Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GlitchyBat.3682


I try to not qq or anything, like pitching middleground ideas, and can sympathize with gamedevs because I’m aware of how the industry and fans can be towards the creators. That being said, I was a bit irked today about something. inc rant

Little Electric Wyvern is potentially the most obtusely hidden pet for rangers, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why. I was surprised glancing through the topic names, none seem to reference it. When I first heard about their location being on the last map, I figured it was just being treated as an end-game-expansion treat. As I finally finished Dragon’s Stand while preparing to do the end of the story, my mate as Druid went to get a Wyvern. Now I’m rather peeved because I know those who designed this stuff are better than the padded gates and artificial time limits involved.

1 Actually reaching the region in Dragon’s Stand involves having a map set up enough to complete the meta-event. If you don’t have a good map, you’re stuck spending time surfing lfg and getting lucky with getting into a good map. Key word being luck, because the player has little control over this. What doesn’t help all Dragon Stand maps are in synched timers, so if it takes too long for them to get a good map and it’s too tedious, might as well just wait for the next cycle… in two hours.

2 Once you get in a good map, you now have to run with a zerg down the lane and see the event through to the end. From my experience, it took about an hour to reach the final area. I believe that’s considered average. So now in addition to getting a good map, you’ll most likely have to be on that map for another hour and hope that the groups suddenly don’t suck somehow, your client crashes, or disconnects. Even if you have a party friend to bring you back, you’d now have to fight everyone else on that instance and it’s lfg slot competition all over again.

3 So you made it to the end, beat up the boss, and everyone’s high fiving and stuff. Now you have to go and actually get Electric the Wyvern. But your map did good. The boss was beaten an hour before the map is closed. But despite your map doing fine, you’re still limited with 15 minutes to get your new friend. Map completion with 15 minutes for the average player is another topic. Any rangers who didn’t look up where the exact spot for wyverns are will ultimately end up asking mapchat. The environment isn’t exactly the most straightforward with everything in sight, so you’d be flying around a lot to try and find a path to where people might tell you where the wyverns are.

4 Which leads to the next issue. The reoccurring Masteries gating. Due to the experience curve for higher levels in Masteries, Advanced Gliding takes a lot of labor. Even the chain events begin to feel like they’re giving mere slivers as time goes on, and nothing can even really be done about it. It is possible to bypass this by channeling your inner Mario and pretending some tricky flight and jump tricks to reach the island, but it isn’t obvious, and most likely not intended. The player still has 15 minutes every time they’re there to even have a chance.

Your ability to get an Electric Wyvern is gated by luck of a good map instance, staying in that map for about an hour (or constantly trying to enter a party member’s instance), and require you to know exactly how to get there due to an arbitrary 15 minute crunch time no matter how well the map performs. It also demands L4 gliding mastery which, due to the slow nature of higher mastery levels, are gated by grind. Better off to do glide and jump shenanigans to get to the island.

While I’m not familiar with the Guild Wars 2 Pokedex of locations, I feel like it’s safe to say no pet is as poorly placed as the Electric Wyvern (I don’t know if Tiger has a similar problem. Tigers aren’t as adorable as wyverns so I haven’t researched). Fire Wyvern was sensibly placed, and I personally don’t see why Electrics weren’t on another island in Verdant Brink like that. Or in literally any other area that doesn’t involve gates, timecrunches, waiting, and luck.

So to sum it all up, was this really necessary for a single pet to be so difficult to get? (reminder to designers and players alike: difficulty != challenge)

inb4 git gud


[OWLS] Priory Elder Dragon Research Team
[EDS] Elder Dragon Sympathizers

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Yeah, the wyvern and the tiger being gated behind a huge meta event is really stupid and bizarre.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Paradox.1380


The Electric Wyvern is easy to get to. You don’t need Advanced Gliding (I don’t even have that) you just have to do the meta event and get to the boss chest. Once you get that you jump onto the vine and glide across (I did this with just level 2 Gliding) to the area with the PoI and the Vista and there is a bunch of the Wyverns there.

The pet is a perk it’s not necessary to have, he’s not even got the best stats of the new pets (in fact the best ones are gotten in the first maps). It’s not that’s difficult to get especially as time goes on and people get more familiar with how the meta works.

-It’s Lady Paradox- Sweet Adrenaline
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

All you need to do is get to dragon stand in the first 30 minutes of the event or so and user the LFG tool to taxi into an organized map. People know so well what to do now it almost always succeeds. You will need updraft mastery at a minimum, but you need that anyway for the last battle. From the final chest spot simply glide north without leaning (assuming you even have leaning) towards the big vine and land just left of the big thorn sticking up. It’s a bit tight, but very doable.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jacceb.7918


Good ds maps aren’t hard to get. And you can affect the meta event. If you know what to do, you have to communicate and learn people what to do. This is very important for meta events.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Liston.9708


I try to not qq or anything, like pitching middleground ideas, and can sympathize with gamedevs because I’m aware of how the industry and fans can be towards the creators. That being said, I was a bit irked today about something. inc rant

Little Electric Wyvern is potentially the most obtusely hidden pet for rangers, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why. I was surprised glancing through the topic names, none seem to reference it. When I first heard about their location being on the last map, I figured it was just being treated as an end-game-expansion treat. As I finally finished Dragon’s Stand while preparing to do the end of the story, my mate as Druid went to get a Wyvern. Now I’m rather peeved because I know those who designed this stuff are better than the padded gates and artificial time limits involved.

1 Actually reaching the region in Dragon’s Stand involves having a map set up enough to complete the meta-event. If you don’t have a good map, you’re stuck spending time surfing lfg and getting lucky with getting into a good map. Key word being luck, because the player has little control over this. What doesn’t help all Dragon Stand maps are in synched timers, so if it takes too long for them to get a good map and it’s too tedious, might as well just wait for the next cycle… in two hours.

2 Once you get in a good map, you now have to run with a zerg down the lane and see the event through to the end. From my experience, it took about an hour to reach the final area. I believe that’s considered average. So now in addition to getting a good map, you’ll most likely have to be on that map for another hour and hope that the groups suddenly don’t suck somehow, your client crashes, or disconnects. Even if you have a party friend to bring you back, you’d now have to fight everyone else on that instance and it’s lfg slot competition all over again.

3 So you made it to the end, beat up the boss, and everyone’s high fiving and stuff. Now you have to go and actually get Electric the Wyvern. But your map did good. The boss was beaten an hour before the map is closed. But despite your map doing fine, you’re still limited with 15 minutes to get your new friend. Map completion with 15 minutes for the average player is another topic. Any rangers who didn’t look up where the exact spot for wyverns are will ultimately end up asking mapchat. The environment isn’t exactly the most straightforward with everything in sight, so you’d be flying around a lot to try and find a path to where people might tell you where the wyverns are.

4 Which leads to the next issue. The reoccurring Masteries gating. Due to the experience curve for higher levels in Masteries, Advanced Gliding takes a lot of labor. Even the chain events begin to feel like they’re giving mere slivers as time goes on, and nothing can even really be done about it. It is possible to bypass this by channeling your inner Mario and pretending some tricky flight and jump tricks to reach the island, but it isn’t obvious, and most likely not intended. The player still has 15 minutes every time they’re there to even have a chance.

Your ability to get an Electric Wyvern is gated by luck of a good map instance, staying in that map for about an hour (or constantly trying to enter a party member’s instance), and require you to know exactly how to get there due to an arbitrary 15 minute crunch time no matter how well the map performs. It also demands L4 gliding mastery which, due to the slow nature of higher mastery levels, are gated by grind. Better off to do glide and jump shenanigans to get to the island.

While I’m not familiar with the Guild Wars 2 Pokedex of locations, I feel like it’s safe to say no pet is as poorly placed as the Electric Wyvern (I don’t know if Tiger has a similar problem. Tigers aren’t as adorable as wyverns so I haven’t researched). Fire Wyvern was sensibly placed, and I personally don’t see why Electrics weren’t on another island in Verdant Brink like that. Or in literally any other area that doesn’t involve gates, timecrunches, waiting, and luck.

So to sum it all up, was this really necessary for a single pet to be so difficult to get? (reminder to designers and players alike: difficulty != challenge)

inb4 git gud

Fwiw – tigers are easy to get to after completing DS. There is a thread somewhere that shows the directions to all the new pets… I thought the gating for a pet was odd myself…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

One of the pets can only be obtained in WvW and that freaked out a lot of PvE- and sPvP-only players.

I think the game should have more stuff that is hard to find, hard to obtain, and stuck behind gates, as long as they don’t have some special functionality that makes them nearly required.

Neither do I think the OP is making a baseless complaint: the game is so accessible that we’ve come to expect access to all content, without that much effort — it’s jarring in the few cases that’s not true.

I think ANet could do a better job setting our expectations, e.g. “we’ve added some harder-to-obtain pets for the hardcore completionists; they offer some minor differences with other pets.”

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


I was surprised glancing through the topic names, none seem to reference it.

I mentioned it in another thread but my post was deleted as I also wrote what I think about the intelligence of those who made the decisions for all that gating.

I had no problem to reach that heropoint with the weavern on my DH maybe a week ago (with gliding rank 3) but in the meantime they obviously added some invisible walls to that tree where the dragon dies. I looked it up in the wiki and watched a linked vid but wasn´t able to make it anymore with my ranger.

As someone else stated: all their gating was useless as the hardcore-crowd still has their masteries finished within a few weeks, while it´s a big annoyance for those who want to take their time and play just for fun.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


With the addition of 3 evenings, 4 meta-event participations, 4 disconnects during the dragonfight and a lot of cursing I finally was able to do it (thanks to being in a group – while being in a squad just gave me wrong error-messages instead of taking me back to the right map).

As also mentioned earlier in this thread, leaning was the problem as permanent leaning really lowers the gliding-distance (very unlike to other parts of GW2 where being faster adds more moving-distance).

(edited by hydeaut.1758)

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ajja.4583


I agree with GlitchyBat. Locking ranger pets behind a successful end event is utterly baffling. Those pets are not going to be my ranger’s babies.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucius.2140


Wasnt there one in the way to the canopy mastery point jumping puzzle in Verdant Brink? (the jp inside the pact airship), before the last jumping mushroom to go there you go to a zone with a lot of that type of mobs and i think there was one there.

Not sure, but worth a try lol

(edited by Lucius.2140)

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mulzi.8273


One of the pets can only be obtained in WvW and that freaked out a lot of PvE- and sPvP-only players.

I think the game should have more stuff that is hard to find, hard to obtain, and stuck behind gates, as long as they don’t have some special functionality that makes them nearly required.

Neither do I think the OP is making a baseless complaint: the game is so accessible that we’ve come to expect access to all content, without that much effort — it’s jarring in the few cases that’s not true.

I think ANet could do a better job setting our expectations, e.g. “we’ve added some harder-to-obtain pets for the hardcore completionists; they offer some minor differences with other pets.”

I get what your saying, however, this seems very prejudice against the ranger class, as no other class has its functionality gated in this manner.

Can you imagine the uproar if they gated a new golem for necros like this? Or a new warrior banner? A new elemental for ele? A super-duper illusion for mesmer? The rage would go through the roof then…

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You guys never played Guild Wars 1 obviously. The rainbow phoenix was gated around an achievement that took quite a long time. In fact you had to max out five or ten (I can’t remember now) other achievement tracks for it to appear in your Hall of Monuments.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

One of the pets can only be obtained in WvW and that freaked out a lot of PvE- and sPvP-only players.

I think the game should have more stuff that is hard to find, hard to obtain, and stuck behind gates, as long as they don’t have some special functionality that makes them nearly required.

Neither do I think the OP is making a baseless complaint: the game is so accessible that we’ve come to expect access to all content, without that much effort — it’s jarring in the few cases that’s not true.

I think ANet could do a better job setting our expectations, e.g. “we’ve added some harder-to-obtain pets for the hardcore completionists; they offer some minor differences with other pets.”

I get what your saying, however, this seems very prejudice against the ranger class, as no other class has its functionality gated in this manner.

Can you imagine the uproar if they gated a new golem for necros like this? Or a new warrior banner? A new elemental for ele? A super-duper illusion for mesmer? The rage would go through the roof then…

The game is inherently prejudiced against the ranger class, in that all pets must be obtained. I see no problem in a few of them being difficult to obtain and even fewer being really, really hard to obtain. Ranger works fine with the core Tyria pets.

Or put another way, nearly all pets are gated behind something already — only a few are available within cities and the newbie zones. Most pets are easily obtained, thus I see no problem with a few of them being difficult — again, assuming that they don’t bring functionality that makes them seem ‘required’.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I have no problem with the idea that some goals inherently take longer than others. I do question, though, what goals there are in HoT for those who don’t want to run with the herd. I’ve asked this in multiple threads, and never got an answer, so I’m not sure if this is because no one bothered or there really aren’t any.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Yeah, I must agree. Gating them, and the hero points and points-of-interest in the area, behind the meta was a mistake.

Gone to Reddit.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Good ds maps aren’t hard to get. And you can affect the meta event. If you know what to do, you have to communicate and learn people what to do. This is very important for meta events.

Actually, this isn’t always true. It often depends on how much time you have to commit to it. People facing 1-2 hour play time max can have a very hard time finding a DS map that is even doing the meta, never mind succeeding at it. Many full maps fail this. That’s been my experience more often than not.

Also, as a commander, I can tell you that you can communicate and be very detailed with your explanations on how a meta and its various stages work and still have failure. It’s not as simple as “just communicate and learn people what to do.”

People don’t always do what they’re told. In fact, a good portion of the time, they don’t. Even when they do, things go wrong. People jump ship mid-meta, etc. This and many more variables exist that can quickly sink a promising map, leading to a player being forced to wait around, map hop, and do long events and chains all over again if they’re looking to reach a specific goal.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Laurelinde.4395


I have to admit I find this frustrating too. The electric wyvern was the new pet I wanted most out of the five, but it’s the only one I don’t have now. I tried several times to make that jump across to where they are, following the images from the guide that was in the ranger forums and even using both greatsword swoop and the staff charge skill (forget the name now!) but I couldn’t manage. I guess I need to max out gliding?

It’s just frustrating that you only get that 15-minute window to try. I wouldn’t really mind a tough jump if I could keep trying until I got it. But I guess Ancalagon (my fire wyvern) will have to wait awhile for his sister.

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I have never understood why ranger is the olny class in gw that has to chase his mechanic.. like really.. All the pets should be unlocked by default. Maybe someone can explain that thing to me?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I assume they thought it would be fun for Rangers to have to “hunt” for their pets around the world.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I have no problem with the idea that some goals inherently take longer than others. I do question, though, what goals there are in HoT for those who don’t want to run with the herd. I’ve asked this in multiple threads, and never got an answer, so I’m not sure if this is because no one bothered or there really aren’t any.

Adventures are all solo content, and all reward you nicely with experience once per day. Each has it’s own leaderboard.

There are many solo achievements you can do. There is the story which is solo till the very last step and even that can be soloed.

So the story, adventures and achievements. Plus you can solo many of the events (I have). You can explore solo. I have.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twizzted.9850


I did the event twice today and no wyvern. My gliding abilities aren’t quite the best so I missed the mark when gliding over plenty of times. I did finally make it though, in both events, but the wyvern wasn’t there. So I’m assuming someone beat me to it. The question I have is this: is there only one per event? If so, that kinda sucks to be honest. I’m sure I’m not the only one that spent several hours to miss out on the pet just because someone got there first. After the second event, I waited about ten minutes hoping for a respawn but nope, nothing.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I did the event twice today and no wyvern. My gliding abilities aren’t quite the best so I missed the mark when gliding over plenty of times. I did finally make it though, in both events, but the wyvern wasn’t there. So I’m assuming someone beat me to it. The question I have is this: is there only one per event? If so, that kinda sucks to be honest. I’m sure I’m not the only one that spent several hours to miss out on the pet just because someone got there first. After the second event, I waited about ten minutes hoping for a respawn but nope, nothing.

Where did you look for it? If you were at Serenity’s Cove, wiki says it’s no longer there.

Magus Falls
In Dragon’s Stand at the Wyvern Nest point of interest in the center of the Wyvern Scar region. The Juvenile Electric Wyvern can be found here once the Pact establish control of the Central Advance Camp located at Point of interest.pngThird Central Checkpoint. Masteries are not required to reach the wyvern nest. Waypoint (map icon).png Central Advance Camp Waypoint — [&BFMIAAA=] is the most convenient waypoint to use.

Note: This pet is no longer found at the Serenity’s Cove point of interest in Dragon’s Stand, although it was originally found at this location.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I did the event twice today and no wyvern. My gliding abilities aren’t quite the best so I missed the mark when gliding over plenty of times. I did finally make it though, in both events, but the wyvern wasn’t there. So I’m assuming someone beat me to it. The question I have is this: is there only one per event? If so, that kinda sucks to be honest. I’m sure I’m not the only one that spent several hours to miss out on the pet just because someone got there first. After the second event, I waited about ten minutes hoping for a respawn but nope, nothing.

They changed the location as per April 19th patch.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twizzted.9850


Changed? OMG! I’ve been following the youtube videos…I should’ve known since the tiger and fire wyverns weren’t in the same place. any idea where the electric ones are now?

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Look at Flesh’s post above, he quotes the location along with a brackets code you can put in chat to see exactly where.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twizzted.9850


Yep, got it. Thanks. For some odd reason, I didn’t see Flesh Wound’s post right away, but yeah, he’s right.


Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twizzted.9850


Got it in a matter of minutes. Finally!!


Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dante.1508


Yeah, I must agree. Gating them, and the hero points and points-of-interest in the area, behind the meta was a mistake.

They are all about gating these days, i don’t get it either…

Challenge does not equal fun..

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ramoth.5162


I was glad they changed the spot. I could not glide to anywhere but the vista at the end of the Mordremoth event. Moving it made it possible for me to get, as it will most likely be close to the end of the year or longer to get advanced flying (I only play once a week).

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Yeah, I must agree. Gating them, and the hero points and points-of-interest in the area, behind the meta was a mistake.

They are all about gating these days, i don’t get it either…

Challenge does not equal fun..

The gate has been removed

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Challenge IS fun. Gates are not challenge.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Priscitia.4235


I am sorry for reviving this topic but I am stuck with the wyvern too. I’ve taken a break for a few months and wanted to get the wyvern today. I found the place where to get him but I am really worried about the event. Is the DS Event even actively played anymore or is there a trick to unlock the waypoint I need for the wyvern with a small group (max. 5people) of friends?

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I am sorry for reviving this topic but I am stuck with the wyvern too. I’ve taken a break for a few months and wanted to get the wyvern today. I found the place where to get him but I am really worried about the event. Is the DS Event even actively played anymore or is there a trick to unlock the waypoint I need for the wyvern with a small group (max. 5people) of friends?

The event is run consistently. Just go to a timer site, show up 10 minutes early, join a squad and tag along.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Look at it differently:
You have to go through all that effort, so the pet will be more worthwhile to you, and you won’t run into it on every corner of the street devalueing it

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The tiger isn’t locked behind the META event, I got mine in between. The wyvern is that’s true, but most maps tend to fail around blighting pods and you are already far enough to spawn the wyvern at that point. It would only require you to do a part of DS one time. I am in favor of making it available at all times, but I also didn’t really had any trouble getting it myself due to the fact it doesn’t require a full event success.

On that note, DS suceeds nearly all the time even during the day. It’s really not hard to get into a map if you come early.