Elite Specs, Build Diversity, Balance Issues
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: bearshaman.3421
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: bearshaman.3421
So I’m seeing a common theme here, and maybe I’m slow to the discussion, but what I’m seeing across the board is that elite specs are borderline required for any serious build for pvp, wvw, high level fractals, and raids. Also, the changes to core specs to prevent some honestly outrageous synergies is having the adverse effect of wrecking most core builds left and right. While you can still play whatever in OW, personal story, non-speedrun dungeon groups, and low level fractals, it seems to be getting to the point where there is only one (maybe two) viable builds for each profession for higher level play.
While I knew this was the case for a couple classes, it seems to be becoming a common issue for more and more of them.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Thaddeus.4891
Sand maybe I’m slow to the discussion,
You are indeed. Basically you have one camp that say,
- It’s an inbalance, it’s a pay to win element, not fair for non hot players, it a huge power creep, it hurt the game, it wasn’t what was advertise for the expansion when they talked about new ways to play your characters not more powerful ways, etc
and the other camp that said.
- In an expansion you are suppose to be more powerful, it way to sell the expansion, they are more interesting than the core spec anyway, they gonna balance them with the future elite spec they will introduce, etc.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DoctorDing.5890
Most games of this genre end up with only a few builds and profs that dominate at any particular point in time. Then a balance patch hits and things change, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, and a new king of the hill emerges. It’s impossible to balance everything because players are so darned ingenious at finding ways to play that no-one could have predicted.
Some of the elite specs probably need toning down a little but that will happen eventually, and the forum will be full of the usual stuff!
But imbalance, and thus balance adjustments, will always be part of the game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ViperClaw.1590
One of the reasons GW2 isn’t very popular e-sports wise is still bad balancing. Even my friends playing high ranked sPvP can’t take this game serious.
For me, competetive modes in this game where always kind of a joke.
It was never ever a strengh of ANet to balance their game properly since GW2s launch. Elite Specs just made it worse.
One of the main reasons for this is the still missing split of PvE and PvP balancing.
Just don’t play competetive if you like build diversity, really tactics based combat, or a game without any p2w.
Since Elite Specs hit this game, it has become “Spam Wars 2 – Jack of (almost) all trades, still having burst potential.”
Just look at the Elite Spec tank meta established in WvW by some guilds. Just pathetic how bad this game`s mechanics got.
Edit: btw. the Dragon Hunter’s chain is still bugged. It pulled and clipped/glitched me into obstacles several times, making me stuck into objects completely. Or it pulled me while dodge rolling (Wich is not that fair to be honest..). Maybe this thing should have properly LoS-mechanics aswell, but it stays even through walls.
(edited by ViperClaw.1590)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
The Elite Specs and there “Power Creep” are by much not the biggest “culprit” for the game beign totally out of control chaotically in regard of combat system balance.
The real culprits for why the game is so massively unbalanced are Anet and their permanent ignorance to finally make some fundamental needed changes on the overall Combat System to tone down the whole Power Creep that comes from “many smaller” different parts together that synergize together way too good to make the combat system and the whole DPS you can create out of it currently way too high for what is GOOD FOR THE GAME to make as a whole fun in regard of the combat system.
The Classes and their Elite Specializations play their only in the picture a very minor role, they are the finetuning in the general Class Balancing, but not the root of the problem why the game is so out of control in so many factors, that it really gets absurd.
The big problems of this game that ANet needs finalyl to stop ignoring and to take into consideration for every single Balance Patch to brign this game back onto the right path are as follows:
Solution: Simple, this System needs a complete rework, all Classes need to get balanced finally INDIVIDUALLY, thats the only way how Health can become finally an important factor of Class Balancing, without that other Classes automatically suffer due to sharing the same category with an other Class.
Thieves need more Base Health, if this Class should ever become lesser dependent on stealth. Warriors have way too much health for their superior Health Regenerations and tons of Invicibility Skills with that they can absorb all damage,even when beign attacked from behind where NOBODY should be able to automatically defend themself unless you have the Aegis Boon.
More Build Diversity through some added new Skillsl will always be good, addign some new fresh air into the game as well through this – it must not be always new ES, this fix would be awesome, if it would ever happen that Anet addes new Skilsl from the missing categories everywhere for all Classes maybe as part of a next Balance Patch
See above, just for Utility Skills
Then and only then, if all these points would get fixed for once, then are only Elite Specializations left over for balance as finetuning of the games class balance asnd from that point on should anet work on it to add some more ES to provide more diversity and look onto it, that they balance the ES, that seem to be too OP, so that they kind of be “a must” for everyone to take, because of the other choices seeming not to be viable anymore, or in case of the thief, got destroyed like Acrobatics just to give the ES a reason for existance.
Thats how i do see it, this game got developed and changed over the last years in so many sections into the wrogn direction, that the combat system suffered the most from this, and sadly it god all the time mostly ignored to fix the problems, where theys were still fres, because ANet simply was too busy with too many other thigns at the time back then to keep track on the game balancing part enough of this game sadly.
Now we literally “have the salad” one woudl say and we have to see, how we get again out of this mess
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LoL NooBs.5076
With “elite” specs combat in this game is utterly kittened. It’s bad enough they got outrageous damage and insane CC; but putting this OP kitten in competitive game modes and making it almost perma-invulnerable is over the top. No, I will not buy the stupid """expansion""". No, I will not go to [random other game]. Get the pathetic “elite” specs out of PvP and WvW until you learn to actually balance kitten. GW2 really is a joke.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: robertjan.2197
Sand maybe I’m slow to the discussion,
You are indeed. Basically you have one camp that say,
- It’s an inbalance, it’s a pay to win element, not fair for non hot players, it a huge power creep, it hurt the game, it wasn’t what was advertise for the expansion when they talked about new ways to play your characters not more powerful ways, etc
and the other camp that said.
- In an expansion you are suppose to be more powerful, it way to sell the expansion, they are more interesting than the core spec anyway, they gonna balance them with the future elite spec they will introduce, etc.
I agree with the fact that paying players should have more. Nevetheless, I do believe the so called elite specs completely ruined the little bit of diversity the game still had (which was almost none compared to Gw1).
The elite spec certainly has made this pretty dire.
And an example of this would be Scrapper, Necro combo as this combo can destroy a group, especially since they can just place down aoe skills on the capture point and wait or in wvw I have seen 3 people face a single scrapper and the scrapper still won.
if they will not do a big rework then they need to at least remove it from things like the League and ranked games.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: OriOri.8724
The elite spec certainly has made this pretty dire.
And an example of this would be Scrapper, Necro combo as this combo can destroy a group, especially since they can just place down aoe skills on the capture point and wait or in wvw I have seen 3 people face a single scrapper and the scrapper still won.
if they will not do a big rework then they need to at least remove it from things like the League and ranked games.
Usually if someone wins a 1v3 fight its because they are just a much better player than the ones trying to kill them. Yes Scrapper does have amazing sustain right now, but I would bet he was just a really good player and the other 3 werent
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493
Theoretically, the first set of elite specs are supposed to be just the tip of the iceberg. New elite specs would continue to be released, which would be on-par with the other elite specs.
Whether that will actually happen is anyone’s guess. The likelyhood of a game wide elite spec nerf is pretty low, though, since the cool new elite specs are part of what sells HoT. The problem is that, if you buff the core specs, you also buff the elite specs, so you can’t just go around buffing everything and expect the two to be equal.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
I agree that in every area of the game elite specs dominate and are stronger than core specs. I do however believe that this is intended and that as BRA above states these elite specs will be balanced against OTHER elite specs.
I believe that elite specs will be balanced against each other while remaining stronger than the core specs – which will create pressure on players to buy access to these elite specs.
Does this make the game buy-to-win? Well not really – in the same way buying GW1’s expansions gave you access to the skills – some of which would be more effective at something than others.
I think they wanted to make elite specs stronger than core specs – even the name they were given is suggestive “elite”.
All that aside – @Orpheal – I disagree with you and I don’t believe the game is going to be reworked. Don’t forget games have inertia – and a lot of people are used to the game as is. They can make tweaks and arrangements but 4 years into the game’s life you’re not going to see a huge overhaul like the one you’re suggesting.
@Drakz – trust me – if a player wins a 3 v 1 it’s because of player skill not “OP class”.
No matter how strong you are – a 3 v 1 between players of equal skill will be a quick fight with the one player either dying or running away.
I agree that in every area of the game elite specs dominate and are stronger than core specs. I do however believe that this is intended and that as BRA above states these elite specs will be balanced against OTHER elite specs.
If it’s intended, why did ANet claim otherwise?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
Because if you flat out state it it gives people more grounds to complain. It would create a focal point on which the community could focus and point towards. It would be out in the open. Stating the opposite helps create confusion and creates camps of people. Instead of them focusing on Anet asking for a change the two camps focus on each other – each camp arguing for its point.
This way it’s more of a gray area – because for everyone who says it’s like there will be others who will say things like: “Oh I’m sure they didn’t intend to – it’s an oversight and they’ll get right on changing it” or " You have no proof that they want this – in fact I don’t believe the elite specs are necessarily overpowered".
Grey area allows for backpedaling too – say the community becomes SO mad with it the waves of backlash are huge. They can just nerf the elite specs and say they were “performing better than expected” or give some other PR-friendly line about it.
A solid statement indicating they WANT them this way would mean they have to commit to this 100% and there’d be no room to backpedal in case of an emergency.
There’s a saying where I’m from – roughly translates to “keeps quiet about it but does it anyway”.
Also – where did they claim otherwise?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ishmael.6740
I think they are indeed powerful and most of all are cut out for the new content, so they end up being the go to specs for that.
On the other hand it doesn’t make “vanilla” specs unviable. It’s mostly the min-maxing meta attitude that has been a problem for much longer. Most of the time your core spec builds will be perfectly viable, maybe it’ll take you a bit longer to complete content, but not to the point where it becomes a major problem, I think.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Anchoku.8142
From a Necromancer point of view, core offensive weapon skills are handicapped by either low cleave/AoE or low dps while heal, utility, and elite skills are handicapped by slow cast times or other ways HoT mobs reduce their effectiveness.
Greatsword may be slow but the AoE area and AoE dps beats dagger in a crowd. Axe is hopelessly ineffective. Scepter begs for Epidemic or some form of splash damage.
Shouts may not be strong but cast time is low and AoE is large. Mobs do not linger in wells and many times my wells just miss due to mobs’ more active play. Minions spend more time running about chasing targets, though at least they hold aggro or they would be a disaster. Spectral skills do not protect and CC as well as in core content. Corruption utilities are plagued by mobs disengaging and covering larger areas.
And, for a bonus, Reaper Shroud is superior to Death Shroud in 1v1 and vastly so against many. The Reaper trait line supports power builds better than Spite.
The capability of mobs in HoT play directly to core Necromancer’s limitations. I like that they are harder to deal with but it seems like they were designed to counter core Necromancer design with higher mobility, stealth, range, and hard CC. Reaper’s powerful AoE and first real mobility skill makes a big difference for me in game play.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
I think they are indeed powerful and most of all are cut out for the new content, so they end up being the go to specs for that.
On the other hand it doesn’t make “vanilla” specs unviable. It’s mostly the min-maxing meta attitude that has been a problem for much longer. Most of the time your core spec builds will be perfectly viable, maybe it’ll take you a bit longer to complete content, but not to the point where it becomes a major problem, I think.
The min-maxing meta attitude is not the issue. You can choose not to min-max in PvE – sure – but in PvP you’re going to have a very bad time if you’re not on an elite spec.
Not only will you be at a severe disadvantage but your team might direct their anger towards you and some might even stop playing.
The handicap is too big.
You’re only looking at PvE – but PvP and WvW are also parts of this game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PopeUrban.2578
All balance moving forward is supposed to be done through the lens of elite specs.
The problem is that they released an expansion with only one elite spec. The balancing lever is elite specs as choices relative to one another, however Anet decided to waste time and effort on adding a completely unnecessary class rather than a second elite spec.
By design, there was no way a “core” spec was ever going to remain truly competitive against an elite spec simply because Elite specs are designed as singletons, and core specs were moved to supporting those specs. In order for future additions to remain balanced, it is necessary that the things you can combine with them be of generally lesser power level.
Had Anet scrapped the entire concept of Revnant and focused their efforts on Elite specs we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Everything that revnant has and does could have easily been packaged in to second elite specs for existing classes, and nobody would have caared that they didn’t have another class to roll because they’d have effectively as many or more new build options.
TLDR: Elite specs are intended power creep relative to core specs, because they are intended to be balanced choices. however, HoT did not release choices of elite specs, and thus they are simply required upgrades with no build diversity. The reason this happenned is because adding “a new class” on the box was deemed more important than the long term health of the game or the utility of the expansion content for existing players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
Just out of curiosity how would you break the existing revenant into 8 distinct elite specs?
I think they are indeed powerful and most of all are cut out for the new content, so they end up being the go to specs for that.
On the other hand it doesn’t make “vanilla” specs unviable. It’s mostly the min-maxing meta attitude that has been a problem for much longer. Most of the time your core spec builds will be perfectly viable, maybe it’ll take you a bit longer to complete content, but not to the point where it becomes a major problem, I think.The min-maxing meta attitude is not the issue. You can choose not to min-max in PvE – sure – but in PvP you’re going to have a very bad time if you’re not on an elite spec.
Not only will you be at a severe disadvantage but your team might direct their anger towards you and some might even stop playing.
The handicap is too big.You’re only looking at PvE – but PvP and WvW are also parts of this game.
Raiding is also a little more demanding.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PopeUrban.2578
Just out of curiosity how would you break the existing revenant into 8 distinct elite specs?
It’s not a 1:1 conversion, but rather a balancing and R&D consideration.
The various new tech they built, new resource system, etc. For instance the entire ventari design could have easily been an elite spec for another class, as could the central mechanics of the other legends. The concepts behind several of the weapon skills, etc.
Basically, what I’m saying is a reasonably similar amount of design work could have been put toward second elite specs rather than adding a new class which creates more, not less, difficult balance considerations in the future.
Elite specs are at a basic level a great idea. They’re a good way to add skills and abilities to the game that are easier to balance since they only ever have to “play nice” with established parts of core classes. Adding a completely new class requires a lot of reinventing the wheel with far less overall benefit. Revnant needed up being largely redundant with, like the other elite specs, only one really compelling build option that in itself also requires an elite spec.
It is my personal opinion that what Revnant adds to the game in terms of build diversity and ongoing usable content is just not that compelling. Its core design is even more strict in terms of build options than any existing class, and thus far more difficult to design for going forward. Compared to a second elite spec for existing classes, a similar number of skills, weapons, and art assets could have been designed, tested, and created and had much better results for the longevity of the game, and would have more accuraurately showcased the new Elite Spec system the expansion introduced as the future of GW2.
The second expansion would have been the time to add a class, if at all. At that point people would be used to the tradeoffs in the elite spec system, and adding one option as an alternative to two others would have been valuable build diversity. Adding one option in a system that’s really designed around having at least two isn’t an option. It’s a mandate, and Revnant as a class suffers from it as much as the existing core classes.
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ishmael.6740
You’re only looking at PvE – but PvP and WvW are also parts of this game.
I did some WvW on a necro build without reaper and I had fun shrug
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
Did you do some PvP as well?
That aside – I get what you are saying Pope but a new class sells better than more elite specs.
Plus – having ONE elite spec that’s unlocked via the expansion really works well in their favor now.
Are elite specs stronger than core specs? Sure.
Want to get stronger? Buy HoT. The side-effect of lack of more elite specs is lack of balance skewed towards the benefit of HoT owners. Which means more pressure on people to get HoT – more sales – more money. It isn’t really that bad.
Plus a new class builds more hype and drives more sales on top of what I’ve described above.
From a business point of view they REALLY nailed this one.
I know people like to think games are about “perfect balance” or “fun” or “experiencing diversity” -and to some extent they are – but at the end of the day they are a product that is being sold by a company for a profit.
Are elite specs stronger than core specs? Sure.
Want to get stronger? Buy HoT.
And, when the next expansion comes out, does the question and answer become…
“Want to get stronger than you are with your current HoT elite spec? Buy expansion X.”
I just don’t see this game as being able to handle (well) that much ongoing power creep. I bought HoT, almost seven months after release, despite the elite specs. Not sure that I will be willing to overlook that sort of design again. The idea that I might be presented with a build option tailored to a new playstyle that is particularly appealing, but have that tied to making the game, already lacking in challenge to a large degree, even easier, is off-putting to me as a potential buyer.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
If it does – it will drive sales. If it doesn’t it will drive sales because “balance and variety”.
The game lacked challenge before elite specs. HoT brought raids – which are a good source of challenge.
Fractals were sort-of nerfed though – so there’s that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LoL NooBs.5076
If it does – it will drive sales. If it doesn’t it will drive sales because “balance and variety”.
It will? Oh, that’s amazing! At this point I so kittening give a kitten what will drive sales for ANet.
Are elite specs stronger than core specs? Sure.
Want to get stronger? Buy HoT. The side-effect of lack of more elite specs is lack of balance skewed towards the benefit of HoT owners. Which means more pressure on people to get HoT – more sales – more money. It isn’t really that bad.
Why do you guys feel like we should care about what will be good for ANet, when our own interests are being ignored and even silenced (on these forums) by that same company? That same company we once paid to support (read $$ for gems, on top of original purchase; consider that some didn’t even play for a full year before HoT). And after we paid to support it, they gave us the finger with this bullkitten """expansion""" and its unjustified price tag for core players. Not only are they not showing they care about us — they are deliberately screwing with us. And you honestly believe we are somehow concerned with how they are doing financially? Coz I couldn’t give a gliding kitten.
And another thing. Why do you automatically assume that just because you are OK with getting scammed, somehow everybody else has to be OK with it?
Besides which, what if I don’t want to get stronger? What if I just want all this kid bullkitten out of my game? I liked GW2 just the way it was at the time when I paid for it. Before HoT. Now with HoT, not only do I not want to pay for it; I want my money back — because, with this fundamental change to combat, the game I bought was taken away from me.
And don’t give me more of those stupid car or sandwich comparisons neither. I’m sick of shooting them all to kitten.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
I didn’t say I agree with Anet doing this – I just explained why it is how it is.
I don’t agree with getting scammed – I hated HoT and I’ve been very vocal about how bad and poor it was. How it was misleading and stunted content-wise.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LoL NooBs.5076
Well kitten. You can have my apology right there. I get a bit edgy when I see someone suggesting to buy HoT to solve the problems it causes us. ^^
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harper.4173
Don’t worry about it.
I’m just as upset with HoT as the next person – it’s just that I can see their point of view too. They’re trying to push for sales – sometimes they make “questionable” decisions.
What’s most enjoyable for us isn’t necessarily what they want to do.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ayrelind.6528
Here in One Percent Land we protest over a 50$ purchase and demand the manufacturer GIVE us what WE want, not what the manufacturer produced.
Yet, you yell #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney to the tune of 500$ every two years for a new cellphone (plus your subscription for the services), where #YouGetWhatYouPayFor and you speak nary a word in protest.
Over there in Ninety Nine Percent Land they make 10$ a day.
… and you think yer hard done by…
Perspective, people. Perspective.
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