Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415
Let’s just all get everything at launch right away. So then the masses can complain again for 3 years of no content! Hurrah!
Too bad we have some gullible players who can’t tell the difference between “content” and “mindless, easy repetitive gating in order to unlock content”.
If anything, the current gating for specializations is a smoke screen to how little real content HoT has.
Yep this expansion has no content at all. I totally agree man. Smokescreens and mirrors. I agree. You should find a new game to play cause clearly this isn’t the game for you.
To be fair mechanically most of the ‘new’ content is the exact same stuff we’ve been doing before, follow the dorrito around the map, zerg the events.
Only this time we are doing it over and over again so that we can click a hero challenge that’s gated behind 4million exp.
Particularly as you need to do this to play your class in the new way, so yeah the new content is already feeling stale.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hotfreak.5907
Most concerns have been addressed here, but I’ll add this one:
For those of us who were really looking forward to new gameplay options (in the form of new specializations) the flow of play in the new zones is now quite frustrating. Repeatedly looking for marginal Hero Point increases only to find that they are gated by a lack of sufficient, or applicable, masteries, or by the requirement of a group, really breaks up the flow of the game.
In GW2 initial, it might have taken some time and effort to map complete a zone, but it always seemed to happen in the flow of playing. In the new zones, at least for me, there is an almost constant rhythm of playing, enjoying the gameplay, running into a wall, banging my head against the wall, realizing I need something I don’t have and am hours away from getting, becoming frustrated, going after a new reward, enjoying the gameplay, running into a wall…(repeat).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Druitt.7629
Another issue I’ll add: since the terrain is so linear and filled with mobs that knock you down, it’s a royal pain to do some things. For example, I was with the Pale rifle guys pushing into the temple and the group wiped. They’re still there, but the closest place to zone in is locked out and if you go back to the starting point, you now have to fight your way through dozens of re-spawned and annoying mobs to get back. So you just give up, and the quest stays locked because no group wants to fight its way to the place where it needs to fight.
This is related to the one thing in GW2 that caused me to rage-quit for a while: some open-world encounters are evidently meant to wipe small groups. You could be in a zone that you can definitely handle, and then suddenly this one quest point would be swarmed with an endless supply of bad guys and you wipe. Nothing to indicate a group was needed, much less a large group. And nearby zone-ins are contested so you have to return a LONG way, pretty much guaranteeing you won’t be able to come back at all.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tigaseye.2047
+1 Why didnt the advertise this nonsense before is what i ask, during the beta events and whatnot so people woould not feel this disapointing about wasting money. I am pretty sure they will nerf this nonsense at some point alongside with offrening cheaper vesion of the game, so we could just have waited for that to happen.
Because then far fewer people would have bought it? ;D
Most companies don’t advertise the less popular side of their products.
The few that do get less business, sadly.
There probably should be full disclosure laws put in place, so they all have to.
Then people could make informed decisions.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sytherek.7689
As a player with 15 characters (a double for almost every class), I find the current situation disappointing and frustrating. Solutions:
1. Halve the SP cost (to 200). If one has full map completion, that means he’s played enough to master a new spec. Really, after 3 years the last thing one wants is to play his old class instead of a new one.
1.1. Move decorative reward to end of line. I can live without the new pretty exo shield, thanks. Really, that’s how this game always worked: functionality from day one, cosmetics – after a variable grind.
2. Make each class elite spec unlock account-bound. My main is a mesmer and I finish all LS on it; I also made a mesmer themed for a chronomancer; do you really expect I will enjoy grinding the same 400 points in the same content just to have characters with different skins? No thanks; I should better think of asking for the char slot refund for all my duplicates in that case.
This. Exactly my opinion. Unlocked much of the first new big map on my Mesmer. My Ranger is working on the main world materies.
I’ve played quite a bit of HoT since it landed. The new hero challenges are annoying in both implementation and location. I do not find them fun. Which means that fun new elite specs are locked behind unfun work.
On the other hand, the new zone has its interesting aspects, and gliding is very possible for a one-handed man.
I still dislike the artificial grind behind elite specs, and will not be spending money in the TP or upgrading the two other household account (they hate grind more than I do), or recommending the game to others in it’s current state.
Implement suggestions like those quoted, and I’ll change my attitude. I may still play a bit, but nowhere near as much as I used to.
(edited by Sytherek.7689)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ragnarox.9601
Because if they give you free unlocked elite spec, you don’t have something to do anymore. xD I hate grinding. Feel sorry for ppl with 10+ alts.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shinzan.2908
So what’s your solution dude? All I see are complaints. But no solutions ? Please give one
Uh this one is hard, can’t expect us to solve this difficult problem… oh wait I got it, let’s not make unlocking specializations take 400 hero points.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329
Let’s just all get everything at launch right away. So then the masses can complain again for 3 years of no content! Hurrah!
Too bad we have some gullible players who can’t tell the difference between “content” and “mindless, easy repetitive gating in order to unlock content”.
If anything, the current gating for specializations is a smoke screen to how little real content HoT has.
Yep this expansion has no content at all. I totally agree man. Smokescreens and mirrors. I agree. You should find a new game to play cause clearly this isn’t the game for you.
Oh noooooo this game might not be for him or for me? Ya know, for a game with no mounts I’m curious how you got a horse and I’m also curious how it got to be so high.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: misterman.1530
No worries, use that £850 desktop to player witcher 3: 100 hours of gameplay, all in good fun.
Or Fallout 4!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kain Francois.4328
I do not want them to reduce enemy difficulty too much. Furthermore, I am okay with the amount of skill points required to unlock the elite specialization.
However, the skill challenges themselves are too difficult. Some, such as one on the broken airship on a canopy, are completely impossible to complete due to the boss regenerating health.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zaron.1987
No worries, use that £850 desktop to player witcher 3: 100 hours of gameplay, all in good fun.
Or Fallout 4!
and soon blade and soul ( may be the gw2 killer for me from the same company)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tuebor.3864
Obtaining hero points and playing the new story don’t coincide. To obtain hero points in the new jungle maps, you have take 15-20min of your time to locate the hero points only to find out its a champ that you need help with (add more time waiting for additional players). What happens when HoT loses its steam?
As for myself, I spend 90% of my time in WvW. I am currently WvW rank 1,120 with every WvW mastery unlocked. In fact, I have 200+ WvW rank points just sitting there with nothing to spend them on. Apparently all this dedicated time to mastering my skills in WvW doesn’t qualify me for unlocking an elite spec. Day 1 of HoT on my main with 1,800 hrs of gameplay, I have 57 hero points. Might I mention I’m PvP rank 52 as well…
I can think of a couple solutions…
Let us spend spirit shards towards elite spec unlock.
Let us spend WvW mastery points towards elite spec unlock.
Until this all gets sorted out, I’m afraid I don’t have the time for unlocking elite specs nor the interest.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415
My suggestion for improvement, 200 points at most, world completion should grant the elite.
Move the item unlocks to the end, start off with the trait unlocks and then utilities.
After all there is no point in equipping a new weapon if its locking you out of three major traits and two minors.
Turn the Champs into vets on the hero challenges because Anet you have no way of guarantying these zones will remain active once people have grinded the initial rush.
Keep the hero challenges here granting ten points, have them as a quicker, albeit it currently more frustrating alternative to world completion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MyriadStars.5679
Anet did intentionally mislead people. They said that they were against “attunements”. However, the mastery system is worse than attuement system. To get attuned, you actually play and complete some new content, but to progress in the mastery system, you keep playing the same content over and over again. Now I can see that Anet is against “attuements” because it would require their developers to create new content.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Witch of Doom.5739
Wow, too bad you can’t use your new computer for anything else. Like posting on forum boards or playing other games.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Wolfric.9380
Its to much. 200 is already a lot. Casual players, new players, WvW, PvP, and PvE all shall acieve their first elite quite easy. Something like 200 point chest for the first story completion.
I dislike jumping puzzles and all that needs similar playsyle … And i don´t like to repeat the same content over and over. I play 80% WvW. Currently it feels frustrating and hopless to get the elite in a reasonable time. I did see a lot of games building for the hardcore players. The result was always the same. New players got overstrained. Casuals frustrated not catching up. 50% Player loss in a year. Without new players starting no long term survivability.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Avlaen.7241
Requires 40 new hero challenges to complete, several of which require masteries that require as much EXP to unlock as leveling to 80 several times over.
Yeah, that is grind.
This… so much this…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Levi M.7428
Let’s just all get everything at launch right away. So then the masses can complain again for 3 years of no content! Hurrah!
Too bad we have some gullible players who can’t tell the difference between “content” and “mindless, easy repetitive gating in order to unlock content”.
If anything, the current gating for specializations is a smoke screen to how little real content HoT has.
Yep this expansion has no content at all. I totally agree man. Smokescreens and mirrors. I agree. You should find a new game to play cause clearly this isn’t the game for you.
Oh noooooo this game might not be for him or for me? Ya know, for a game with no mounts I’m curious how you got a horse and I’m also curious how it got to be so high.
I fly duh
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nitross.6987
First, we have to remember that this is a RPG and that “Progression” is a big part of it. As such, I completely understand the decision to make sure you cannot complete progression on the Elite Specialization instantly.
However, the gradual unlocking progression as it is means your “Elite” is sub par compared to the core specializations until you finish unlocking it. Meaning players will play the content on their core class in order to get the Elite unlocked enough to be playable at high level.
I don’t think I have seen this suggested, so I am sorry if I’m repeating but: what if the order of acquisition was changed so you could get to 1 Grandmaster trait within 200 points?
That is, instead of getting all the lower traits unlocked before moving to the next tier, you would unlock a trait from each tier first.
For instance, the Daredevil could change like in the image here.
You just have to make sure to keep the trait that modifies your Utility skills towards the end so the player isn’t stuck with a trait for skills they do not have yet.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MyriadStars.5679
Let’s just all get everything at launch right away. So then the masses can complain again for 3 years of no content! Hurrah!
Too bad we have some gullible players who can’t tell the difference between “content” and “mindless, easy repetitive gating in order to unlock content”.
If anything, the current gating for specializations is a smoke screen to how little real content HoT has.
Yep this expansion has no content at all. I totally agree man. Smokescreens and mirrors. I agree. You should find a new game to play cause clearly this isn’t the game for you.
Many people already did that. That’s why there are fewer complains in the forums now.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MashMash.1645
Requires 40 new hero challenges to complete, several of which require masteries that require as much EXP to unlock as leveling to 80 several times over.
Yeah, that is grind.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MyriadStars.5679
OMG something you can’t get in one day of playing. OMG. It’s the end of the world. Why don’t they just hand you everything. Cause that’s all I see when I read this post
Then I suggest you work on your reading and comprehension. There is not point in these elite specialistions if by the time they’re unlocked you’ve exhausted all of the expansion content. This is the point of endgame content, to give you something to do with the abilities you earned getting to max level.
We have a bitter Betty over here. Who wants everything handed to them. Cause that’s all I read from this. Let’s just all get everything at launch right away. So then the masses can complain again for 3 years of no content! Hurrah!
Dude every kitten thread or post you reply to you reply to in the same toxic manner, No one here said that they want everything handed on a silver platter. Sure I want to work for my specs. But only if its reasonable. and I do not consider Hero challanges locked behind masteries, Champion monsters with time limits reasonable.
So what’s your solution dude? All I see are complaints. But no solutions ? Please give one
It’s Anet’s job to come up with solutions to address complaints. Otherwise, players are paying Anet to give Anet new original ideas.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MyriadStars.5679
Requires 40 new hero challenges to complete, several of which require masteries that require as much EXP to unlock as leveling to 80 several times over.
Yeah, that is grind.
In other MMOs that require you to level up in an expansion, they make it less boring by giving you lots of maps and quests, so that you can do quests selectively to level up to feel less boring. You can even level up your characters in dungeons if you prefer small group encounters. In HOT, you are forced to play essentially everything in the same map to progress in masteries and do many things repeatedly, which is more boring.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sytherek.7689
If you have an opinion, pro or con, make it known on other venues (Twitter, Facebook, reddit, etc.). Talking here is preaching to the choir…
If you do or don’t want change, make your voice heard!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rain.7543
I spent £850 on building my new desktop JUST for HoT. Throw in the £35 for the game and that’s too close to £1k I’ve spent.
I feel like I’ve been robbed by this insane 400 HP requirement to unlock my elite spec.
And before all the fanboys scream at me – no, I’m NOT asking for “everything to be handed to me on a plate straight away”. What I AM asking for is a non-ridiculous requirement, such as 200 HP to unlock the Espec.
I KNOW these things have to be earned, but I have a job, and real-life commitments that take up the majority of my time. I can afford to play GW2 for 3 hours per day at the weekends and half that on weekdays. Again, I don’t have a problem with “earning” the content in-game, but I DO have a problem with this ridiculous mind-numbing grind. It’s going to be weeks if not months before I can access my full Espec, and this amount of grind required to unlock the Espec was NOT advertised with the expansion.
Incredibly disappointed by this release.
So you spent £850 for a new computer JUST for HOT? C’mon, mate, get real. You really think you can make up such nonsense in your topic title and your post, and believe people will swallow it and believe it? My pc, which costed me 500$ last year runs this game and latest AAA titles smooth on max or high setting 60 fps and 1080p resolution. Then again, let’s assume for a moment, you really went and spend all that money on a top-tier gaming machine just for HoT. Well the fault is yours and yours alone. I am not “fanboy” and I am not here to be Anet’s shining shield, but to blame it on the company is beyond redicilous.
Also did you really expect to go in HoT and unlock the new spec on day 1 of the release?
It ain’t gonna take you months to unlock the new spec. The new maps are pretty well packed with Hero challenges, which when completed reward you 10 points, not just 1.
Also go around the world and earn any Hero point you haven’t until now. Give it a little more time, then just one day for god sake, and you will have your elite spec unlocked in no time.
What is wrong with people and all this complaining? Didn’t you wanted a stuff to do in this game? Didn’t people complained there’s not enough things to do? Now they have given you a new goals, a new skins, achievements and masteries to work towards to, and what? You COMPLAIN, complain again that you dont have it all at day 1. Utterly redicilous. This topics needs to end, right now! I respect your right to post as paying customers, but there are some things better left unsaid, and some topics better left out of this forum.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tyrantis.8640
I spent £850 on building my new desktop JUST for HoT. Throw in the £35 for the game and that’s too close to £1k I’ve spent.
I feel like I’ve been robbed by this insane 400 HP requirement to unlock my elite spec.
And before all the fanboys scream at me – no, I’m NOT asking for “everything to be handed to me on a plate straight away”. What I AM asking for is a non-ridiculous requirement, such as 200 HP to unlock the Espec.
I KNOW these things have to be earned, but I have a job, and real-life commitments that take up the majority of my time. I can afford to play GW2 for 3 hours per day at the weekends and half that on weekdays. Again, I don’t have a problem with “earning” the content in-game, but I DO have a problem with this ridiculous mind-numbing grind. It’s going to be weeks if not months before I can access my full Espec, and this amount of grind required to unlock the Espec was NOT advertised with the expansion.
Incredibly disappointed by this release.
I feel like you are a complete idiot. This is supposed to be end game progression not something that could or should be done in a day.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Metoya.5247
HOTS like korean mmo games. grind ppl to earn points dat using skill lvl up
i played gw2 cuz this game doesn’t grind ppl so hard.
but now whooooo. my 12 chars need 4800 hero points.
im wvw player, not pve player. but HOTS force to me play pve hard. dat makes me annoying
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: John.8507
I dont have the expansion yet, waiting for reviews, but can’t you use other hero points from the rest of the game, and points you collected before?
Or are you just using tomes to level a new character to 80 then going to the jungle without any other collected points.
It sounds like you all have 0 hero points to start with but the rest of the game should coun
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galen Grey.4709
So much of the new content is gated behind massive amounts of grinding, it makes you wonder what we actually paid for. I really don’t know why they changed their game philosophy so drastically with HoT.
Or you know, its not them who changed their philospohy but us who changed the definition of grind.
Elite specs cost more hero points than all your other traits and skills combined, I’m pretty sure we’re not the problem here.
And you get like 10 hero points per challange. So you only need to do 1 or 2 challanges to unlock something new. On top of that you probably had a bunch of hero points banked, because it’s not a new character.
Exactly, reason for that is pretty simple. It was needed to make up for the fact a lot of people had a ton of hero points stored up. If they didnt do it a large amount everyone who unlock it for their main immediately on launch. Like this with 10 points per challenge even with alts who might not have any stored points you can still play and enjoy something new every 1 or at least 2 challenges.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hurrado.2346
I don’t understand why everyone is crying about the number of hero points needed to unlock the elite specialization.
I find it perfectly normal that you need to progress an acquire experience in the jungle before you become stronger.
In fact I find it quite fun because contrary to regular tyria, in the jungle you feel weak if you use a new magic unknown to you until you get some hero points that makes you stronger and stronger. All of that without having a new level cap like in other mmos!
I really think Anet nailed it. It is normal to not unlock all the expansion in one day, and I believe that once you get a decent amount of masteries unlocked, it will be quite fast to get the elite spec with your other characters so the system seems really well thought if you really think about it!
Well isn’t that just dandy for you, but not everyone plays like you, we don’t all enjoy leaving our preferred game modes in order to grind for the points, not everyone is a PVER, not everyone is a PVPER, and not everyone is a WVWer, but there are many within each of those groups, and many who play a bit of everything who absolutely abhor grinding the map completion for the new content, or grinding eotm, for ages, to unlock a way to play the new content.
Sad thing is, the dev will likely quote you saying something like: “OMG I don’t see why all these people complaining (offering valid complaints AND solutions) don’t think like this person, who is enjoying the new content as I think it should be.”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415
Six required to even start unlocking, and with one or two unlocking something new, you’re still sub-par to what you would be without equipping it. It’s not like the sixty points even gives you a full trait line.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galen Grey.4709
Seriously people. Elite spec is kinda like a new class, which MMO has ever released a new class that you get fully unlocked from the get go?
Like a new class you start playing it bare and you build on it as you play, you dont get full access to everything the class offers on day 1. Seriously this community can be perplexing at times
This is a bunch of crap. In other games you level up a new class in old content. When you hit the NEW content you have most of what you need to actually PLAY with it. There might be a new skill or ability available at max level but not the entire class… when legion comes out you can bet a new demon hunter will be able to enjoy the new content with a new toy which is what elite specs were supposed to be.
Right, so let me get this straight…. you have an issue with playing the new content with the new elite specialization and unlocking every of aspect it little by little but see no point in playing it again because once finished you’d have played it all but are perfectly fine playing the old content over and over again for ever new class? It exactly the same issue only you dont get to enjoy the new content for months after release while you level up the new class! thats far worst certainly not better!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aeghis.1925
This is supposed to be end game progression not something that could or should be done in a day.
And yet, a lot of my guild friends, and me, (and I’m sure a lot of players too) have already 80%-100% of their first elite spe.
With 6h/week the OP will have it in maybe two weeks if he’s dedicated to the ask, a month max by taking his time.
I assume his main character has already basic specializations 100% and a good map completion. If not, well he should do the base game before worrying about the extension.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galen Grey.4709
I also want to play the elite specializations.
all you need it 60hp to start playing an elite specialization, is it possible you dont have 60hp on your main?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Azure.8670
I unlocked chrono and reaper easily.
how? I traveled the maps and did the hero points with a bunch of guildies and friends. Yes, I did ones I needed no lores/masteries to get. It was friggen the most fun ive had in this game in years, literally.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Oxidia.8103
Gosh i whish there are other games on the market you can play on your new computer…..wait what? There are?? SINCE WHEN? OMG HOW CAN WE BE REAL IF OUR EYES AREN’T REAL???
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PrinceKhaled.5104
They will merge this topic with another one as usual!! Good Job Anet
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ArchonWing.9480
I would like to thank Anet for changing the rate of the heroics gained in WvW to be obtainable in 100 world ranks instead of 200. Not a perfect solution and I don’t like the soulbound part but it is definitely something I can manage. Now that I may just not bother unlocking various skills, the number of hero points I need may decrease as well.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Galen Grey.4709
Requires 40 new hero challenges to complete, several of which require masteries that require as much EXP to unlock as leveling to 80 several times over.
Yeah, that is grind.
masteries are account bound what do you expect? people need to really understand what they wish for. This is an MMO, an MMO requires content and goals.
When you ask for something to be account bound you (in generally) may think ohh I will cheat the developers into allowing me to finish something xtimes faster only they’re professionals, they understand they’ll not be able to pump out something new until 2-3 more years so whatever change they make they need to make it in such a way to provide incentive to people.
Now grind is a problem sure but grind does not mean playing the game for a long time. To beat grind developers dont have to make everything achievable quickly all they have to do is give you variety. Yes maxing out Masteries is the same like leveling to 80 several characters (which many of us did in the past 3 years and thats excluding how many times we leveled characters past 80 either) but hey guess what, you can do that playing any character you want and any content you want in the correct area all the while unlocking new stuff to enjoy. Thats exactly what makes this a long term goal not a grind.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Here is the solution. Have the elite trait line cost the same as the regular trait lines. Have the elite utitlities cost the same as regular utilities. Have the traits and utilities on separate completion wheels just like the regular builds. Don’t throw in skins as part of the price of unlocking the specialization. Getting this specialization is not about character progression it is just getting another playstyle. The mastery system is actually the character progression and that is the system that should take a lot of time to achieve.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
I miss last 9 HoT hero points and my dragonhunter is full !
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: pfanne.9783
Sorry, but I am always surprised by how happy people are to announce their own gullibility to the world.
You spend 885 pounds on something without doing research or waiting for reviews.
It’s not like it wasn’t known beforehand that you would need 400 points for the elite specialization.
You deserve being disappointed. Seriously. I hope this taught you something.
Oh and by the way. We don’t need 50 threads on the same topic. Just post in one of the other 49 threads.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415
There is no variety though to get the HoT masteries you do HoT content, the same series of events over and over with slightly different scenery.
What makes it feel so grindy is that they lock the story behind it and lock class functionality behind it.
I don’t mind grinding ten, twenty, thirty million EXP for a fancy looking sword skin.
I do mind grinding out five million to finish a story I started, or more than that to play with new utilities and class functionality.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Crowfear.1509
calm down people , it is easy to unlock and no problem when you have 20 chars need a little more time maybe
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: drkmgic.9583
Sorry, but I am always surprised by how happy people are to announce their own gullibility to the world.
You spend 885 pounds on something without doing research or waiting for reviews.
It’s not like it wasn’t known beforehand that you would need 400 points for the elite specialization.
You deserve being disappointed. Seriously. I hope this taught you something.Oh and by the way. We don’t need 50 threads on the same topic. Just post in one of the other 49 threads.
It wasn’t. It was just announced a week 9 so before release. ????
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Black Box.9312
The difficulty isn’t too high. The fact that by the time you get it, you’ve already gone through more than half the maps is the issue. If they were all put in the first area, there would at least be three maps to experience at our own pace and explore for the sake of exploring instead of because we’re forced to in order to get the class mechanics (Which were designed to fill holes in the base classes) to function fully.
I feel that’s very valuable feedback. Thanks for that insight.
I’m definitely in this camp, too. I’ve switched over to a Revenant main, so I haven’t had a chance to collect any hero points from central Tyria. So that’s 40 hero challenges that I need just to be able to play a full Herald build. This is a huge detriment to players that wanted to get a feel for how the Herald plays before taking it into a raid or WvW, because there’s no opportunity to get any real experience with it until all of the new overworld content is pretty much done.
Sure, it doesn’t take that much to unlock it and start, but one of the selling points of HoT was that it would have content that is more difficult. And nobody wants to do more difficult content with a less complete build. It’s not so much about the fact that we have to work for it as it is that the only real option is to work through almost all of the content before even getting the chance to actually test it out.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PrinceKhaled.5104
I miss last 9 HoT hero points and my dragonhunter is full
Here is your signature: “Proud and Loyal boyfriend of Denali Dius P.S. We are looking for ultra friendly active PVE guildfor the Heart of Thorns which would not mind us to represent my personal guild now and then(just for management purposes).”
First of all, PvE players, leave these topics alone!! You think that we (WvW and GvG) players don’t know what we are talking about. You are the ones who don’t.
Second, who the hell is Denali Dius?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: pfanne.9783
Sorry, but I am always surprised by how happy people are to announce their own gullibility to the world.
You spend 885 pounds on something without doing research or waiting for reviews.
It’s not like it wasn’t known beforehand that you would need 400 points for the elite specialization.
You deserve being disappointed. Seriously. I hope this taught you something.Oh and by the way. We don’t need 50 threads on the same topic. Just post in one of the other 49 threads.
It wasn’t. It was just announced a week 9 so before release. ????
That means he still had a whole week to cancel his preorder, or not preorder in the first place, or preorder like a day before release if he was okay with it. But noooooooooo, he had to preorder it. I mean he saved like 10 pounds on that free character slot that he gets for preordering. Totally worth the investment of 885 pounds. Couldn’t wait a week, because he just had to have it.
I mean who could have thought that anything could go wrong with that plan, because nothing ever went wrong on launches of games. Especially on launches off MMORPGs.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Nike.2631
Well, at this point I’ve got Verdant Brink (8/11) divided into Hero Challenges that are easy to solo (mostly position-based or kill a single lieutenant), the champ fights where I have to wait for other folks (slightly annoying, as most of them are also in very out of the way places so I’m waiting for other people to learn how to get there too) and the 3 left I need more masteries to unlock, thought I need to test one of them because now that I can talk to frogs I might be “worthy”. Of those several need poison immunity mastery which I’m working towards now.
I’m actually getting more worried about finding/unlocking Mastery points. Without those unlocking the effects needed to reach the Challenges will grind to a halt and I’ve found at least one mastery point that wasn’t marked on the map but I picked up with the mark I eyeball (bug, I assume).
Auric Basin also has some easy ones, some champ fights (less jump puzzle to get to them thankfully), at least one that needs poison immunity, and I think I’ve spotted the first one that needs ley line hang-gliding.
Other than getting people to show up for champs, I’m now breezing through a couple of them on alts having scouted on my main. Biggest issue is my main is a tanky/healy Guardian in full Ascended who could walk right through most mobs with chain blinds/aegis. Some of my more fragile alts find getting around the map a lot more lively…
Considering writing a guide, as knowing which ones you should be chasing is making it go SO MUCH FASTER for my alts.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: HipposWild.7185
yeah this is awful….
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