players alone with this garbage reason for the name and give the E-Spec a name, that seriously fits to the original “Witch Hunter” theme. An Inquisitor would be the most fitting thing besides Seeker for that simply. Both good fitting terms for over righteous Witch Hunter like soldiers that would be more aggressive forms of the Guardian.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Just some names that came to my mind:
Dragon Hunter is simply meh…
I would say that name like spirit hunter or mist forged hunter would suit the class better
As the title says, it kinda boggles my mind.
As many of you know, Demon Hunter was a hero introduced into the Warcraft universe by Blizzard and it definitely wasn’t the issue there. Lore wise, sure, the demons were the ultimate enemies pulling the strings but a Demon Hunter killed many things other than demons.
In Guild Wars 2 universe, sure ultimately the enemies are the dragons, and they are seen killing non-dragon units.
So why was there no issue whatsoever with the Demon Hunter character and so much problem with the Dragon Hunter class?
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
It was introduced into the Diablo universe which is about a conflict between angels and demons with humans stuck in the middle. In the diablo universe everything you fight is essentially a demon, even the skeletons are produced by Leoric who is a demon himself.
As far as the name goes, i do not care either way, just wanted to point out the diabo stuff to you.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
But you’re complaining about people complaining!!
However, I think you need to understand that Guild Wars 2 and this other game are two different entities entirely. Two different communities, where perhaps some have played both, some have played one, some have played the other.
You’re post suggests that all Guild Wars 2 players (or at least those that complained about the DH name) have played this other game, and it’s not the case. We can’t really use other games as a comparison for this case.
So why was there no issue whatsoever with the Demon Hunter character and so much problem with the Dragon Hunter class?
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
Well did you read any of the threads regarding the Dragonhunter (Not Dragon Hunter) name?
Some of the more logical reasons people disliked the name:
Demon Hunters actually hunt demons, using demonic powers. Mana burn, immolation and Metamorphosis are all demonic abilities, which they use to actully hunt and KILL demons.
Hunting and killing Elder Dragons, with traps and a bow? Give me a break…
So why was there no issue whatsoever with the Demon Hunter character and so much problem with the Dragon Hunter class?
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
Well did you read any of the threads regarding the Dragonhunter (Not Dragon Hunter) name?
Some of the more logical reasons people disliked the name:
- Cheesily trying to adhere to a 1-word naming scheme by squashing the name together instead of coming up with a 1-word name.
- There is nothing themed after dragons or the hunting of dragons in the spec.
- Slightly related to the above, nothing in the spec is at all more effective at hunting dragons than the base Guardian spec. i.e. traps aren’t good at ‘trapping’ dragons, arrows aren’t any better at killing dragons, defenses aren’t any better at protecting themselves from dragons and so on.
- Too much context. Dragonhunters aren’t simply called that because they may hunt dragons every now and again. They are called that because it has ‘hunter’ in it and hunters use bows and traps, apparently. Similar to the 1st point, they choose this name for the context of ‘hunter’ more than ‘dragon hunter’ yet try to link in the obsession ‘witch hunters’ have at pursuing their prey…it becomes a mess.
- There are just better/cooler sounding names out there.
1. If they’re complaining about the difference between Dragon Hunter and Dragonhunter that’s actually even more pathetic
2. There was nothing demon-hunting specific in the demon hunter’s skills Diablo or Warcraft
3. Also – there are ‘cooler’ names out there? Is this an argument put out by a 10 year old? The word ‘cooler’ itself is entirely subjective. All I see are kids throwing tantrums because the class name isn’t what they wanted it to be.
Also – another poster said above that not all of the Guild Wars 2 players have played Diablo/Warcraft so my point is invalid. My point is actually entirely valid regardless of whether or not the players have played only one of or both of the games:
From what I see from players’ reaction to the expansion’s price model, or the naming of the class, is that this community would basically complain about anything the developers put out. I thought the Blizzard community was crap and I was hoping I would never have to type this but maybe the Guild Wars 2 community should grow the kitten up and learn from the Blizzard community for once. (again, something I never even imagined seeing myself typing).
Name is perfect just see what Guardians do with Teq at the moment :P
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512
Name is perfect just see what Guardians do with Teq at the moment :P
Then Dragon Exploiter might be a better name. :P
Name is perfect just see what Guardians do with Teq at the moment :P
Then Dragon Exploiter might be a better name. :P
I told people Dragon Hunter will be like dovahkiin which beat dragons with shouts.
People laughed at me before…
I’d like the specialization to be renamed to HERALD. Especially with the wings, I think it may suit the specialization more. I don’t know if this has been suggested already, but if not, then there it is.
Or EXEMPLAR. That’s my other suggestion.
As the title says, it kinda boggles my mind.
As many of you know, Demon Hunter was a hero introduced into the Warcraft universe by Blizzard and it definitely wasn’t the issue there. Lore wise, sure, the demons were the ultimate enemies pulling the strings but a Demon Hunter killed many things other than demons.
In Guild Wars 2 universe, sure ultimately the enemies are the dragons, and they are seen killing non-dragon units.
So why was there no issue whatsoever with the Demon Hunter character and so much problem with the Dragon Hunter class?
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
Because World of Warcraft is a completely different universe, with its own lore and stories. Demon hunters infuse themselves with demonic energies, to become somewhat of a demon overtime, giving up their life to actually only hunt demons. Demon hunters don’t kill other things, unless they have to to reach a certain demon.
The difference between demon hunter and dragonhunter is big, really big. Just because their name is somewhat similar, their concept is far away from each other.
So why was there no issue whatsoever with the Demon Hunter character and so much problem with the Dragon Hunter class?
To me this shows that the community is just desperate to complain about anything at all.
Well did you read any of the threads regarding the Dragonhunter (Not Dragon Hunter) name?
Some of the more logical reasons people disliked the name:
- Cheesily trying to adhere to a 1-word naming scheme by squashing the name together instead of coming up with a 1-word name.
- There is nothing themed after dragons or the hunting of dragons in the spec.
- Slightly related to the above, nothing in the spec is at all more effective at hunting dragons than the base Guardian spec. i.e. traps aren’t good at ‘trapping’ dragons, arrows aren’t any better at killing dragons, defenses aren’t any better at protecting themselves from dragons and so on.
- Too much context. Dragonhunters aren’t simply called that because they may hunt dragons every now and again. They are called that because it has ‘hunter’ in it and hunters use bows and traps, apparently. Similar to the 1st point, they choose this name for the context of ‘hunter’ more than ‘dragon hunter’ yet try to link in the obsession ‘witch hunters’ have at pursuing their prey…it becomes a mess.
- There are just better/cooler sounding names out there.
1. If they’re complaining about the difference between Dragon Hunter and Dragonhunter that’s actually even more pathetic
2. There was nothing demon-hunting specific in the demon hunter’s skills Diablo or Warcraft
3. Also – there are ‘cooler’ names out there? Is this an argument put out by a 10 year old? The word ‘cooler’ itself is entirely subjective. All I see are kids throwing tantrums because the class name isn’t what they wanted it to be.Also – another poster said above that not all of the Guild Wars 2 players have played Diablo/Warcraft so my point is invalid. My point is actually entirely valid regardless of whether or not the players have played only one of or both of the games:
From what I see from players’ reaction to the expansion’s price model, or the naming of the class, is that this community would basically complain about anything the developers put out. I thought the Blizzard community was crap and I was hoping I would never have to type this but maybe the Guild Wars 2 community should grow the kitten up and learn from the Blizzard community for once. (again, something I never even imagined seeing myself typing).
1. It’s not comparing Dragonhunter and the same but with a space, it’s the principal that they chose a name like that and forced it to fit a convention. You introduce a convention like 1-word naming to maintain a theme or style and Dragonhunter doesn’t fit the style of names like Necromancer, Mesmer, Ranger, Reaper, etc.
2. I beg to differ. Their skills might not scream demon or demon hunter, or even their style, but their existence tends to be there as a force to weed out their influence. Demons can lurk in many shapes and forms that go unnoticed.
3. Yeah, it’s a perfectly valid point. One problem people had with the Dragonhunter was the name. It’s perfectly fine (and very logical) to use the argument that the name isn’t cool since the issue is with aesthetics. It’s also highly subjective but many shared the same complaint.
As for the rest, you choose to complain about other people complaining. You’re no better than them. Some people, however, try to give feedback in a civil manner. Don’t jump to conclusions and try to round everyone into a stereotype just because you feel the need to stand on a soapbox today. Ain’t nobody got time for that mess.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: gregor lightbringer.7143
I haven’t read the many posts on this so bare with me if it’s repeated: I don’t think giving ranger-like skills to a hybrid melee class is a good idea. Though giving a bow does help about the range issue. I would be giving them both offensive and defensive melee skills or utilities to assist against dragons, but still keep the bow. Just my bief 2 cents.
Dragon Hunter’s the kind of name a 13-year old that’s read too many 1980’s Dungeons and Dragons novels would find appealing.
Eins, zwei, one, two, drei, vier!
Hey! Dragonhunter!
Watch it now, watch it!
Here it comes, here it comes!
Watch it now, he get ya!
Mattie told Hattie
About a thing she saw
Had been stepped on
By a dragon’s paw
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Yeah, that’s right
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter
Hattie told Mattie
“Come on, we should go
‘Cause he’s out huntin’ dragons
With a danged old bow.”
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter
Watch it now, watch it, watch it, watch it!
Aeeee! Hey! Hunt, hunt, hunt!
Mattie told Hattie
“Here’s what I will do:
If you pre-order HoT
I’m gonna laugh at you!”
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter
Watch it now, watch it, here it comes!
You got it, you got it!
(edited by Tachenon.5270)
I haven’t read the many posts on this so bare with me if it’s repeated: I don’t think giving ranger-like skills to a hybrid melee class is a good idea. Though giving a bow does help about the range issue. I would be giving them both offensive and defensive melee skills or utilities to assist against dragons, but still keep the bow. Just my bief 2 cents.
If it was implemented well, it would be one thing, but I don’t think that the dragonhunter package synergizes well between the virtues, traps, the longbow skills, and our core specializations.
I may just wait for some hypothetical future guardian shortbow e-spec if I want a more viable ranged option.
Looking over the new traits/skills on the Dragonhunter, the name is fitting for them sure. But you could also call the Dragonhunter spec ‘Quincy’ too. Ton’s of Bleach references there….
But I kinda see what they are doing with the specializations. Mesmers get Wells(taken from Necro’s since Wells don’t seem to work really well with the Deathknight thing), Dragonhunters get Traps (pulled from Rangers), …ect.
Seems that Anet thinks that a main play style is going to go away with the traits so they are now forcing that play style on anyone who wants to roll a certain specialization. Personally, what I am seeing I do not like.
Oh boy, that miniature dragon skull just totally sells it for me!
Oh boy, that miniature dragon skull just totally sells it for me!
I dislike the name. Maybe some of you agree?
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