Earlier release with less content?
To me it depends on the content. Obviously some content (like new skins, adventures, jumping puzzles) are lower on my list of priorities than other content (specializations, the revenant, masteries and the new zones).
However, since tastes differ across different players, I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave out some content in favor of other content. Besides, it might even make that much of a difference if the different types of content are made by entirely different teams.
No. There’s too much of the “release an incomplete game and add stuff later” going on nowadays in gaming anyway. And if they were going to do that they could just keep doing Living World, because a trickle of content is pretty much exactly what LW is. An expansion needs to be a full chunk, and it needs to be all there on release.
I prefer to wait a bit longer and get the whole thing.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Depends on what the content in question is.
For example the Legendaries. I would rather get a couple of them at release (like we will know) with the rest coming in later updates, than having the expansion pushed back simply for them to get ready.
On the other hand I would not want a incomplete Personal Story, but would rather wait until that was ready even if it meant the expansion would take longer to arrive.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yeah sort of this.
If we were going to get it piecemeal we might just as well have stuck with Living Story. People wanted an expansion for this very reason.
Mind you I’d still prefer a combination of Expansion and Living Story (where Living Story serves as content between expansions).
Let them fix it up so it’s not (such) a buggy mess.
Sorry, but lesson learned with Bar Brawl and Target Shooting. Finish the effing thing before expecting people to pay for it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
Earlier release with less content?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
No… I’d like them to release it when they feel its done. “When its ready.”
Now, do I mind them releasing with say…not all the new legendary skins? Nope, not at all.
Would I mind if they released without the Mordy fight being finished? Yes, yes I would. Let’s not have another Zhaitan thank you very much.
Would you rather have HoT released without some parts of content you wanted to see in the package (like the hardcore endgame pve content everyone is speculating about) just to be able to play it earlier?
Or they can slowly release it over time through multiple updates… (I’m not being serious)
No. This is the problem whit games these days they release the game on date or faster at the expence of stability. This would destroy gw. I hoppe they take the time and create some memmoriable content. A great example is the witcher its a game i would happily wait a long timee because it stays behind its values same as gw1 & gw2
I’m sorry… I have enough patience to not want it early release.
Wouldn’t mind early beta access with pre-order though.
The reasons why releasing early with less content is bad are a few:
1) I want my money’s worth. I’m sorry but if i’m buying i want the whole package.
2) If they released with less content, they might have to either charge twice for the same content or reduce their income, because, i don’t think many people would take kindly to having 2-5 days worth of content in a paid expansion at full price.
3) ArenaNet always was about having a good solid release and the “it will be ready when its ready” philosophy, and its working out good for them. I for one don’t want to see a repeat of last patch.
After 2014 and the mess of games from Ubisoft, you think people would learn. Rush games and you get unfinished broken messes.
Would you rather have HoT released without some parts of content you wanted to see in the package (like the hardcore endgame pve content everyone is speculating about) just to be able to play it earlier?
Would you rather pay for a full priced game to get into “Early access” where in there is no garuntee that the game will even be playable or work correctly, The game is in constant flux between playable and broken, content to be delivered is not promised and is subject to change along with content already present being subject to change or complete removal where in the final product may not be what you would have wanted to pay for at all and you might not enjoy, all while not being allowed to submit any input into the development process that can be implemented or taken into account.
Or would you rather just pay for a game thats done and might get a few tweaks here and there and is delivering no lofty promises and ideas of what “could be”.
PS if you choose the first option, you’re whats wrong with the gaming community right now.
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
Releasing the game earlier is unjustified to the players and paying xx amount of money just to get 1/3 of the content isn’t fair either. I remember when they stressed to get the final dungeon out in vanillla GW. it was just plain bad, and way to easy.
Yes they added grubs, but it wasn’t enough and the reward was bad for finishing Zhaitan off.
However i will access beta when avaiable)))
Would you rather have HoT released without some parts of content you wanted to see in the package (like the hardcore endgame pve content everyone is speculating about) just to be able to play it earlier?
No, I would like everything released together tested and 99% clear of bugs. I don’t want have baked product and I’m willing to wait a few months more if it means they will release a polished product.
The “Early Access” thing is already poisoning a lot of communities because people simply do not understand the point behind it. We already saw people complaining about HoT during a freaking stress test.
And even without that, “some parts of content you wanted to see in the package " doesn’t work. Different people want different things, so you’re going to disappoint a majority regardless. That is, unless you’re somehow going to release everything, in which case the “early accessness” will come from being untested and bug-ridden, circling right back to the start.
There is already so few content with this dlc. If they released with less it would just be the same as the actual gw2.
There is already so few content with this dlc. If they released with less it would just be the same as the actual gw2.
This. Given the amount of content they announced and how long they said they’ve been working on it, I’d be surprised if it isn’t released before summer.
I hope there’s a lot of new zones with this content rather than, say, just three or whatever.
I hope there’s a lot of new zones with this content rather than, say, just three or whatever.
Would you rather have 10 zones with some content in each or 3 zones with massive amount of content?
More zones != replayabilty or good quality after all.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Just let them release something decent. if they rush this and release too fast we wil have a buggy mess, too litlle content and 6 months later a bankrupt A-Net and no gw2 at all.
This will make or break the games future.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I wouldn’t mind. Given that the missing rest is added soon at no charge, as i payed for the full package.
I got some serious worries about PvE part being doable in 2 days and done, so i would prefer if there were some chunks of it getting released at set intervals. Given chunks are juicy and intervals not too long.
There is already so few content with this dlc. If they released with less it would just be the same as the actual gw2.
This. Given the amount of content they announced and how long they said they’ve been working on it, I’d be surprised if it isn’t released before summer.
What content are we getting exactly then?
I’d say it depends on two things:
- What content is going to be left out.
- How long after launch the content would be added in.
Things like maps and specializations should all be there at launch (maps because it’s playable content and specializations for equality).
Things like the new legendary weapons can be left until after launch, since players still have to get T3 of the Mastery track and the precursors. After all, if it takes, say, a month to get the precursor, and they patch the legendaries in 3 weeks after launch, no harm is done.
What can’t be done is these pieces of content be left for a stupid amount of time after launch.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Would you rather have HoT released without some parts of content you wanted to see in the package (like the hardcore endgame pve content everyone is speculating about) just to be able to play it earlier?
That’s already what we will get.
ArenaNet said they will release a “handful” of Legendaries, with the rest coming “later”.
When the game was announced, years ago, they said they would add more minigames like the shooting range, “later”. That “later” never came.
In 2013, they said they would add new legendary weapons and new kinds of legendary gear, “later” in the year. That “later” never came.
Don’t expect a full game with HoT. Just like the camera PoV patch, that was delayed because it had too many bugs and was still released as a bugged mess, expect ArenaNet to take a long time to release HoT so they can add content, only to have it severely lacking content when it’s actually released.
That’s already what we will get.
ArenaNet said they will release a “handful” of Legendaries, with the rest coming “later”.
When the game was announced, years ago, they said they would add more minigames like the shooting range, “later”. That “later” never came.
In 2013, they said they would add new legendary weapons and new kinds of legendary gear, “later” in the year. That “later” never came.
They never said: “There will be a full set of Legendary weapons at release of HoT”.
That late is coming with HoT. And they actually added more mini-games between release and now as well. Including Crab-toss and Southsun Survival.
And later that year they informed us that it would not happen that year, due to changes to the reward-system. But I suppose that doesn’t count?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
They never said: “There will be a full set of Legendary weapons at release of HoT”.
Indeed. They just said we would get new Legendaries with HoT, and only when describing the details did they reveal the disappointing news, that we would get only a handful of new legendaries. Makes one wonder what other disappointing news they have been hiding.
And they actually added more mini-games between release and now as well. Including Crab-toss and Southsun Survival.
Meanwhile, the firing range in Divinity’s Reach continues to be only a decoration.
And later that year they informed us that it would not happen that year, due to changes to the reward-system. But I suppose that doesn’t count?
Oh, it counts. It reminds us how we can’t believe in ArenaNet’s plans. See, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. ArenaNet’s main excuse for the horrible communication they have is how they only talk about news once they know it has been ready to be implemented in the game. If that’s why they barely tell us anything, they can’t afford to tell us about something and later say, “sorry, it’s not really going to happen”.
So yep, we will get a few legendaries with HoT. More may one day be released, but considering ArenaNet’s track record, it’s better if you don’t believe in them and assume there won’t be any new legendary any time soon.
Early release with less content? Sure . . . if you want to see more torches and pitchforks on the forums.
You mean what they are doing right now? They are already doing it, they will release HoT and cut off content for living world. Dah
As much as I would like to see content with some real impact ASAP, I would rather get it all in one big bulk of goodies. At least this way I know I got my moneys worth.
Heck No! I’m ready to wait till 2016 just to get complete expansion than get buggy and half product
Just no, id rather wait for an extra 6 months and get a full working product.